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About kinker31

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    Filthy GZDoom Casual
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  1. Screenshots taken with Chocolate Doom, using Nihal's Base Pallete Hangar does not need a re-interpretation, but I was bored one day, so I went ahead and did one anyways, just for fun. Fully compatible with Chocolate Doom, and replaces E1M1 of Doom 1. HNTR and lower is equivalent to Doom 1's UV, HMP is the intended difficulty, and UV is meant to channel both SIGIL wads. Y'might not want to pick UV first. Mash your face against the keyboard to download the map! idgames link coming eventually.
  2. I personally much prefer an RNG system where the smallest value(s) are the baseline damage values of the weapon, with a small chance to do 2x damage, or 3x damage, somethin' like that. Vanilla/Boom's RNG system feels a bit too much like a diceroll for me.
  3. Bloons Tower Defense 6! Tried to go for a 2TC run with Sauda and a Permaspike tower (on Cubism, since that's the best map to try this out on according to research), got to Round 98 before the last tiny bit of MOABs and Ceramics ate up the last of my Permaspike stockpile. Damn shame too, was gonna get the Gigapop, 2TC, and Josh's Constant achieves in a single go too.
  4. Some would say GTA5 being completely sloggy and unfun was part of the whole point; At the rate the series is going, GTA6's gonna be 6 times more unfun, 6 times more arduous, and 6 times more spiteful, or at least if modern gaming trends are to be believed. I'm honestly surprised people are still buying the 5th, let alone pre-ordering the 6th. EDIT: I don't actually know if GTA6 is available to pre-order, but considering modern game companies, it wouldn't surprise me if making it available to pre-order was done before game development.
  5. It's not so much I don't wanna post it there, it's more that I don't know if the archive will accept levels that happen to be remakes/re-intperpreations of commercial levels, knowing that the archives don't accept anything that're directly based off the IWADs.
  6. Re-made Doom 2's Entryway one day, mostly for fun. Made with vanilla limitations in mind, and can be fully beaten with Chocolate Doom. Screeshots were taken in Chocolate doom with the -nomonters parameter. Download it here! (Direct Download) This wad only has the single map, no other lumps are included. idgames archive link extremely unlikely.
  7. Well, that's slightly more promising, but I really do kinda wish I could modify hard-coded strings without needing to bring in a DOSBox of some kind, since digging into Heretic's lumps, it turns out that things like difficulty names, non-automap map names, just about anything that could be a string is something that only HHE can presumably deal with. :(
  8. I'd go with a PK3 (or a PK7 if it's big enough) and it's directory listings, WADs work better for single enemies, single weapons, anything where directories might not be needed. If it can run DECORATE, it can load a PK3.
  9. Looking a bit closer at the program... looks like it requires DOS to use, and to be honest, I don't actually know if Chocolate Heretic can even support HHE's patches. I'll probably just stick to the default text, but thanks for answering anyhow!
  10. As the title may imply, I've been trying to find something capable of modifying the strings of Heretic's automap names and text screens, preferably without having to use ZDoom's MapInfo/Language. I wanna aim for vanilla/limit-removing compatibility, with anything ZDoom-unique added after main development.
  11. kinker31

    Doom 1 or 2?

    I've seen that point made a lot, but I dunno. I'd rather I not have go go through a mandatory death exit when exiting a level. Mechanically, it does make sense, being there's no other way in the vanilla engine to actually 30 levels back to back. If I may cast my vote on this, doesn't it kinda seem cheap when you manage to beat a map... only for it to blow your sorry rear end up instead of simply just going to the next level? Or ending the episode? I kinda like being able to select an episode proper without needing to use IDCLEV. Or "map ExMx/xx" if more ZDoom inclined. MAPINFO and the more port-friendly UMAPINFO does solve this issue, but even then, most mappers use it to disable ZDoom's crouch and jump. No proper episode or branching shenanigans. Not in Doom 2, anyways. Every mapset you mentioned (save Evilternity, perhaps, I dunno about Projectile Hell, never played it) only uses episodes to mark thematic changes (and maybe hikes in difficulty), it's still an unbroken campaign through and through. Most likely designed for Pistol Starts only, per level. I'm not entirely opposed to the concept, but I personally like having each episode be it's own little thing, a-la Ultimate Doom.
  12. UV for official material (and for megawads I'm comfortable with), HMP for everything else. I have a pretty dumb reluctance to use HNTR and below, even if there's no judgement whatsoever against it on more difficult mapsets.
  13. I really want to love 50 Shades of Graytall more, but it just won't let me. Might also be because I'm not very good at Doom. It's a tossup.
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