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About idbeholdME

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  1. Invasion started by the Spider Mastermind at the end of Doom 1. You kill it only to realize the invasion is already in progress, which leads into Doom 2.
  2. It's the complete quiteness of Schabbs's zombies that is the most terryfing. The blue guys are pushovers, the zombies have incredibly fast attacks, no alert sound and move surprisingly fast. Depends on the distance, as Wolf takes distance into account for damage calculation. Point blank - yeah, 2 shots can easily kill.
  3. If by transparency you mean the regular fuzz, then probably Lost Soul. Small, fast and melee only. A clear winner.
  4. Heavy Weapon Dude and Arachnotron. High rate of fire enemies, with the potential to painlock all but the hardiest targets. I also like Cacodemons in open spaces. The Caco usually gets launched backwards, meaning he auto-dodges all the projectiles, but is still hitting the enemy. Can make a sizable dent even in a Cyberdemon's HP pool and the Cyber is distracted for a long time.
  5. Sounds like giving the player permanent Partial Invisibility could be the solution to all your problems :P
  6. -fast somewhat improves the situation. It can make any monster threatening when it relentlessly attacks you as long as they have line of sight, but especially the faster projectiles do wonders in denying the player space. Even when circle strafing, you have to move much faster to avoid them and hitscanners become the king of area denial. Or you just pay the HP/armor tax. And you don't want to see what happens if you let a -fast Lost Soul get behind you in a hectic fight :P
  7. Frank has 70% Damage Reduction against most damage types, along with a 20 Damage Threshold. As for the rocket launcher, you forgot splash damage. Doom Rocket Launcher does 20-160 in increments of 20, +128 splash damage on direct hit and Frank is not immune to splash damage. If we treat the direct rocket hit and splash damage as 2 instances of damage, Frank would take greatly reduced damage. DT gets counted first, then DR. So: (108*0.3) + ((0 to 140) *0.3) = 32.4 + 0 to 42 in increments of 6. So a damage per rocket would be anywhere between 32.4 + (0 to 7 * 6). So a maximum of 74.4. Meaning 31 rockets maximum with min damage rolls and 14 rockets minimum with max damage rolls. We can average that to 53.4 damage per rocket, so 19 rockets for Frank to die. If we treat direct rocket hit + splash as a single damage instance, things get even worse for Frank as DT only gets deducted once. Frank on the other hand also has a 10% chance to crit, which can result in x1.5 to x3 normal damage. But the chance is too low to make up the difference. Even if trying to account for the rate of fire, Cyberdemon fires a salvo of 3 rockets, and Frank has 20 Action Points with a shot costing him 5. Even if he fired 4 shots for every 3 Cyberdemon rockets, it's still a clear win for the Cyberdemon, simply due to the massive HP advantage. Cyberdemon would win even with just the splash damage, if every single direct rocket hit rolled minimum (20) damage and got completely negated. Splash being a static 128 is simply too much for Frank to sustain. He would have to get INSANELY lucky with the 10% crit chance and roll x3 damage many times in a row (astronomically low odds).
  8. Now that the warmup question has been answered, time for the real hitter: Why is Megaarmor blue? Without the answer, the internal consistency of the entire Doom-verse is at stake!
  9. Go to display options - software renderer - set "Scale fuzz effect" to off. Now you have a more stealthy fuzz effect than ever. Here is a comparison:
  10. Green is the army color, so probably to make it easily recognizable one is a member of the armed forces.
  11. Start with reducing your load count. Spam saves all you want, losing progress always sucks, but start by learning to "play till I die". Only then load a save and try again. Even if you lose 300% armor/health in a fight, save to a different slot and keep going. Making 50 saves a minute doesn't matter if you manage to not obsessively load them all the time. Next step would be to start avoiding saves mid-fights. Try to beat them as a complete scenario, not every shot, enemy kill etc. The game is much more fun when you actually have to manage and utilize the resources on a map. Once you manage those 2 things, you're all set.
  12. Might have been the intended purpose, but it's not even that in practice. It's a monster that is actually beneficial to the player, as they protect you from projectiles from actually dangerous enemies and you can deal with any number of them by backing into a corner, pulling out a chainsaw, putting a weight on the fire button and taking a nap. With fast however, if you want to use that strategy, it's going to cost you Cells, as Plasma is the only thing with enough rate of fire to reliably painlock fast pinkies.
  13. Onr of the best monsters with fast monsters on. In dark areas, sound becomes extremely important. Without fast monsters however, they are entirely pointless, same as regular Demons. The invisibility effect is also next level for its time. Not just simple translucency which is usually just visible anyway, but an effect nearly invisible in the dark and useless in the light. Whoever is responsible for the fuzz effect is a genius. Best Spectre use I've ever seen was in 1Monster WAD, map 15.
  14. The first hub having the segment with the most obscure progression doesn't help things and is why I think many dislike the game. Once you get past it though, there shouldn't really be more navigational issues. 4 weapons is however quite low. 3 classes though, but a different class doesn't really warrant another playthrough right after the first. After Heretic, it can come off slightly disappointing but still, a game I enjoy.
  15. - Win 10 - i5-13600K - RTX 4080 - 32GB DDR5-6400, - 27 inch, 1440p, 240 Hz display - 1TB HDD, 500GB SSD, 1TB SSD, 2TB SSD. - SteelSeries mechanical keyboard with Cherry MX Black switches. Specifically got this for Doom to avoid hitting input limits on shitty regular keyboards (a frequent problem when playing keyboard only). Also been very helpful for occasional splitscreen gaming in other games.
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