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QuakedoomNukem Cz

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About QuakedoomNukem Cz

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  1. Because that's how Konami's console games were back in the day, the most known one being Contra 3, where you would not get to fight the final form of the final boss when escaping the alien lair, and wouldn't show you the ending. In fact, most of their SNES games had their full endings locked behind Hardest difficulties (some of those being hidden, because Konami). The mod is not really that difficult when playing on Contra Difficulty, just make sure you know how to beat the TLB, because if you don't, then it might take you a while to realize how it is meant to be beaten.
  2. Oh, that's Dark Arena, which was build on the Jaguar Doom code.
  3. Nope, nothing outside of the music addon Cap. J made.
  4. Here's a video of the boat bug in question. And much like the original, sometimes cash doesn't give you any points for some reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yMUsjDx4Lg
  5. Didn't expect this at all to happen, it's very nice to see. Bugs: Not really a bug, but it's weird to me, that you for the weapon slots, it doesn't use 3 and 4 respectively, instead if a weapon is on a slot 5 or 6, I need to press those keys, despite them being in the slots (a little confusing if 6 is in first slot, but 5 is in second). The Boat is unfortunately unplayable in the current version (GZD 4.8.2, in case if GZD version is needed), as soon as I start it, it gets stuck before entering the canyon. In the highway section, I find it a bit strange that you get the second clipboard instead of the first one (I checked an old video of the original version [VaosSA] and it was the first one) when you beat it and enter the science truck.
  6. Some more stuff: Carnival Of Souls (Dynamite Duchess 3) I Am Sakuya: Touhou FPS Game
  7. For whatever reason, The Death Domain and Onslaught are unplayable on PSX Final Doom, because the map wads for those are labeled as Map89 and Map90 respectively. Changing the names to Map29 and Map30 fixes this, but this is quite an oversight.
  8. The mod is also archived on static.allfearthesentinel.net/wads/
  9. Here's some other freeware standalone games I found: Decadence Kid 4 $29.99 - TerminusEst13's 7DFPS Jam Entry, despite saying it needs Doom 2, it doesn't need it at all. Zombies Ate My Neighbors TC - Despite saying TC, it is actually standalone, using .ipk3, has been in development for almost 6 years. EDIT: I.M.Meen TC - Uses .iwad extension, basically a remake of that old edutainment game, but without the education part. EDIT 2: Nido Force - An action-platformer made in GLOOME engine for the same contest Nocturne In Yellow was in.
  10. The "It's Hip To Be Square" map is not in the file, only the name is present, but E1A10 is still the Arctic Lab from the original.
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