Didn't expect this at all to happen, it's very nice to see.
Not really a bug, but it's weird to me, that you for the weapon slots, it doesn't use 3 and 4 respectively, instead if a weapon is on a slot 5 or 6, I need to press those keys, despite them being in the slots (a little confusing if 6 is in first slot, but 5 is in second).
The Boat is unfortunately unplayable in the current version (GZD 4.8.2, in case if GZD version is needed), as soon as I start it, it gets stuck before entering the canyon.
In the highway section, I find it a bit strange that you get the second clipboard instead of the first one (I checked an old video of the original version [VaosSA] and it was the first one) when you beat it and enter the science truck.