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Everything posted by Dragonfly

  1. That staircase will forever blow me away. It's a work of art, I tell you!
  2. Boom is a comfy middleground. It's vanilla-like but has a lot more features, makes transitioning backwards from UDMF -> Vanilla a little easier, to be honest.
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yb4qfpfnsjt8ha3/df-30.wad?dl=1 Map Name: "Altercation" Midi: "Crush" by Dragonfly Build Time: 30 mins Testing time: 12 mins playing, 1 min tweaking. Screenshot: I recorded the mapping session, will upload to YouTube now but wanted to post before all slots are taken. :)
  4. Doom Mapping? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country localised entirely in my room? Yes! ...In other words, I'm kinda-sorta live on Twitch. Come hang out! https://twitch.tv/dragonflyos/
  5. Nice! Will have to check this out if I run out of ideas. For now, my own work in Valheim serves as inspiration, heh. Spoilered: Valheim screenshot 😅
  6. In post, against my desires - just due to the limitations of the GIF format.
  7. @Bank I'm loving the doomcute stuff! I've been doing some similar-ish stuff in my map, admittedly abusing 3D models instead of intricate sector work though.
  8. Look closer buddy, literally everything is spongebob themed there. :P
  9. OK so, if we were able to port that functionality to <doom ports of choice> I know for a FACT that I'm willing to compose MIDI's that follow the structure necessary, and I'm relatively certain most other authors here would be interested in working to that spec too - imagine it, a library of MIDI's composed with that functionality specifically in mind!
  10. Reference the IWAD maps. Use textures as a way to know scale as suggested above; when starting out I used BIGDOOR as my point of reference. :)
  11. That's a cute high horse you're sitting on - If you were actually given this opportunity I'm almost certain your answer would be wildly different. Besides, we'd probably go to the quake community in the absence of access to Doom.
  12. Makin' MIDI Music! Live now! https://twitch.tv/dragonflyos
  13. Lets put these rhyming words on ice. It's overdone now.
  14. Quantity is not a measure of quality though! Take it at your own pace. :)
  15. 2nd Album released! Get it here:
  16. I'm back, substantially sooner than expected, too! These MIDI's are primarily composed for use in various Doom maps. This is the second album so far; included is a collection of twelve MIDI tracks in a variety of genres, lengths, and of probably-mixed quality; for a total of 45 minutes and 16 seconds of audio. Unlike my previous MIDI release, you're free to use these MIDI's as you please, none of the tracks included here are tied to any specific projects. I like to think there's at least a little something for everyone in here - there's the pounding Metal sounds of "Overcome"; the filthy unstable proggy mess that is "Abhorrent"; some Djenty, chugging goodness in "Djenotype"; lo-fi chillout vibes in "Soaring"; the 80's rock / anime outro styled "Conclusion"; and much more! As stated last time, I'm still learning the ropes when it comes to composition, and as is the case with any art form, it's a slow and steady learning curve. I hope to continuously improve as I go, so if you have feedback that could help improve the music I write, don't hesitate to let me know. :) I hope you enjoy listening to these and/or using these in your maps! TRACKLIST: 01 - Overcome Composed: 7th April 2021 02 - Podium Composed: 24th March 2021 03 - Djenotype Composed: 5th April 2021 04 - Beatdown Composed: 3rd April 2021 05 - Calculated Composed: 26th March 2021 06 - Soaring Composed: 11th March 2021 07 - Interlude Composed: 5th April 2021 08 - Abhorrent Composed: 4th March 2021 09 - Bellicosity Composed: 29th March 2021 10 - Crush Composed: 29th March 2021 11 - Conclusion Composed: 13th February 2021 12 - Exodus Composed: 22nd March 2021 DOWNLOAD: https://www.dfdoom.com/download/1595/ OTHER RELEASES: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/128267-adventure-ep-a-midi-album/ https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/125429-the-way-of-the-odonata-book-one-a-midi-album/ https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/120035-cacophony-a-midi-album/ VIEW ALL ALBUMS: https://www.dfdoom.com/midi-music/
  17. Blimey, that was a close call; down to 1hp in the caco pit!
  18. I only started writing music last summer; I feel both amazing and like a total and utter novice, but the advice I can give you as someone who's only really just started out is to watch other people making music, and watching/reading things to do with composition in general. It's definitely been useful to watch how a song comes together, how the musicians think and how differently they think from one another. This is also a good way to pick up on musical terminology. I'm often hearing terms that initially mean nothing to me (for example, "major third"), making a note to go read up what it means when I hear it, then after watching the video/stream, going away and doing a little research into it and sometimes even putting it into practice. Another thing that's been helping me lately is working on covers of songs in midi format; it's hard work but I've learned a lot by essentially dissecting existing music and trying to recreate it myself. Both Jimmy & Eris Falling, members of this community, stream their music creation process; I'd highly recommend watching them when they're live. Also, some YouTube channels to watch would include the likes of Adam Neely, Andrew Huang, Yogev Gabay, Shady Cicada, Rick Beato etc.
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