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About Chezza

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    Blessed are the Cheesemakers
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  1. This actually might be a decent opportunity to leverage chatgtp. Provide the exact same request as the original post, include the sprite and ask for some name suggestions.
  2. That's sort of impossible to answer. Do demons respawn in hell after death and return to the fight? If so, they can win simply by attrition. Do we have the means to shut off their portals and trap them in hell forever? If so, we have a chance. I think it's plausible in the Doom universe although they somehow seem to influence people into opening a portal on several occasions.
  3. Operation UAC Literally can only run properly with Brutal Doom. https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/addons/operation-uac#comments Requirements: Game: Doom 2 Mod: Brutal Doom v20B (if you don't use this version, you will encounter bugs) Source Port: Zandronum & GZDoom
  4. This animation / cartoon was just posted by a talented individual. This isn't his only animation either. He has created some shorter funny Doom clips and a Quake animation. t's quite enjoyable and I recommend a watch.
  5. Well if work life balance and company culture is good then pizza and foozball tables is a bonus. But I have experienced these situations on multiple occasions, where there are glaring issues such as mass firings, job insecurity, questionable management, poor communication and a toxic community brewing during lunch breaks, where introducing pizza and foozball feels facetious and redundant (and near offensive) when there are far more critical issues at hand. But also understand that some people in corporate, management, HR etc do in fact try to help improve the situation but they are very limited in influence and resources and so all they can get over the line is some fun little additions like these. Better than nothing?
  6. I really like my job. We've adopted 100% work from home / anywhere since Covid quarantines in Melbourne Australia. I'm in Marketing and take on a mix of responsibilities but there isn't much pressure, I feel like I'm my own Boss and can take any time / breaks I want, I am good at what I do, my managers and colleagues are very respectful, and I have a reputation of being very productive and knowledgeable. I'd love to get a big pay rise considering many others in my role would get a higher salary however I prefer happiness with great work life balance as oppose to chasing a dollar.
  7. I want to point out that not even classic id software wanted to keep making "old school" games. John Romero expressed this in a Q&A and John Carmack goes without saying. Quake and any potential future installments of Doom would have evolved or taken a different direction if circumstances permitted. The original developers were driven innovators who existed in the right time (games not requiring large number of staff, lots of potential ground untouched, great engines can be built by a single genius, giant corporations didn't dominate the industry etc). The original id team and the passion for developing "old school FPS" no longer exist. They moved on or would choose to if they could. Innovation is good and I hope id continues to evolve their gameplay.
  8. Savoury crispy donuts A reasonably simple snack but not very quick. Buy bread dough (not pizza dough) from a local bakery. Then sprinkle some flour on the bench and softly roll pieces of the dough until they're long and connect each end, making donut shapes. Deep fry them in oil (I use canola). They float so flip them to cook both sides to a light gold, then salt those bad boys as soon as you take them out. You have no F#&*ing idea how good they are. Seriously, addictive like hell. User beware.
  9. I think people already explained the rationale behind Doom's simple monster behaviour very well, so I won't need to add much to that. But I can relate to the OP with appreciating more challenging and unpredictable enemies capable of giving a little bit of a challenge by their lonesome. If I were to work on the the original Doom's bestiary I would keep all the originals as they are and then create a mini boss version for most of them. They wouldn't look extremely different, but distinctive enough to be recognisable and a bit more intimidating. Basically, the Baron to the Hell Knight but the Baron has more variety of lethal and attacks and less predictable behaviour. I prefer challenge in few skilled enemies over slaughter maps of many weaklings any day. In a way, Doom Eternal has amped up the heavy demons with more mobility and attacks, and can be a little more exciting to take on in low numbers, however the trade off is when in high numbers it becomes too difficult for many players and chaos ensues.
  10. Nope, I'm good. But I hope you feel better soon. You could try do some charity work like one night at a soup kitchen. Get out of your comfort zone and be surrounded by the less fortunate with bad smells, broken families, no comfort likely with drug and mental issues. Being forced to be around them by helping them may change your perception of what happiness and contentment looks like. Also, try not fear the unforeseen. Having no plan of attack for your future doesn't mean you're hopeless. There is a partner, friend, job, (and likely more than one) out there that you will fit well in and be happy with. How quickly you want that depends on how often you're prepared to take on challenges that you're not even sure you can manage. One more thing. Don't fear failure. Failure when attempting something isn't necessarily a bad thing. Olympic champions and wealthy entrepreneurs are literally successful based on trying things, failing, dusting themselves off and keep trying. You probably failed / died many times in your favourite video games but you didn't perceive that as a big enough problem to keep trying right?
  11. I call BS on the intelligence. Make it lower, increase your strength. Own the part of a primitive who can only refer himself in third person.
  12. Hey! 2016 and Eternal are great games. Caters more niche play styles I get it. But good. To want to see people hate on it is just... immature. So many FPS games, particularly indie are inspired by the latest Doom mechanics and I see that as an indicator that even the latest Dooms has still managed to innovate the genre which is a bigger achievement these days.
  13. Story wise, Doom Eternal was too converulted with way too much lore shoved in with poor pacing. Gameplay wise, it was absolutely amazing and I'm still good to play more of the same or similar mechanics. Eternal's learning curve and tutorials was awful and not focused on enough when criticised. If these weaknesses are addressed in the new game, I'll be thrilled. But I will also be interested if they take a different approach and even go opposite direction of power fantasy, where we are a vulnerable human trying to survive against powerful demons in a more horror theme. Maybe include some stealth elements too. Either way I'm confident id software can deliver.
  14. It's games that inspire me. I would say classic Unreal and Half Life influences my maps. Since they have semi realistic locations that are full of aliens, they are great games to reference when building maps for similar themed games, like Doom. For example, the classic "lights gradually turning off, then pitch black, then walls opens and enemies attacks" (Unreal) is one I love using. I also love using props and decals for environmental storytelling (Half Life).
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