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About Doomer1999

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  1. Thank you for doing all this work! Can you please try and convert the Doom 3 Xbox pistol to work with Doom 3 and RoE PC versions? The Pistol has a flashlight attachment attached to its model. I've always wanted to use it in PC Doom 3 and RoE. [Admin, please delete my post above this one, as I messed up on quoting that post , I cant delete it myself.]
  2. Thank you for doing all this work! Can you please try and convert the Doom 3 Xbox pistol to work with Doom 3 and RoE PC versions? The Pistol has a flashlight attachment attached to its model. I've always wanted to use it in PC Doom 3 and RoE.
  3. I see. Thanks for the explanation.
  4. Interesting. I didn't know that some games are dark/contrasty at 4k, I have a 1080p monitor, so I cant test that with the Q2 Remastered, but I'll take your word for it. The original game has proper (default) brightness setting, in Vanilla, Yamagi or VKQuake2. Other than that it's a very good remaster.
  5. I haven't seen anybody mention this yet. But what's up with the brightness in Q2 Remastered? I want to set the brightness to its original Q2 value, but I can't move the brightness slider backwards only forwards, making the game even more brighter, which is unnecessary IMHO, since the entire game is now bright enough by default. Is there a console command to lower the brightness? The game is now a little too bright and I miss the original Q2 atmosphere. That and I wish the updated AI could be toggled on or off.
  6. So i decided to give this port a try and I'm loving it so far. I'm having one issue though. I can't load "No Rest for the Living" as an episode for Doom 2 (so that it can be selected in the menu), regardless if i load it with the original Doom2.wad or the BFG Edition of the Doom2.wad. In Crispy it works flawlessly, what am i doing wrong?
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