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Seeing my all-time favourite band today (again!).
Coheed and Cambria. The lead singer is a comic book author (The Amory Wars), and before the show is at a local comic book megastore called "The Forbidden Planet" for a meet'n'greet signing event too!
Here's a taste of live Coheed:
MAN YOUR OWN JACKHAMMER! Man your battle stations!
Spyro map update:
HMP is going to be a microslaughter affair, with UV potentially being much nuttier.
This map is designed for HMP, currently. I will be making Skills 1/2 much, much more different to the main map. I hope to make it an entirely different experience altogether where even the route you take around the map is different.
Regardless, I just did a 'final playtest' of HMP - 8% health... What a close call!
@antares031 I would have done lighting a looong time ago but the map is actually a 3D model, as such it's uniformly lit, sadly. the only thing that seems to affect it is 'distance fade'.
I'm looking to get better at 'hard' maps. Both playing them and making them. By getting better at playing them I'll be better at making them, naturally.
Can people please advise me how to 'git gud'? What did the likes of @rdwpa, @Demon of the Well, @Bloodite Krypto etc etc etc do to improve their skill? I feel a starting point would be for me to beat the final doom IWADs a few times over on UV, and maybe play Sunder/Sunlust on easier difficulties?
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I missed out on the VV/VV2 combo due to time restraints at the time and trying to remain commited to mapping, sadly. I could have a go at the ironman this month (July)!
Thanks for all your feedback, I believe I've got all the advice I could possibly need now - all I have to do from here on in is to actually play more wads. I might make a more conscious effort to do more 'playing' throughout 2018 - Join the DWMC, participate in every ironman and maybe even make a weekly/monthly dooming event of my own. :)
Regardless of whether I put everyone's advice into action today or next year, I really do appreciate all the time you and others have taken to type up a solid set of advice. Thank you! :D
I felt like I'd never reach this point, but the terrain (collision map, if you will) is finally done! Now to make it a playable map! :o
I'd be lying if I said this wasn't tedious. :P
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My body is ready.
Looks good!!
Does anyone here understand how to prevent things / models being culled when out of the player's view? See the below gif. If you have the know-how, please answer it on the below-linked thread!
Update on the whole Spyro-In-Doom thing.
Getting floor collision on the go. :D
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That looks really awesome. I hope we can play this soon. Is this a single map or a larger project?
@rdwpa It's planned to be a bonus map for Skulldash's expansion pack, but as it stands it's on pause due to the whole model being culled when it's centerpoint is out of view.
Very nice , I love Spyro. I was making a Doom map based on the first hub a month go. I should finish it.
This may just be a dream come true!
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How the hell was that done?
Aaaaa Artisans World!
... a bit more overcast than I remember...
I was just testing / learning MODELDEF and the act of modelling as a whole. Turns out there is a website that has (very few) model rips from older games, made by the people who did the spriter's resource. Creatively called the models resource: https://www.models-resource.com/
When I saw the artisans model I couldn't ignore it. GET IT IN GAME!!
So yeah, it's JUST A MODEL at this point, no collision etc. Tempted to make a skulldash map that is in reference to this which replaces the skulltokens with gems! But that's not entirely likely just yet.
So I've put together some real line-portal hackery and unfortunately the AI hated it so much it decided to cement itself into the wall, heh.
Note, the imp managed to walk into that pillar, they were not placed or summoned there. :P- Show previous comments 2 more
@Ichor hah!
@Jaxxoon R I have not, sounds like a paradoxial situation that I'll have to see for myself :P
@esselfortium GZDoom. I drew a square in the center of E1M1's room and connected to it from a square room elsewhere with line portals (2 way. interactive). This was to see if the enemies legitimately understand where the player stands despite being somewhre COMPLETELY different - the answer was no, but the imp trying to chase me anded up walking out of the sector through the corner of two line portals, so I guess the engine thought it was valid to place the imp within the empty void inside of the pillar.
Coming to the end of my first ever overnight shift at this hotel.
I have to say, it is pretty creepy being the only staff member in a hotel on your own for over 6 hours. All in all it is definitely the easiest shift by a long way, so I hope to sign up for more night shifts.
I also will have earned a lot more money this shift due to being able to get my head down and work on some freelance work WHILE getting paid to man the desk here at the hotel, heh.
Today is my final day working for this local web design company. I'm going to miss it here!
Will be celebrating my departure with a few beers after work, and then it's on to getting my own company into a state of being alive and kicking.
I'm nervous, kinda scared, but wholly optimistic! :D
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Thanks for the positive outlook on it all! I totally get where you're coming from, and it does seem commonplace to at the very least have a stable job that 'pays rent', with freelancing coming in after that to pay for entertainment / luxuries.
In regards to tax etc, I'm not sure where you're from but I'm in the UK, so it may be that the way tax is handled is totally different based on region.
For now until I fully understand the math behind it, I'm dividing all income into 3:
- 1st third will be moved into a savings account, which will be used to pay all taxes etc.
- 2nd third will be moved into my personal bank account, allowing me to use it as I see fit, most likely on bills and other bs life throws my way
- 3rd third (lol) will be left in the 'business' account, which will go towards my monthly Adobe CC subscription, hosting bills and other business outgoings.
I hope to move various expenses such as mobile phone bill into becoming a 'business expense', so long as I earn enough to consistently pay it off. :)
Oh, of course, after nearly 15 years of regularly posting on forums I still assume people are from the US. OK, forget trading tax tips heh.
That's quite a few accounts you're running. I think the setup's good for organizational purposes, but for practical management purposes, most people never have more than 2 (Savings and Everything Else). I personally keep 1 at the moment, but it's not like I'm so loaded with money I need ways to divide it. But for all the plans and cards and payment scheduling setups and insurance and simply keeping track of activity, general or suspicious, 2's my limit. I don't want account management to become yet another part-time job.
So... hrm, seems you've given in to CC. I refuse; I'm still on my student copy of CS4. I was going to get CS6, but Adobe suddenly pulled all packages from the stores in favor of CC, despite so many still being available and no (practical) reason to not let them gradually sell out the remaining inventory. Simply for financial purposes, I always make one-time purchases wherever possible, as it secures having the thing for as long as I want instead of constantly living under the threat of losing it. And especially in the case of CC, some programs I don't use for months at a time, so that would be all kinds of money wasted just because I can't always predict what work I'll be doing. And if I'm running low on money, why face losing the thing that's supposed to make me money? It's such a terrible plan, I'll just stop now before I take over your entire profile :P
At any rate, I know the US has all manner of ways to categorize things as 'business expense' and other brands of write-offs, so talking with somebody knowledgeable and experienced can get you a lot of advantages you'd never know of (because, at least over here, the government isn't exactly into advertising such things). Like, that guy I mentioned devised some method for a school jazz club to get a drumset and then do some kind of write-off, possibly charitable-donation-based, to essentially get all the money back on the tax return. Who would ever guess?
But yeah, you're with the vast majority in having a generic pay-the-rent job. And it's so much better to be able to split between those two jobs, than to be stuck full-time in a job that's simply terrible and barely getting you by. Plus, I also did a music major in school, so hopefully I'll eventually be able to put out some material and get a little supplemental income off digital music releases as well :P
I still do the same, I naturally assume everyone is from the US until told otherwise! :P
I did think my bank setup might be a bit over the top, but it should assist me in keeping track of what money goes where quite comfortably. I intend to use some kind of finance tracking software / webapp too, I'll be researching into various options next week. Free or insanely cheap is preferred.
As for CC, while the overall cost (over time) is greater, the barriers to entry are greatly reduced. My 'starting budget' isn't massive, so CC at £50-something a month is a comfortable cost vs. a few hundred up front. I do fully understand where you're coming from though!
As for getting an accountant of some description, yes, that is also something I was going to look into next week. I know a few sole-traders so I can ask for some reccomendations of local accountants and the costs involved.
Good luck with your music endeavours! :)
My final week of working at the 'dream job'. Moving away from this company is quite a scary move but I think the future's looking bright!
I'm leaving the life of a web developer to become a receptionist, which is the ideal job / environment for me to have a steady income while trying to grow my own freelance business as a web & print designer .
I have the luxury of a week off next week which will be the perfect opportunity to finish developing the new version of my website and allow me to get to work on websites for my own clients!
http://www.joshuaosullivan.co.uk/2017/Above is a link to the development site. The 'video header' element is going to disappear soon, I'm not a fan of the bandwidth consumption, so that will be replaced with relevant photography on a per-page basis.
Any opinions / suggestions? I know the Case studies page, contact page and the case studies linked at the bottom of most pages aren't yet complete.
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Congrats! Hope everything goes well!
checked it out on my phone and it looked fine to me l, which says a lot considering that most websites feel like a chore to browse sometimes.
In the office at work alone today. Somehow it's been arranged that 3 out of 4 people are on annual leave.
I've done ZERO work, it's just been client after client, combined with phone call after phone call.
This wave of client interaction has overstayed it's welcome already, but I have an arranged meeting in 30 mins.Help! D:
2am, some 50+ updates made across the board to Skulldash today, and 9 paid hours of work, too. Busy busy!
As for the Skulldash updates. All levels have received a bugfix today. The final touches on porting the Skulltag resources to GZDoom have been made (or in some cases, modified to be better balanced than their originals).The remaining changes that aren't relating to NEW maps are as follows:
- MAP05 - Frostbound - Re-create the second section from scratch, because it's poor.
- MAP11 - To Hell And Back - Improve some of the encounters.
- MAP25 - Emerald Inquisition - This boss fight is meh. Improve it!
- BONUS3 - Remove, because it sucks. Instead, create a map based on going SUPERFAST with the Haste Rune AND Turbosphere powerup to replace it as a bonus map.
But first, time for some sleep. :)
Actually very impressed with the new DoomWorld. Everything feels cleaner and easier to use for the most part. The addition of screenshots to the idgames / files area of the site is my current favourite improvement.