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Everything posted by Dragonfly

  1. Having beaten Sprawl over the course of the weekend, I can say it's a fantastic game well worth it's price tag. Good work to all involved, y'all made a great game!
  2. Then don't use it. You have agency over your own actions.
  3. Valid comments; yeah, maybe I overstepped on what mod means, but from my perspective it's "a map / maps / wad / megawad / etc" when it's just levels or light modding (e.g. new enemies), and a "mod" when the gameplay gets drastically changed, e.g. Reelism; which essentially falls into what Xaser said above. Square was definitely a bad example in this case - I happened to read it somewhere else on the forum today so it was at the forefront of my mind when writing that post, heh. I suppose an "entirely new game" is the logical extent to which you can mod doom, but at that point it is, as was said, underselling the amount of work that goes into such endeavours. My bad!
  4. WAD: "Where's all the data" format, it's essentially like a "zip file for your doom assets", inside here will be levels, graphics, music, etc etc. Mod: a more nebulous term, mod generally is used to refer to anything that modifies a game, but in Doom specifically, a mod is essentially a more full-on series of changes to the game to make it play very differently, or even appear as a different game or it's own new game entirely. For example, The Adventures of Square might be referred to as a mod. Map: A singular level. Most WADs contain Maps. 👍 "Vanilla" refers to a game as it was released, in doom's case, that means the original doom or doom 2 games that ran on DOS. If something is "Vanilla compatible", that means it will work on the original game's release, and wouldn't require a source port such as GZDoom. Hope this helps!
  5. Countdown to Death is ass and I'd be satisfied if I never heard it again 😅
  6. Interesting to see that at the time of writing, 64% of the poll-takers are correct in choosing "jiblets" as the pronunciation, but of that collective I imagine a very low amount would also say "JIF" (the correct pronunciation) when talking of the GIF format.
  7. ^ From the accompanying txt file. That sounds ambitious - I'm already very impressed by the 1:17! I've gotta say, I never expected people to put in time speedrunning my maps back when I was making them; it's wild to me that you alone have probably spent more time playing this level than I ever spent making it. Thanks for posting the run!
  8. Oh for sure, but the other thread has 155 users following it who recieve notifications when a post is made; if you want eyes on your problem, that's gotta be one of the best methods!
  9. As per the wiki: https://zdoom.org/wiki/GAMEINFO This assumes you're already aware of how to make an app within Discord and/or have already done so. You would generally really do this for a full-game release and not a small doom mod. However, you can read more here and see if you can learn what you need to learn. I've seen you're asking similar questions in their own dedicated threads here on Doomworld. I'd generally suggest you try to learn the art of Google-Fu, but failing that, we have a very frequently visited thread below which would have potentially been a more appropriate place to ask the question: Hope this helps!
  10. @fishy you can use a While Loop to pause the execution of the script until the cyberdemon is dead. I've also used Thing_SpawnFacing to achieve the same result with only one line of code - the cyberdemon will now be facing the way the map spot is facing. Script 16 (void) { Thing_SpawnFacing (13, T_CYBERDEMON, 0, 200); Print(s:"YOUR MESSAGE HERE, I'M TOO LAZY TO COPY"); // Wait until the cyberdemon(s) tagged 200 have been eliminated. while(ThingCount(T_CYBERDEMON, 200) > 0) { Delay(35); // This runs if the cyberdemon is NOT dead, so we delay for 1 second to prevent an infinite loop, then check again. } // After it's dead, continue the script Floor_LowerByValue(47, 16, 128); }
  11. At least you have the decency to credit your sources - all good! :)
  12. ...and they had the audacity to watermark it, holy fuck. EDIT oops, Doomkid already pointed that out. Oh well, leaving it for emphasis on how much of a "DO NOT DO THIS" that is.
  13. Yes, depending on your target source port. If you're mapping for Boom / MBF / etc you can use Voodoo Dolls to achieve this: Set up voodoo closet with 2 movement blocking sectors. Blocking sector 1 is lowered by an action the player performs in the first loop, preferably as late into the loop as possible to prevent backtracking also opening the doors Blocking sector 2 is lowered in the middle of the map as indicated, but the action that lowers it is a lift action, so it will rise back up - making this a re-triggerable voodoo doll essentially. See the following WAD example: second-loop-demonstration.zip If you're mapping for (G)ZDoom ports, you can use ACS to achieve similar; I'll explain this if you indicate that's the preferred method 😅
  14. No need to apologise! Glad my feedback was useful and not demotivating. :D
  15. The mirroring of textures in these ones doesn't look great to my eye, it sticks out as a quick edit rather than an actual expansion. Since I am responsible for the original 1k Line 3 STBAR, it feels fitting I provide example using that one. Hopefully this helps provide insight so your next attempt(s) at these can benefit from them. :) First, I'd start by trying to relocate the original assets which were used to create the STBAR - Many STBARs out there are built using textures featured in the WAD. In this case, the original assets used to make the STBAR are OTEX textures (OVINEC02 and OMRBLA01 respectively, pictured below) which you can get from within the 1k3 WAD itself. I then replicated the same work that was originally done to the best of my ability for the expanded sides. In this case, it's as simple as overlaying the vines onto the marble texture, lining them up appropriately, and then adding a small amount of drop-shadow to the vines to help separate them from the greens of the marble underneath. Lastly to ensure consistency I replicated the shadows underneath which expand across the bar, and then did the same for the upper highlights despite the vines covering most of them. Hope this helps!
  16. For future one-off sprites, rather than make an entire thread for it, drop them into: 👍
  17. This is awesome! Yeah, definitely something to get stuck into in the future. The other option I always see thrown about is making use of perlin noise, which I'm not so sure would be good for rooms and such but I know it's a great technique for natural terrrain. I recently watched a video of a talk that took place at Jfokus 2022 on how the Minecraft developers made use of several different sets of Perlin Noise to handle their world generation. I'm sure in practice it's a lot of work to implement but the way it's explained here makes it sound achieveable. Again, another avenue I'd definitely be interested in pursuing.
  18. On one hand I'm quite excited / interested in the idea of diving deeper... On the other hand I'm rather hesitant, knowing just how much time it'd eat up! 😅 Definitely something I've got some interest in though, so I won't say never! Thanks for your insight, I appreciate it.
  19. Nailed it! :p You can view the source as you would any webpage, it's all there: [edit: linking to a view-source: link on DW becomes broken, probably some link sanitisation going on there - but yes, right click then view page source and you'll see everything] It's not overly sophisticated by any stretch of the imagination, just a fun little weekend project. As it stands I don't feel motivated to go too in-depth and elaborate on this generator when the output will always be flat and there's no control over enemy placement or thing placement - some maps are practically impossible (well, unpleasantly difficult) despite being laid out well simply due to the PNG2WAD tool picking random options. 😅 That said, I do think I could repurpose this generator into a D&D map generator of sorts, if I set up a tileset for it - and that would be worthy of studying better generation methods; Thanks for the link!
  20. I made a simple map generator for this! https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2668072
  21. I've made a map generator to accompany PNG2WAD. Was a fun little project, though it features a handful of small issues and things to work on. https://www.dfdoom.com/mapgen/ Some examples of its output: If I were to develop further I think making a few more prefab rooms would be a good starting point, as well as a variety of start rooms and additional modifiers. It's a shame PNG2WAD doesn't support additional features such as control over enemy/thing placement, teleporters, sector height variation / stairs, etc.
  22. Damn, I was curious... But that just links to this thread 😅
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