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About Spooner5020

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  1. Oh damn!! I only knew him by his Looney Tunes Doom mod. It was one of the first wads I played for Doomsday/jdoom. I think I even had the desktop theme for it. Shame he passed.
  2. The Beavis and Butthead mod for doom I’m pretty sure I have. It was called BB4Doom or something like that. I know it was removed from the archives and I think the reason they went so hard was cause they used sound clips from the show and they weren’t allowed to. There may have been more to it, but Simpsons Doom did same thing and nothing happened there so I don’t know.
  3. So I read somewhere where supposedly Fox may have been upset by the Quake mod because people were saying it was better than the Alien Trilogy game at the time. If that is true, then Fox didn’t have much of a spine back then.
  4. You can find the Simpsons Quake mod pretty easily. I don’t have a link, but I’m pretty sure I have it. It’s literally just some graphic changes and sound changes with Barney as the Ogre, Santa’s Little Helper as the dog, nailing replacement, Mr. burns replaces Zombies and some other changes. It’s nothing special.
  5. So I just finished the original Aliens Doom mod for the first time. I could see why it was such a huge deal for the time, so I decided I’d go back and try to finish Alien Quake. Alien Quake had been shut down or FOXED at the time as they called it and I was never clear why Alien Quake was the one that got Foxed and not Alien Doom. Apparently this wasn’t the only Quake mod at the time that got Foxed. There was also a Simpsons Quake mod that went through the same thing. So what was different about Alien Quake that that mod had to be shut down?
  6. Wild Wild West was a fun movie, BUT not a good remake of the fantastic tv show with Robert Conrad!!
  7. I NEVER understood the hate behind this movie. I think truthfully it came out too early!! If it had waited just a few years later people would have eaten this up I think!!
  8. Kingdom Hearts. Ugh this one hurts cause when I first played the first game it was probably the first video game where I thought there was nothing quite like it. When I first got the first game I played it for hours and apparently got my younger sister so upset that I wasn’t letting her have a turn. Chain of Memories was a neat way to make a semi remake/ sequel and then Kingdom Hearts 2 came out which blew the original out of the water. I loved 2 so much that I finished it in a few days (unlike 1 which I still haven’t beat). Then came the DS and psp game which were both…fine. Nothing groundbreaking, but then the mobile game came out and this is where I started to get nervous. Then 3 came out and after years of waiting it…did NOT live up to my expectations. It felt like Disney had more creative control over it than Square Enix did. And I finished 3 and I felt absolutely nothing. I was happy I finished it, but I got way more questions then I did answers out of it. Then Melody of Memory came out and that was where I realized what Kingdom hearts was becoming. A cashgrab. It added nothing to the story except for a cutscene at the end of the game that leads into Kingdom Hearts 4. I became so frustrated that my favorite game had lost all the heart just so they could make a quick buck. In all honesty I probably will play 4, but the previews aren’t exciting me too much and that speaks volume considering how exciting 3 looked.
  9. I don’t know if this one can count, but DMC: Devil May Cry!! I remembered people shitting on the game from the moment the trailer first came out. Hell I remembered a lot of the video reactions from fans of the original. Now at the time I wasn’t really a fan of Devil May Cry so I just looked at it as a weird take on the series when I watched the trailer. I know the developer of the game also said some things to piss off fans something about how because of how original Dante looked with his white hair he’d be laughed at nowadays (game even poked fun at this idea), but look who’s laughing now I guess? The game came out and I actually found it to be tons of fun!! Though the idea to turn Devil May Cry into some They Live video game and make it political was a strange choice. In a way I would have liked to see where they would have gone with this universe if it had continued.
  10. Doctor Who Doom. The one by Andrew Brockhouse. It’s a pretty simple Partial Conversion with replacing some weapons, items, monsters and music with Doctor Who related things. The first 2 levels have a rendition of the Doctor Who theme playing and there’s nothing quite like shooting down Daleks, Cybermen and those weird swamp creature things with your Sonic Screwdriver all while listening to the Doctor Who theme. Not only that, but the wad itself appears to be based around Tom Baker’s Doctor (4th Doctor) which is even better.
  11. That’s what I thought was weird. Cause I knew BOTH James Bond games Agent Under Fire and Everything Or Nothing both use Quake 3 and even credited ID Software for it. So when I heard Dead Aim used it supposedly I was shocked cause ID wasn’t mentioned anywhere.
  12. So unless it isn’t true apparently the movie Tie in game of Blade for ps1 uses the ps1 version of the Quake 2 engine and so does a European platformer game called Jinx. Again I don’t know if the ps1 quake2 used Idtech so it may not count. Also apparently Blade2 for ps2 also used the Quake2 engine. Supposedly Resident Evil: Dead Aim also used a modified quake 3 engine again this may not be true. Haven’t heard any concrete info.
  13. Can Doom 3 count? It’s a reboot/reimagining and technically wasn’t Final Doom the 3rd Doom?
  14. That would be just like any other shooter then. If Doom doesn’t have demons it’s not DOOM!!
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