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Everything posted by BluePineapple72

  1. Progress is still being made on this wad. Mapping has concluded and every map has been implemented into the wad (with some minor changes necessary for the credits level) I also just noticed that I'm missing the commander keen replacement The main source of work remaining comes from our extensive bestiary of sprite replacements that you can see above. The exciting thing to note is that we've got progress on every monster now! With a few animations remaining to be completed for this project, we should see the release of RC1 within a few short months! Huzzah! Special thanks to these sprite artists for contributing art to the project: @muumi Various GFX @Peccatum Mihzamiz Various Decorative sprites @horselessheadsman Cacodemon & Arachnotron @myolden Baron @WARDUST Arachnotron Base @Captain Toenail Mancubus @Death Bear Zombiemen @INfront95 Revenant/Unholy Eycon @Amuscaria Zombieman base and Striga (not pictured) It also appears that the weapons down here have changed a bit as well...
  2. Since we’ve got nothing else going on during July, we’re extending this project’s public submission window to the 10th of July. I’ll be hosting a map jam on Tuesday the 4th where I’ll be mapping for this project. If you’d like to join it’ll be in my discord server linked in the OP!
  3. Hey kids! Mapping for this project wraps up THIS FRIDAY! Get yer praetor suit on if you wanna join the fun!
  4. Ayyy!!! Tell the little guy I said happy birthday! I remember being 12; although my fixation was with cod zombies and not doom at around that age, I still remember how big of a deal online communities were to me at that age. Being able to contribute and share art to these galactic level projects is a gift, and something I hope you (I’m talking to doomcat now) will cherish forever. Not everyone can say they’ve been a part of something like this. Happy birthday, here’s to many more young man ,o7
  5. Mappin Round the Doommas tree has just come down the idgames chimney! Get your winter clothes ready cause it’s time to get chilly with it!
  6. Ayyy!!! Everyone give a big ass congratulations to @Death Bear and the team for wrapping this bad boy up!! By the way, giving a congratulations to the team means I get some congrats too cause I’m on the team. Gotta beg some to get some if you know what I’m saying. Regardless, Lunacy is a top shelf delivery from our team and I am super proud to have seen it finally earn its own release thread! The backlog shortens HUZZAH!!!
  7. STBAR.png


    It's June, you know what that means!

  8. Guess what! My laptop is broken! Will likely not be contributing to this project and the next since I can’t afford a replacement lest I claim a “I’ll do it next year” slot. Speaking of this project! There are two and a half weeks left for submissions to PERPETUAL TORMENT! Miss not out ye heathen!
  9. Update to V2 - Includes changes to a couple of maps including a visual overhaul of map15.
  10. Should be yeah. When I throw the wad in drive it auto-updates the wad in drive, but keeps the link the same (I think)
  11. Updated the download link: - MAP02 update - Dehacked patch to help map09/10 be beatable.
  12. It's here! The Beta! WAD File: Clandestine Castle Crashing 2 - Beta 2 PORT: PRBoom - GZDoom UMAPINFO and MAPINFO compatible COMMENTS: I will begin playtesting videos either tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Won't stream that as it's difficult to do so. Map09/Map10 May not function as required dehacked has not yet been imported I need to work with @Mike_C to verify that the submitted dehacked patches do not interfere with other maps. Map16 is unfinished; Map15 will exit to Map17. As I understand it MAP15 also needs finishing as well as MAP20 and some of the latter maps. Map21 has not been imported yet, will be available in RC1. Several levels will have future detailings added in future releases as this project allows for an infinite detailing time pass. MAPLIST: MAP01 ~ YE OLDE INTRO MAPPE ~ Take a Wild Guess MAP02 ~ Castledoomia 2: Knight Guy's Quest ~ @LateNightPerson MAP03 ~ Castle Klattakus MK4 ~ @DynamiteKaitorn aka Heich MAP41 ~ Intrusive Forts - Heich MAP04 ~ The Temple of the Blood Knight ~ @Zero the Red MAP05 ~ Distant Dungeon ~ @Glikkzy MAP06 ~ The Depths ~ @Silhouette 03 MAP07 ~ The Quirky Quarters of Questionable Quandaries ~ @muumi MAP42 ~ Imp-penetrable Stronghold ~ @muumi MAP08 ~ Castle Superbeast ~ @Snowy44 MAP43 ~ The Scrubliette ~ Snowy44 MAP44 ~ Super Best Fortress ~ Snowy44 MAP09 ~ Castlemania 2 ~ @Mike_C MAP45 ~ Amazing Maze ~ Mike_C MAP10 ~ Tower of Doom ~ Mike_C MAP11 ~ Constancy II ~ @Austinado MAP12 ~ Arboras Sacrae ~ Glikkzy MAP13 ~ Castillo de Toros ~ @Blexor MAP46 ~ Rosa Dorada ~ Blexor MAP14 ~ El Castillo Maldito ~ @United VirusX MAP15 ~ For Unlawful Clandestine Knowledge! ~ @Death Bear MAP16 ~ Unnamed insofar ~ Me! MAP17 ~ Castle of Doom ~ @strategineer MAP18 ~ Midnight Gospel ~ @DFF MAP19 ~ Dopethrone ~ @myolden MAP20 ~ Tall Tower Troubles ~ @Egregor MAP21 ~ Clandestine Credits ~ BluePineapple72
  13. Three maps are unfinished: Map01, Map16, and Map21. The first and last are intro/credits maps, and map 16 is mine. The other two are also mine. We won't talk about that.
  14. I got errors in editor with these flats cause they had the same name as several textures, so I renamed them and added an F to note what was a flat. I'll got into each map individually to make sure missing textures are replaced with the 'new version' (same texture, renamed) Edit: I should add that a Beta compilation of each submitted map will be released tonight. I need to verify how dehacked submitted with@Mike_C's map may or may not affect the rest of the set. There will be a bug or two, and some maps need finishing, but this will be a basis for playtesting for the next month or so.
  15. Fun fact! This .wad contains the two maps that @myolden and I had made for Mapping Off! Be sure to check the VOD of that stream out and keep your eyes peeled for future installments in our charity series!
  16. For most and all PUSS projects I'm pretty cool with folks using our resource packs to make their own stuff with outside of the series. More often than not our resource packs are just compilations of textures found from around the web, but every now and again we'll do something special with extended custom assets (as with 22 and 21). That being said, if you do use them all I'd ask is that you just link the project in a .txt somewhere with your wad to let folks know where you get the stuff.
  17. Meme is likely at school so here's a hotfix for now until he gets back. I simply just removed the broken textures.
  18. No mouselook as in no free look up and down. We use mouselook as shorthand for that. You’re allowed to use your mouse to look around, just using the doom default of left and right only.
  19. Fun fact: Mapping at Warpspeed almost featured a remake of Doom 4's first hell level. It was gonna be called Warp Sanctum and I never finished it. It mainly served as a test for me using that project's resources. The first chunk of Map30 of PUSS IX is that level, it's been changed a tad so you can't really see the Kadingir Sanctum's layout planning in it anymore, but the spirit is still there!
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