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Everything posted by Lutz

  1. It looks a little barren without monsters...
  2. Stock texture sector trees? Hell, yes!
  3. It is, yes -- thanks. It turns out that "borrowing" a bunch of amazing textures and a few dynamic lights can do wonders for Doom visuals...
  4. Yes, it is heavily inspired by "Unreal"... ...from which I 'borrowed' some water textures
  5. Waterfalls around the landing pad (very much WIP):
  6. Yes, @LadyMistDragon -- I am, in fact, quite old. Honestly, I can vividly remember when .WADS would brag about the fact that there were custom textures (in the same way that Doom 2016 levels tout custom geometry), and quite frankly, that was WILD. As @Cadman mentioned, the internet was barely a thing, so there hadn't previously been a platform for sharing custom content...and as a result, there weren't a lot of games that were in any way designed to be modded. So the idea that there was a fun game that allowed you to build you own content *and* add assets was practically unheard of, and pretty mind-blowing. My first experience with custom textures was Cleimos (https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/a-c/cleim10); I don't know that it has held up particularly well, at the time it was a great illustration just how much freedom you had to create what you wanted.
  7. I definitely think @Djoga's avatar belongs in this thread, and so do the paramedics who had to revive me after my seizure
  8. Across from the "fancy" apartment door (before you first enter the main courtyard), there is a tiny switch that opens a small closet in the hallway
  9. Press the south elevator button in the courtyard's east building, then run outside and south to the door in the alley...
  10. Thanks, all -- I appreciate the quick turn-around
  11. I would like to make a shadow like the one pictured below. I am hopeful that since I am using UDMF with GZDoom, I can take advantage of some engine fanciness instead of using tiny sectors or a special texture -- can someone offer advice on the best way to accomplish this?
  12. I see a robot head in a Futurama-style jar if we're playing Rorschach games...
  13. Yeah, I am getting handcuffed by the 20KB upload limit -- but I'm certain the artifacts are undoubtedly hiding some gross texture mis-alignment, so it's probably for the best...
  14. Quick question: is this going to be uploaded to /idgames at some point?
  15. Personally, I don't care one way or the other about how slopes are accomplished, but I will say that modern editors make it a heck of a lot easier to create "Boom Slopes." Speaking as an old man, part of the wow-factor of Boom Slopes back in the day was not only the visual appeal, but the understanding of the stupid amount of effort that went in to creating them -- a process that generally involved creating sectors in an editor that did NOT want you so make anything off the 8 pixel grid, plus a whole bunch of typing in numbers by hand (for both floor/ceiling heights and texture offsets).
  16. My first thought was "I think your profile picture is objectively the cutest thing in this thread"
  17. I vaguely remember Phocus Island II doing something like this...
  18. Is there anything FIREBLU can't do?
  19. @spineapple tea / @iddq_tea -- I had the same issue with ASHWALL2 while testing my level; I changed all those textures to ASHWALL and went from there. I don't know if that's related to the fact that I was also loading d1tod2gfx.wad (or the order in which I was loading the various extra .WAD files), but this looks like a similar issue
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