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Everything posted by BluePineapple72

  1. We're up to 41 now, yippee! If anyone has any unfinished midis they'd like to shoot me for the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC thangs post em here. I'll have a compilation out with current maps in the next few days. Here maplist: MAP01 - Metastasis II - BluePineapple72 MAP02 - Caceo and Caciet - Horus MAP03 - Omega Project 2019 - DynamiteKaitorn MAP04 - TeleError - Alaxzandarz MAP05 - testlarge1 - besus MAP06 - MyHouse.wad(NOTSCARY).wad - mousecreature MAP07 - Blood Floor, IDK - spineapple tea MAP08 - TWIN PARADOX 1st Try - Clippy MAP09 - Midnight Sun - Lina MAP10 - RevHoarder - raddicted MAP11 - Clover.wad - jo2ukegappy MAP12 - CyberstalkingV2 - Solmyr MAP13 - intercep3_rando5 - Moustachio MAP14 - funny slaugh map #3867 - randomsounds01 MAP15 - ↑ - akolai MAP16 - Infiltration.wad - Blexor MAP17 - The Docks - EANB MAP18 - Blood Bankruptcy - Large Cat MAP19 - forFun005 - Jark MAP20 - Half & Half - BeachThunder MAP21 - Map09 (EPIC GENERIC ARENA) - JJBOREN MAP22 - gibstart1.wad - s4f3s3x MAP23 - map.wad - El Inferno MAP24 - Temple of the Frog King - PinkFlamingo MAP25 - Topside Pornstar - Maribo MAP26 - Sleepwalking - Maribo MAP27 - Volcanic Bulls - Chuckles_troll MAP28 - Gateway Laboratory - Sesamia MAP29 - Speedmap 30.08.2027 - Scypek MAP30 - Imp CityNoisy - Velvet MAP31 - BitMap - Walter MAP32 - The Swamp below Legendary SpaceNoisy - Velvet MAP33 - secondspeedmap - NoisyVelvet MAP34 - Bear's Lament - Death Bear MAP35 - World Anomaly - knifeworld MAP36 - Machine Anomaly - knifeworld MAP37 - Down in the Hole - LoatharMDPhD MAP38 - Poligonal - LoatharMDPhD MAP39 - IDK, Hope you like punching archviles - NOOT MAP40 - The most lighting detail nootsynootsy has ever put in a map - NOOT MAP41 - Metal Base - Man With a Gun
  2. I'm gonna limit it to three maps per mapper. Main reason being that some folks have alot of unfinished maps and I don't want there to be a stretch of 15 maps all authored by one person.
  3. BETA FILE: Hot Soapy Water.pk3 This pk3 will require GZDoom and DOOMII to run. Resources are compiled within the file. ***Maps are currently inaccesible due to the HUB not being built.*** In that case, use IDCLEV to access them. SWITCH.wad you'll need to time map swc01 in console to reach. Enough Houses.wad you'll need to time map mum01 in console to reach. Here is the current Maplist: I'm not tagging everyone again MAP01 - Entrywaytoobig - @myolden MAP02 - Underhalls - idsoftware MAP03 - DOOM 2 explained to Gen Z - @Walter confetti MAP04 - Missing Inaction - @Cammy MAP05 - Time - @MtPain27 MAP06 - Hi i am MtErebus37 and this is nail of doom - @Walter confetti MAP07 - HannaH - @Amiga Angel MAP08 - We're Going For a Ride! - @DynamiteKaitorn MAP09 - Desert Sand Feels Warm At Night - @Snowy44 MAP10 - TE2P2E1125 - @Danlex MAP11 - Sprout - @Death Bear MAP12 - Erased Impressions of McGee's #02 - @Sneezy McGlassFace MAP13 - Guitar - @Ash4ash MAP14 - The Doll - @Klear MAP15 - Food Poisoning - @TheEvilGrin MAP16 - Mondriaan Art Quiz - @Peccatum Mihzamiz MAP17 - Beginnings - @NeilForshaw MAP18 - Persistence - @Weird Sandwich MAP19 - Acceptance - @Weird Sandwich MAP20 - Adherence - @Weird Sandwich MAP21 - Over the Rainbow - @Egregor MAP22 - Bonus Map to No Where - @Egregor These four are all technically the same level, with each subsequent map being a new version. As each update was submitted as a new map, I thought it'd be novel to have each update be it's own map. MAP23 - Cremaster Threeish V13 Act-I: Janus - @Yagacaw MAP24 - Cremaster Threeish V26 Act-II: Parlor - @Yagacaw MAP25 - Cremaster Threeish V39 Act-III: DOOM TOO - @Yagacaw MAP26 - Cremaster Threeish V42 Epilogue: Janus Two: Venus - @Yagacaw SWC01-33 - SWITCH.wad - @Death Bear MUM01-32 - Enough Houses - @muumi Future updates will be added to this thread with hub additions. If you think new maps will be added to RC1 you're dead right. And while you're at it, check out QUICK N' DIRTY!
  4. I remember their being talks of readymades being made for this somewhere on my server. Once RC1 goes live I'll add some interesting things to the museum HUB that could homage this. Speaking of: all of the maps have been added to a compilation on my end, I'm just tracking down some loose ends before I post. Maps will have to be IDCLEVed to in order to reach them.
  5. Here is the current maplist. Another reevaluation of mine is gonna be on the music of the maps. Since I've extended the scope of the project, once we go past 32, it'll be required for mappers to include a midi with their maps. I think I'm eventually going to retroactively allow mappers to select a midi.
  6. Yes, only the ones you've used of course. Could you also post your submission in the submission format please?
  7. This was an idea for a project I had called LEFTOVERS.wad, which is essentially what you’ve stated here with mappers posting their leftovers for other mappers to finish. It’d be an interesting project, but not one I’m interested in running.
  8. Does not fit the project requirements, sorry. Also I’ve been thinking. These maps are going to be rather easy to complete, and I imagine 32 will be blown through fairly quickly. Im opening submissions past that number. This thread will accept maps until the 19th at 11:59PM EST
  9. The initial intention for this wad was to serve as a sort of “wad exhibit” for a museum in Hot Soapy Water (linked above). 32 is a very classic doom number, so the wad would sort of present itself as a false wad in some way, as a vestige of what could’ve been. Although, with how much interest this thread is generating, I do see quite a lot of potential in this idea in being something broader than what I had initially planned (especially doing it again). I’ll stew on it as I sleep (I’ll also need to check the maplist in the morning). When I wake I’ll reevaluate and decide if I want to expand this to something beyond 32 maps and into a deadline specific project of “whatever is sent to me in that time”
  10. Big textures are fine as long as they work on our target port; If their dimensions are divisible by 4 they’ll work (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 246, 528… so on). Boom uses some coding erm… um… I’m not even gonna try to explain it cause I don’t even know myself really.
  11. We've reached MAP07, which means we've entered deeply into the unfinished starport. But something is wrong. The monsters have brought their own unfinished reality with them!
  12. Did want to mention that since you may not have seen this in the maplist, I will find a way to include this into the HUB. Lest you think of course it should stand alone as a level (you did include music with this which will lead me to believe it may work)
  13. Map Name: METASTASIS II Author: BluePineapple72 Music: N/A Resources: CC4 (not included in the wad) Format: Boom Comments: An intended sequel to my first map (also unfinished) Screenshots:
  14. RC1 is here! Surprise surprise! It's finished! Well, actually, it's Unfinished. But Unfinished is finished. You know what I mean. 50 Unfinished maps! Ripe for playing and potentially beating! This is the premium wad experein WAD: Unfinished.wad Authors: Various Resources: Various - inlcuded in wad Ports tested: GZDoom - PRBoom Comments: There are four maps that I could not verify as being beatable (09, 14, 20, 27). The rest of the maps I used god mode, but these four I could either not find the exit or couldn't access. MAPLIST: MAP01 - Metastasis II BluePineapple72 MAP02 - Caceo and Caciet - @Horus MAP03 - Omega Project 2019 - @DynamiteKaitorn MAP04 - TeleError - @alaxandarz MAP05 - testlarge1 besus MAP06 - MyHouse.wad(NOTSCARY).wad @mousecreature MAP07 - Blood Floor, IDK @spineapple tea MAP08 - TWIN PARADOX 1st Try @Clippy MAP09 - Midnight Sun @Lina MAP10 - RevHoarder @raddicted MAP11 - Clover.wad jo2ukegappy MAP12 - CyberstalkingV2 @Solmyr MAP13 - intercep3_rando5 @Moustachio MAP14 - funny slaugh map #3867 @randomsounds01 MAP15 - ↑ @akolai MAP16 - Infiltration.wad @Blexor MAP17 - The Docks @EANB MAP18 - Blood Bankruptcy @Large Cat MAP19 - forFun005 @Jark MAP20 - Half & Half @BeachThunder MAP21 - Map09 (EPIC GENERIC ARENA) @JJBoren MAP22 - gibstart1.wad @s4f3s3x MAP23 - Temple of the Frog King @PinkFlamingo MAP24 - Topside Pornstar @Maribo MAP25 - Sleepwalking @Maribo MAP26 - Volcanic Bulls @Chuckles_troll MAP27 - Speedmap 30.08.2027 @Scypek2 MAP28 - Imp City NoisyVelvet ( @SleepyVelvet?) MAP29 - BitMap @Walter confetti MAP30 - The Swamp below Legendary Space NoisyVelvet MAP31 - secondspeedmap NoisyVelvet MAP32 - Bear's Lament @Death Bear MAP33 - World Anomaly @knifeworld MAP34 - Machine Anomaly knifeworld MAP35 - Down in the Hole @LoatharMDPhD MAP36 - Poligonal LoatharMDPhD MAP37 - IDK, Hope you like punching archviles @Nootsy-Nootsy MAP38 - The most lighting detail nootsynootsy has ever put in a map nootsynootsy MAP39 - Metal Base @MAN_WITH_GUN MAP40 - Iconoclash BluePineapple72 MAP41 - Sropical Ttorm @NiGHTS108 MAP42 - Clogged @BeachThunder MAP43- Castle in Petra @mousecreature MAP44 - Subway or Lounge? Walter MAP45 - Momentum @DRON12261 MAP46 - Macelleria Naive (PILOT) s4f3s3x MAP47 - Mellow @Sesamia MAP48 - Tribute To Slugfest 9 (slug9tr.wad) @RjY MAP49 - Waiting Sesamia Original thread: Rules n stuff
  15. Howdy howdy! Quick project update time! Good news and bad news! Good news is that I have all of the submissions and am now in the fabled PUSS "work on other things" part of this project. Bad news should've been implied from that message: I don't have a release just yet. The main difficulty with this .pk3 being that I'll need to create a HUB level that'll allow testers and mappers to access all of the maps of the project; that'll take a lot of time to make considering that this hub is also going to be a feature for several other exhibits, some of which are wads within the main wad (rather complex isn't it?). I will release a super barebones compilation sometime this week that'll allow testers to get their feet dirty and to allow me to make sure all of my monkeys are in a row before I start decorating the hub with art that was submitted to me for this project and also creating an interesting layout instead of 10 portals in a big room. Oh yeah, there are also going to be some maps added to this after the public submission window because I have god powers in these projects and can cheat and allow myself and trusted others to submit maps late (life happens!) With all that said, here is the maplist: MAP01 - ENTRYWAYTOOBIG - @myolden MAP02 - Underhalls - idsoftware MAP03 - DOOM 2 explained to Gen Z - @Walter confetti MAP04 - Missing inaction - @Cammy MAP05 - Time - @MtPain27 MAP06 - Hi i am MtErebus37 and this is nail of doom - @Walter confetti MAP07 - HannaH - @Amiga Angel MAP08 - Cremaster Threeish* - @Yagacaw MAP09 - We're going for a ride - @DynamiteKaitorn MAP10 - Desert Sand Feels Warm At Night - @Snowy44 MAP11 - TE2P2E1125 - @Danlex MAP12 - Sprout - @Death Bear MAP13 - Erased Impressions of McGee's #02 - @Sneezy McGlassFace MAP15 - Guitar - @Ash4ash MAP15 - The Doll - @Klear MAP16 - Food Poisoning - @TheEvilGrin MAP17 - Mondriaan Art Quiz - @Peccatum Mihzamiz MAP18 - Beginnings - @NeilForshaw MAP19 - Persistence - @Weird Sandwich MAP20 - Acceptance - @Weird Sandwich MAP21 - Adherence - @Weird Sandwich MAP22 - Over the Rainbow - @Egregor MAP23 - Bonus Map to No Where - @Egregor Additional wads (these both have 32 maps) SWITCH.wad - @Death Bear Enough Houses - @muumi Firstmap.wad** -Various I have three maps planned, and I believe Bear is working on another one so we'll end up with around 26 base maps with an additional 64 from the two megawad submissions and who knows how many maps from Firstmap.wad. This will be a wad fan's wad fan wad if you get what I'm saying. *There were several version of this wad submitted to the thread, each with a subtitle. I may end up compiling each separate version as a distinct map. Have to coordinate with Yaga first. **If you want to be included in this and have your first ever maps featured in this special exhibit, please DM me. I am also launching an additional thread for an exhibit of unfinished maps. Check that out right here: EDIT: @Peccatum Mihzamiz just reminded me that the HUB museum will also include a special feature exhibit of our Pretty Exciting, New & Intelligent Speedmapping event that we ran last April. It launched on April 1st so the maplist isn't super important.
  16. Thank you very much! I have some super good memories of making that palette last year. Lot of fun testing out hue shifts to see what'd give doom an interesting feel. Making sprites for it has also been super fun. Speaking of: First two are test sprites for the 'Dis Balrog' - third sprite on the top row is the final sprite. Here are some more concept sketches and a new weapon:
  17. Because I'm gay and it was the second map title to come to mind. First idea was bareback
  18. Map Name: Twink Death Author: BluePineapple72 Music: Innundate - BluePineapple72 Build Time: Right around 50 minutes or so Co-Op Starts: Si Difficulty Settings: N Gimmicks: XXX, Moonbase, One ammo type Comments: Had this fight gimmick floating around in my head for some time. Real bitch. Kinda hard. Haven't beaten it yet lmao. Picture: ALSO ALSO ALSO! Very fitting that I was able to get this in on the 8th... which is PUSS's birthday!
  19. \ Have to credit @muumi for the spirit flame Finished this bad boy finally Some concept art for the sprite and other doodles:
  20. Hey TheLamp! Could I ask that you play The Chilling Winds of Dis? The map, not the megawad. It’s E5M5 of TH1RT3EN conveniently linked right there. It’s a bit tough, but short. Hope you enjoy it!
  21. Updated the drive link to fix the map17 exit error. Map17 will now exit to map18. I take that back. I'm on my boyfriend's hotspot since I don't have internet and uh... It'll be updated when it's updated.
  22. A new bug has been found: map17 currently exits to map19 so Map18 is not accessible without cheating. Oh the humanity! Thankfully for you my days of hunting down and killing cheaters are long behind me, so you can idclev as you please. I’ll shoot out a fix whenever I can. I won’t have internet until the weekend so I’ll have to either find an alternative to upload or just wait like a reasonable person.
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