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  1. Like
    Voros reacted to Man of Doom for a status update, So I've had a bit of a realization regarding Marvel Comics characters and their FPS c   
    So I've had a bit of a realization regarding Marvel Comics characters and their FPS counterparts. 
    I have good reason to believe that BJ Blazkowicz is the equivalent of Captain America, and the Doomslayer is the equivalent of the Punisher. 
  2. Like
    Voros reacted to Man of Doom for a status update, In light of the recent tragedy in Las Vegas, I will not be bringing my pistol prop wi   
    In light of the recent tragedy in Las Vegas, I will not be bringing my pistol prop with me to Animate Florida, out of respect for those injured/killed in the shooting. 
    Same for the super shotgun prop that I've been waiting on.
  3. Like
    Voros reacted to Man of Doom for a status update, So how would this look as a "modern classic" variant of a DG cosplay? It already seem   
    So how would this look as a "modern classic" variant of a DG cosplay? It already seems to be a more streamlined and modernized version of the classic Doomguy armor (and yes, that POLICE sign is sold separately)

  4. Like
    Voros reacted to geo for a status update, The thread you asked for. Better to post it here than keep derailing the thread:   
    The thread you asked for. Better to post it here than keep derailing the thread:
  5. Like
    Voros got a reaction from Captain Ventris for a status update, Listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack and I must I love it and can't believe I didn   
    Listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack and I must I love it and can't believe I didn't listen to it before.
    And would you look at that, it's compsed by the same guy who did Iron Man's soundtrack. No wonder I love it.
  6. Like
    Voros got a reaction from MidnightMage for a status update, Listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack and I must I love it and can't believe I didn   
    Listening to the Pacific Rim soundtrack and I must I love it and can't believe I didn't listen to it before.
    And would you look at that, it's compsed by the same guy who did Iron Man's soundtrack. No wonder I love it.
  7. Like
    Voros got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, Everyday, I have to remind myself that it's not the end of the world.   
    Everyday, I have to remind myself that it's not the end of the world.
  8. Like
    Voros got a reaction from ShoDemo for a status update, I just Rick Rolled my friends on Facebook. 8)   
    I just Rick Rolled my friends on Facebook.

  9. Like
    Voros got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, I just Rick Rolled my friends on Facebook. 8)   
    I just Rick Rolled my friends on Facebook.

  10. Like
    Voros got a reaction from Endless for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty   
    So, many of you played Scythe, right?

    Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.

    Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.

    My first unintentional death exit.

    I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
  11. Like
    Voros got a reaction from The_MártonJános for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty   
    So, many of you played Scythe, right?

    Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.

    Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.

    My first unintentional death exit.

    I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
  12. Like
    Voros got a reaction from Dragonfly for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty   
    So, many of you played Scythe, right?

    Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.

    Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.

    My first unintentional death exit.

    I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
  13. Like
    Voros got a reaction from SOSU for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty   
    So, many of you played Scythe, right?

    Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.

    Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.

    My first unintentional death exit.

    I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
  14. Like
    Voros got a reaction from rodster for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty   
    So, many of you played Scythe, right?

    Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.

    Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.

    My first unintentional death exit.

    I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
  15. Like
    Voros got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty   
    So, many of you played Scythe, right?

    Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.

    Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.

    My first unintentional death exit.

    I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
  16. Like
    Voros got a reaction from Philnemba for a status update, So, many of you played Scythe, right? Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty   
    So, many of you played Scythe, right?

    Well, I'm currently on map11 (what a difficulty ramp here). You may know that there is a Revenant on top of a pillar in the map. The exit is guarded by red bars, which can be accessed by crouching.

    Anyway, I was trying to kill that Revenant with my pistol and was moving around a lot to avoid getting hit by its fireballs. Ironically, I got hit, and because of momentum and my location (very close the exit), my corpse went under the bars and I "finished" the map.

    My first unintentional death exit.

    I forgot to save upon getting to map12, so I'm back to square one on map11 :(
  17. Like
    Voros got a reaction from Endless for a status update, Heh:   

  18. Like
    Voros got a reaction from MTF Sergeant for a status update, Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth. Device refused to send it. Renamed   
    Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth.

    Device refused to send it.

    Renamed the file from PK3 to MP4.

    Now it sends it.

    Technology is amazing.
  19. Like
    Voros got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth. Device refused to send it. Renamed   
    Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth.

    Device refused to send it.

    Renamed the file from PK3 to MP4.

    Now it sends it.

    Technology is amazing.
  20. Like
    Voros got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth. Device refused to send it. Renamed   
    Was trying to transfer a PK3 file with Bluetooth.

    Device refused to send it.

    Renamed the file from PK3 to MP4.

    Now it sends it.

    Technology is amazing.
  21. Like
    Voros reacted to snapshot for a status update, My first attempt to make Gothic arches 3D Model.   
    My first attempt to make Gothic arches 3D Model.

  22. Like
    Voros got a reaction from CzechMate29200 for a status update, G'night BiscuitRap. G'night.   
    G'night BiscuitRap. G'night.
  23. Like
    Voros got a reaction from Tracer for a status update, G'night BiscuitRap. G'night.   
    G'night BiscuitRap. G'night.
  24. Like
    Voros got a reaction from Xyzzу for a status update, "Anybody who's played Doom, knows that you gotta get behind a Pinky and shoot him in   
    "Anybody who's played Doom, knows that you gotta get behind a Pinky and shoot him in the butt to kill him" -Marty Stratton

    Something about this line is epic.
  25. Like
    Voros got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, "Anybody who's played Doom, knows that you gotta get behind a Pinky and shoot him in   
    "Anybody who's played Doom, knows that you gotta get behind a Pinky and shoot him in the butt to kill him" -Marty Stratton

    Something about this line is epic.
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