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About Emmanuelexe

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  1. Thanks! Next game wont have a hub system and no complicate puzzle/passages hard to find, the progression like be like in doom/heretic but the maps will be still mazed. :)
  2. Some new stuff were posted on the twitter of the game: More screenshots: Some of the new items: Some combo are possible: Our musician, Oscar Martin is making great stuff for the game!
  3. New minions system and HP bars: The Big Hand of Necromancy allow you to revive all the monsters around you. Revived enemies no longer cause friendly fire, and if you move too far away from them, they will teleport to your location. You can also pass through them. HP bars added, they can be removed for the monsters in the options, same for the boss. Video: We got a different hp bar for the normal enemies, still WIP, may resize it to make it less big. The other hp bar is for mini boss and boss. More screenshots of the maps of Hands of Necromancy 2! The maps are made by talented mappers like Death Bear, Hambourgeois, Myolden, Lorenzo, Shadesmaster and others! Oscar Martin is our sound engineer but also our musician for Hands of Necromancy 2, he shared a teaser of one of the musics from the game, you can watch it here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2MzDgriubh/?igsh=MXNqMjUxaW9zczdzNA%3D%3D
  4. 4 screenshots of the maps: Hands of Necromancy 2 - Destructibles and Traps part 1: Part 2: Sound effects are placeholders.
  5. “Hands of Necromancy 2” is the follow-up to the original “Hands of Necromancy” game. It’s a dark fantasy first-person shooter that shares similarities with games such as “Heretic” and “Doom”. As a player, you’ll come across a variety of weapons and unique transformation abilities to fight the monsters you meet. Trailer: Here are some of the new features we’ve included: - Interactive elements like flammable and destructible trees, hidden items in vases, explosive barrels of black powder, and breakable stained glass. - Traps such as spikes that emerge from the ground, and boulders that roll towards you. - A new character equipped with her own weapons and transformations, adding 7 new weapons and 4 new transformations with their own attacks. - New items to assist the player, including a bag that doubles your maximum ammo, new potions like the stamina potion, and the Amulet of Death that kills all surrounding monsters. - 10 new monsters, including 3 different bosses. - Over 20 planned maps. - Reworked Necromancy system: Revived enemies no longer cause friendly fire, and if you move too far away from them, they will teleport to your location. - You can also pass through them. - Various changes and fixes. - Linear map progression replacing the hub system, but the maps will still have a maze-like structure similar to classic FPS games. - We’re aiming to launch the game towards the end of 2024 or early 2025. Wishlist the game today! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2706450/Hands_of_Necromancy_II/ Follow us on our other social media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/frechou_games Discord: https://discord.gg/qxHwTdDFdy Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frechougames/
  6. Post i made in the fb group of heretic & hexen: "I continued to play Hexen - Veil of Darkness, its a huge gem, amazing but pretty hard, im at difficulty 4/5 and im lacking items to survive, not sure if i could finish the game, for hp i have only a jar left and the enemies spawn very often! It's the first version but i will try to have it done even if i have to save often ^^' Death Wish is considered as Blood 3 like this wad should be considered as Hexen 3 seriously, not to act like a fanboy but im so impressed by it! There is a ton of custom stuff (monsters, items, chest, other breakable stuff) who fit well Hexen. Some puzzles are complicate (like the one with the spheres) but not too much ^^ Now, i just hope i can finish it or rip xD" Also: very impressive level design and details, big gem like i said, it feels so like a complete mappack with custom stuff! His own thing without adding too much or not enough! Good job :) EDIT: finished it, the ice map helped to to get back some purple flask
  7. "Hands of Necromancy - Evil Rises Again" is released, it is a free expansion of 9 maps for the game. You have to use the beta version of the beta branch on Steam to activate it, it will be in the other shops (GOG, Itch io) when this version will go live. Progression is linear like in Heretic/Doom. Trailer:
  8. Some event: Hands of Necromancy is nominees for the GDWC 2022 in the "Studio Category": https://thegdwc.com/games/282e3220-a6ee-4778-9f75-ee369952fbed You can support us for the "Fan Choice", you have just to like the page! (You can share it too but its not needed for the vote) EDIT: We are not in the Fan Choice but in the Jury Choice! My bad
  9. Hands of Necromancy is now at -40% on Steam for the Spring Sales! Here are 8 screenshots of the expansion coming for the game! A city, a monastery, inside a pyramid, etc... cool stuff! We will have a release date for it soon and it will be free. Screenshots:
  10. 2.1.0 "Easy Hubs" update The "Easy Hubs" mode of Hands of Necromancy is now live! If you want focus less on an exploration hexen-like but something closer to heretic/doom, this mode is for you, in each of the 4 maps of the hubs, you have 1 key to find, once you get all the 4 keys, you go back to the hub to open the exit to the next map! Progression is more linear in that way except you choose the first maps you want to play in the hubs! With 2 new musics! (in map13 and 14)
  11. Easy Exploration mode available! The Easy Exploration mode is available on the Beta Branch of the game, you have to choose "Beta" and redownload the game. Beta Branch option: What is the Easy Hubs mode? The "Easy Hubs" mode is made for people who want to spend more their time at shooting, you have to play a map 1 time (or more if you want explore it again to get items), there is 4 keys per hub (not 6) and each map of the hubs has 1 key to find, once you get the 4 keys, you can come back to the hub last portal and leave the hub. No more lot of come back to do to finish the hubs. Transformations items are in the maps where you need them to finish the map. It's like a linear progression but with a hub where you can choose the order of the maps. In the "Classic Hubs" mode, its the original game mode, you will have to do some come back in the maps to open the doors who are locked with a key who can be in another map. This mode is for people who want also focus on exploration. And an expansion Heretic-like is in the work! (linear progression)
  12. We have enough mappers, expansion in the work! Thanks to the people who shared the info and all :)
  13. Most of the critics are about people getting lost in the game even if we used a journal quest and maps who were not too complexe, for a lot of them and it was intentional since there was already some puzzles. The game is more accessible than Hexen at this point i think. I wanted to see how it could work with a linear progression.
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