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About Noiser

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  1. The Chaingunner I think. An invisible Arch-vile is also vile (lol), but you would still have some time to react and fight back.
  2. Clarifying the last topic, as I think it's important: I just want to reinforce what I said earlier: "I'm not advocating for Russia". If you want to know my opinion about Putin, he is a fascist and an imperialist - and I don't have any sympathies for him. However that doesn't change what I think about NATO. I don't see good sides on this at all (moreover, I was not clear enough on my post if or when I was talking about China or Russia, which are two different scenarios imo, but I digress). Anyway, I would like to sincerely apologize to you @Dynamo. Despite the point I tried to make, that doesn't make Russia right for any of it's hideous crimes in war and I'm in no way trying to trivilize the suffering of the people of Ukraine. I understand your reaction about it and I'm really sorry for it.
  3. Alright, let's try to put some troops on Mexico and Canada and see how the US would react against it. Or how about if we take all the sea of the US by force, like what they do on China? Seems fair right? I'm in no way advocating for Russia, but not seeing what NATO is all about is naive as hell. Yes, NATO exapansionism caused this war.
  4. Very weird to see countries who dares to go against the illegal actions of the US\NATO being seeing as a "threat" just for protecting their borders against military expansionism. NATO shouldn't even exist after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
  5. Yeah... I guess this is not for me.
  6. Is this even a question? The way it is meant to be played, of course.
  7. 4 MB of RAM VGA graphics card Sound Blaster Pro 50MB HDD Windows 3.11
  8. Not Doom, but I always liked the Graveyard map in Heretic! It's E1M9 iirc
  9. This is lovely! Even better as a vanilla-compatible project! s2 I'm discovering myself as a non-binary lately. Unfortunaly I'm too busy to enter on a community project right now (but I wish the best of luck on this)
  10. I have to say tho, I'm cringing hard with that tiny window record. I don't have any idea why I did this lol
  11. I'm a bit dissapointed as I found the "medieval" part of Doom Eternal the weakest and most generic of the game. But hey, who knows... I'm still curious to see what's gonna be. I would like to see a heretic\hexen crossover at least.
  12. This forum has been a great place to learn and improve my english, so this place has been my main experience with the language. I'm here since 2015 :-)
  13. I need to give a shout out to E3M4 The House of Pain, the map have its own torture chambers (the crushers on the outside area and the inacessible room with hanging guys behind the window). Good stuff!
  14. You can't beat Lou Reed, that's factually correct!
  15. Great video! I'm glad by the inclusion of Talosion Incident, a very creative music set indeed
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