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Voros reacted to Man of Doom for a status update, So I've had a bit of a realization regarding Marvel Comics characters and their FPS c
So I've had a bit of a realization regarding Marvel Comics characters and their FPS counterparts.
I have good reason to believe that BJ Blazkowicz is the equivalent of Captain America, and the Doomslayer is the equivalent of the Punisher.
Voros reacted to Man of Doom for a status update, In light of the recent tragedy in Las Vegas, I will not be bringing my pistol prop wi
In light of the recent tragedy in Las Vegas, I will not be bringing my pistol prop with me to Animate Florida, out of respect for those injured/killed in the shooting.
Same for the super shotgun prop that I've been waiting on.
Voros reacted to Man of Doom for a status update, So how would this look as a "modern classic" variant of a DG cosplay? It already seem
So how would this look as a "modern classic" variant of a DG cosplay? It already seems to be a more streamlined and modernized version of the classic Doomguy armor (and yes, that POLICE sign is sold separately)
Voros reacted to geo for a status update, The thread you asked for. Better to post it here than keep derailing the thread:
The thread you asked for. Better to post it here than keep derailing the thread:
Voros got a reaction from Captain Ventris for a status update, Listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack and I must I love it and can't believe I didn
Listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack and I must I love it and can't believe I didn't listen to it before.
And would you look at that, it's compsed by the same guy who did Iron Man's soundtrack. No wonder I love it.
Voros got a reaction from MidnightMage for a status update, Listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack and I must I love it and can't believe I didn
Listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack and I must I love it and can't believe I didn't listen to it before.
And would you look at that, it's compsed by the same guy who did Iron Man's soundtrack. No wonder I love it.
Voros got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, Everyday, I have to remind myself that it's not the end of the world.
Everyday, I have to remind myself that it's not the end of the world.
Voros got a reaction from ShoDemo for a status update, I just Rick Rolled my friends on Facebook. 8)
I just Rick Rolled my friends on Facebook.
Voros got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, I just Rick Rolled my friends on Facebook. 8)
I just Rick Rolled my friends on Facebook.
Voros got a reaction from Endless for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty
So, many of you played Scythe, right?
Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.
Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.
My first unintentional death exit.
I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
Voros got a reaction from The_MártonJános for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty
So, many of you played Scythe, right?
Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.
Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.
My first unintentional death exit.
I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
Voros got a reaction from Dragonfly for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty
So, many of you played Scythe, right?
Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.
Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.
My first unintentional death exit.
I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
Voros got a reaction from SOSU for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty
So, many of you played Scythe, right?
Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.
Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.
My first unintentional death exit.
I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
Voros got a reaction from rodster for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty
So, many of you played Scythe, right?
Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.
Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.
My first unintentional death exit.
I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
Voros got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty
So, many of you played Scythe, right?
Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.
Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.
My first unintentional death exit.
I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
Voros got a reaction from Philnemba for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty
So, many of you played Scythe, right?
Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.
Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.
My first unintentional death exit.
I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
Voros got a reaction from MTF Sergeant for a status update, Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth. Device refused to send it. Renamed
Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth.
Device refused to send it.
Renamed the file from PK3 to MP4.
Now it sends it.
Technology is amazing.
Voros got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth. Device refused to send it. Renamed
Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth.
Device refused to send it.
Renamed the file from PK3 to MP4.
Now it sends it.
Technology is amazing.
Voros got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth. Device refused to send it. Renamed
Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth.
Device refused to send it.
Renamed the file from PK3 to MP4.
Now it sends it.
Technology is amazing.
Voros reacted to snapshot for a status update, My first attempt to make Gothic arches 3D Model.
My first attempt to make Gothic arches 3D Model.
Voros got a reaction from CzechMate29200 for a status update, G'night BiscuitRap. G'night.
G'night BiscuitRap. G'night.
Voros got a reaction from Tracer for a status update, G'night BiscuitRap. G'night.
G'night BiscuitRap. G'night.
Voros got a reaction from Xyzzу for a status update, "Anybody who's played Doom, knows that you gotta get behind a Pinky and shoot him in
"Anybody who's played Doom, knows that you gotta get behind a Pinky and shoot him in the butt to kill him" -Marty Stratton
Something about this line is epic.
Voros got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, "Anybody who's played Doom, knows that you gotta get behind a Pinky and shoot him in
"Anybody who's played Doom, knows that you gotta get behind a Pinky and shoot him in the butt to kill him" -Marty Stratton
Something about this line is epic.