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About 00_Zombie_00

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  1. I recommend you to use "DoomRunner" to be able to load the mods in the correct order. You must respect this order of the mods: Brutal Doom or the mod of your choice first. Second the map pack and third, if you want you can put a mod that replaces the music.
  2. If you mean if this map pack will have continuity, the answer is yes, in fact I can continue making new maps, I just need to finish before other projects that are helping me to learn how to use new tools to make better maps and new enemies. I don't know if I answered your question right, sometimes I find it hard to understand the English language and the translator sometimes does strange things.
  3. Hello, I will make map 01, and I will also take map 17
  4. en tres semanas crece y te queda asi, es bastante comodo
  5. Hi Analthemeros, I have played the first six maps, I played it quietly and slowly to enjoy it better.
  6. interesting project this Analthelma 2 . thank you very much for your dedication.
  7. thank you so much for playing! I'm so glad you found Duke's secret XD. I will correct some mistakes you found, this is very useful for me. thank you very much.
  8. hello, I am interested, please keep me informed about the progress.
  9. @Martinoz @Soulless thanks for commenting guys, you are very kind. Soon I will add a soulsphere in the final part, which will be enabled every time the player exterminates a wave of monsters. and I will also give more ammo for the powerful weapons (rocket and plasma).

    1. Kachakeño


      Oh yeah! Iconosaurus is back!

    2. 00_Zombie_00


      haha yes! and he is very angry


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