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Everything posted by Voros
Something cool I noticed.
If you play the same sound with A_PlaySound in DECORATE, at the same time, on seperate channels, it sounds freaking badass. -
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i like the new sky. the old one is too bland. the other textures also helps making the caves look more "detailed", without actually making any changes to the layout!
I had a ZTE Blade III available until a few days ago. RIP. The display stopped working, but it did work. Could've have been fixed.
Now, in its place cones this cheap ass phone from a local company called "Symphony". I think this new phone is a Symphony Roar V20, or something. I hate it.
1. The Android OS. The Blade III had 4.0.4. This one is 6. And I don't like it. Whenever I touch a button, it feels... Dumbed down. I liked how the 4.0.4 phone felt like it had some oomph upon pressing a button. On the plus side, I can install MGit instead of SGit.
2. The screen. It's sticky crap. The other phone meshed with my finger movements smoothly. I'll give this one some time, see if it fixes itself.
3. The weight. It's so light and that worries me. I hope it ain't excessively fragile.
4. The storage. Fuck it. For some reason, it won't write to my sd card, only read. But here's the thing: I downloaded something, and it was saved in my sd card. Thafuq? I'll have to dig a bit more deeper and hopefully overcome it. The Blade III didn't have this problem.
5. The "smooth" "design". That only works for iOS IMO. At least this phone does it too much. I'm probably being biased.
But at least this phone doesn't have choppyness. The other one was like playing a game with a fps rate of 10-20.-
Like I got time for that. Oh wait, I did try out my cousin's WP. I'm envious because Spartan Runner is only available for WPs :(
My other cousin got an iPhone 6(+?) a few months back from my uncle in Finland. I was not impressed. What I like about iPhones are the relatively small-yet-big size. That iPhone 6 is a clipboard.
Freedoom's new textures are trippy. Just look at map10 and compare with 0.11.3.
I have a friend. He was in a relationship with a girl in our class. TBQH, I didn't think she was pretty, in terms of looks and personality.
Anyway, today I found out he broke up with her. Reason? She had sex with other boyfriends in the past. Four times in total.
And she's not even 18. 16 atm.
I was a bit shocked to hear this, because it doesn't make sense. What kind of minor dares to actually have sex? She can't be that stupid, can she?
But then again, I did mention that I think she's not pretty on the inside or out. Looks like I was right. Maybe I've got good taste :P if only I bothered trying to hook up with a girl though.
Anyway, this is still pretty messed up. What's happening to kids these days?- Show previous comments 14 more
@CzechMate29200 This is just a status update. it'll fall into oblivion in a few days and people won't see it on the main page. this is the best place for conversations like this.
Recommend me good midis that particularly uses brass section as an instrument, eg:
https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/blob/v0.10/musics/ralphis/map01.mid -
Currently going through a gazillion ideas on how a "raw extract" mode can be added into Deutex. I need this mode to work, and fabian wanted it 2 years ago.
I could copy the whole "normal extract" code and modify it, but that seems hacky and unsafe. And unnecessarily time consuming.
I could look into creating a variable, which could be used to mark the difference between "raw" and "normal". If you get what I mean.
I could maybe make it replicate the -get parameter on each lump within the IWAD, but that seems stupid and hacky. And unsafe. I don't even know where the -get parameter's source is... Maybe I could I add a -getset parameter, but that's a different idea I'll have think about later.
IDK. I just want to implement it as best as possible, then let others optimise it. Add the fact that I won't be able to test it by compiling it. Maybe I can by getting TurboC for DOS and run it on DosBox on my phone. We'll see.
And of course, most of you don't know what I just said.- Show previous comments 3 more
-get only extracts 1 lump. It may or may not work, I still haven't seen the code for get yet. Looking for it actually. Not to mention it should work whenever I type these along side it:
-sprites -music -sounds -lumps
Egdeutex -sprites -sounds -rawxtr doom2.wad
Should only select sprites and sounds within doom2.wad and extract them with no conversion whatsoever.
I'm sure some kind of system can be made using -get, but I lack the knowledge of how right now. -
Well, I got as far as this:
This function parses the command line arguments, for example:
{CM0,0,"man", COMmanopt, NULL, "print list of options in troff -man format"},
Calling it with -man calls the function COMmanopt. Look at line 875 onwards, see what these functions to list graphics and so on do, then... Extract them somehow, heh.
Well... That explains a lot... Excuse me while I search for another decent hentai site that hasn't been blocked. -
We need more Denzel Washington movies.
My first scam mail:
Good News!
It is my pleasure to reach you after our unsuccessful attempt on our business transaction, Well i just want to use this medium to thank you very much for your earlier assistance to help me in receiving the funds without any positive outcome.I'm sorry but happy to inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred and the transaction completed, everything was successful with help of reverend father Paul Nignan.
Meanwhile, I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring those funds despite that it failed us then. However, I want to use this medium to thank you very much for your earlier assistance to help me in transferring the funds. I want to inform you that I have finally succeeded in receiving the funds. Everything was perfectly done because we struck a deal with one of the Ladies Accountant who works with the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), she rendered a tremendous help to us.
In appreciation of your earlier assistance to me, I have decided to compensate you with the sum of (US$950,000.00 Nine Hundred Thousand US dollar) 0% of the total fund in Cashier's Visa Card, which you can withdraw the fund at any atm machine in any part of the world. So contact Reverend Father Paul Nignan/e-mail: (rev.paulngnan@gmail.com) and send him your address. You should reconfirm your current information to him
1. Your full name....................
2. Your Occupation................
3. Your address......................
4. Your phone number...........
Ask him to send you the Cashier's Visa Card which i kept for your compensation. Contact him now, I am on my way to city of Caracas Venezuela for investment, hoping to hear from you as soon as you receive your Cashier's Visa Card.
Thanks my good friend
Kind Regards
Mr. John Williams
Lol- Show previous comments 2 more
Ah wow, scam mails. I had a similar deal, when a guy found me on Facebook wanted to convince me that some lawyer in USA died and I was his closest heir or smtin.
Funny how Mr. Ivan Battle was super rich but was so lonely that a teenager half a world away is his closest heir. It did not help the lawyer who sent the mail signed himself as Coteaz Torquemada, so Mr. Ivan Battle was so fucking lame his nearest heir is located at least 40 milleniums back in time. Wow. Just wow. And they still use dollars ($, USD) in the far future? What happened to the throne gelts?
Yeah. Sucks.
Is it just me, or have movies become more like videogame cutscenes and videogames have become interactive movies?
Movies use so much CGI that the movie feels too unrealistic. Batman vs Superman and Legend of Tarzan serve as good examples IMO. That human touch just seemed to be gone. They were both terrible too IMO.
The same kinda thing goes for games. That replayability factor just seems gone, making replays boring IMO. You play it once, then never touch it again. Everything feels too linear to be enjoyable on a second playthrough. Just my opinion.
What do you think?- Show previous comments 7 more
I didn't claim that CGI made the movie bad, rather too "weird" looking. One can see the difference between "fake" and real objects in a movie. And seeing a lot of "fake" stuff can be a boner killer. Imagine watching the classic Alien, but the xenomorph is completely CGI and all the effects like smoke, fire, etc are also CGI. Sure, you'll probably gain an alien with more lifelike movement, but that's one of things I like about the xenomorph, its puppet-like movements makes it feel more creepy. And I love how the gore was made during that era of movies. So nasty. Now, it's basically CGI, and usually very toned down too.
I'd prefer movies to not use so much CGI. That's when it starts to look like a videogame cutscene. I want to see some more real stuff compared to CG stuff.
A lot of superhero movies as of late have been disappointing me mainly because of the sub-par plot or characters or even the dialogue. Nothing to do about it I guess.
Of course, I mentioned this is all IMO. -
I don't think Alien aged that well, TBH. That last scene where a stupid-looking doll is being "burned" by something that looks vaguely like jet engine exhaust ruins everything.
Practical gore effects, however, is something that I miss. The first Expendables movie looked pathetic due to all the CGI blood. It was especially aggravating because they were riding the nostalgia wave. Compare what they did to something like Men of War, and weep.
Although I suspect the main problem here is, once again, quality. The sequel looked much better already, probably because they planned it better, and didn't end up with a lot more CGI scenes than they anticipated.
How is that possible?- Show previous comments 2 more
@Voros How did you find that?
I actually was emulating an old OS once. I had to download a 6GB blank "virtual hard drive", it had been compressed to 6kb. I don't even know how...
If it's possible to compress so much data into 42 KB, then why don't modern games do this kind of compression? It would surely help downloading a 5 kb file to get a 10 gb game or something. Or is it dangerous? I'll have to do more research.
There is a game for Android, by Gameloft, that has a size of 20 mb when downloading, and above 250 mb upon installation, no extra downloading. This is the kind of compression I'd like to see more.
And that Quake mod, Super Duper Quake, has a size of about 200 mb, but after extracting it, the size was more than 1 gb. Wow. -
Who needs MUS2MIDI?
(Read more)
I just discovered something amazing. I was looking up some console commands on ZDoom Wiki, and several caught my attention. One of them waswritemidi
Reading its description, I was a bit confused on exactly what it does.
So I loaded up GZDoom via D-Touch. I loaded up TNT's map05 along with it.
In the console, I wrotewritemidi tnt05
And nothing that big seemed to happen. The music track on the map just restarted. So I quit the game.
Looking inside the folder where D-Touch is managed, I found a file called "tnt05" out of nowhere. Renamed it to "tnt05.mid" and opened it via a music player, and it works! The music player was playing the exported midi of TNT's map05!
The size of the mid file is about 1kb (or less) bigger than the MUS2MIDI converted one I found on Doom Depot's website. I wonder why. We'll see.
Too bad I can't check out whatwriteopl
would be like on D-Touch's GZDoom...- Show previous comments 1 more
Oh wait.
writeopl [songname] <filename>
If the currently playing song is a MUS/MIDI song being played through the OPL synth emulation, then you just need to specify the filename. Otherwise, you need to provide the songname (such as D_E1M1) as well. The resulting file can be played with RDOSPlay or AdPlug. If the given filename has a .dro extension, then the DRO v1.0 format will be used, otherwise the data will use the RAW format.
Well I just compared an old MUS2MID Freedoom track with a fresh writemidi version just now. Loads better than the MUS2MID version.
Did the same for TNT05, the writemidi sounds better. The writemidi version has acoustic guitar (steel), viola, overdriven guitar and standard set (drums) as its instruments. The MUS2MIDI version has 2 acoustic guitar (steel), 1 overdriven and 1 standard set drums. Interesting.
Did anyone hear about the Canadian sniper who took down an ISIS militant from 2.2 miles away? The bullet apparently took 10 seconds to reach the target. Quite a feat.
*raises shield*- Show previous comments 1 more
yeah it was me
Apparently, the intermission music (d_inter) of Freedoom is dedicated to the Paris attacks of 2015. Who knew?
I hate family matters
(read more I guess)
I suppose this is an actual blog entry.
My father died in February 2016. He left me and my brothers everything in his will. Leaving my mother as a widow.
And then this good-for-nothing comes along. Apparently, he helped my father during his time in the hospitals (yes, hospitals). This dipshit (let's just go with this when referencing him) is now "married" to my mother in April this year, apparently. But for a year, they've been together, basically dating. There was no extravagant event or anything for the wedding. Just a piece of paper, some necessary people, all in the middle of the night.
This dipshit has no income whatsoever. Not even a damn coin. We have a good income (we have a building and collect rent). The dipshit smokes. He does drugs (or at least, I know he did it once that resulted in him going to jail for overdose or something). He is a parasite, living off our money. The dipshit apparently won over my mother too. I can't believe she's that blind. And I have a feeling, he plans on taking everything we have in future. Not to mention that the dipshit never does anything religious. I don't too, because I find the concept of God and religion hard to believe, but even I know morals. This dipshit is a good example of a shitty human, even if he acts all nice and that crap.
Under the table, everyone around us is not happy. A man who has nothing, freaking nothing, suddenly coming along for a woman who has a good life and income? Hah. Well, technically, it's me and brother's money, but still same thing.
The dipshit also hit my mother and my little brother once. My mother and the dipshit almost everyday (literally) argues and fights (verbally). Match made in Heaven? Hah.
I refuse to stay quiet anymore.
We are conspiring our plans to get rid of him, but I have to be strong and must speak up our worries. Which I am ready to do, and everyone else, from my relatives in the US to the people associated with us here, will be my support.
She and the dipshit can leave this place if they decide to stay together, but if they divorce, my mother can come back to us and I can go back to being the guy who doesn't say much and barely goes outside anymore. Or not.
Things can awry. Let's hope it doesn't.
So I wasn't crazy after all.
(read more)
Long time ago, I loaded up Doom 2 on an EXE I do not remember. And I remember seeing white bars on the first switch of map02.
a few years later, I've discovered the community and all its awesome content, specifically Brutal Doom and GZDoom. Obviously I was shocked to hear that I can play Doom on modern systems and with enhancements too.
As a test I loaded up GZDoom for the first time, and played till map02. I was using a fresh copy of the IWAD, the one I had before was gone. Upon flicking the first switch, my spidey senses started to tingle. I looked at the switch, and I could feel something was off about it. After taking a peek at the switch locked away by red bars, it hit me. There were white bars.
I was so confused over this small detail, that I spent a large amount of time roaming around the switch, looking at it at different angles. To this day, I still tell myself that there is something missing here, although I don't waste my tine loitering here anymore.
Today, I realised that I was correct, and now I'll never see the switch the same way again.
This kind of confusion also occurred to me with the ending of I Am Legend, where I could've sworn that Will Smith (that's his name IIRC) dies by a grenade, and not drives along unharmed with the two passengers.
You know HDoom, right?
Well, I discovered this WIP game based on GZDoom, called Monster Girl Quest 3D. Apparently the original MGQ games are eroge games. So imagine an eroge game in GZDoom, along with HDoom code. This is that.
Fun fact: A Boy and His Barrel (whatever Jimmy calls his mod) is supposed to be HDoom compatible in the future, where "Violet" gets replaced with a purple googirl thing with big boobs and gooey hands. That same googirl is in this MGQ3D, and possibly the source for the ABAHB's HDoomified "Violet".
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I like finding stuff
For some reason, I like monster girls ;P (oh, come on, I should get a life)