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Everything posted by BluePineapple72

  1. ~~~~~~~~~ I WANT TO BELIEVE ~~~~~~~~~ Hey folks! Got a beta here! Over the next few weeks maps will be updated to fix any found bugs, add some visual polish, and to ensure beatability/balance. Three maps do not have MIDIs yet and some levels need sky transfers added. A UMAPINFO has not been implemented as of BETA 1. 3 maps need to be finished: one is mine. MAP01 Intro Map (unfinished) - @Death Bear MAP02 They Watch - @raddicted MAP03 All Your PUSS are Belong to Us - @DynamiteKaitorn MAP04 To Serve Man - @DFF MAP05 Beef Impact - @muumi MAP06 Forest Factory - @CBM MAP07 Unidentified Parking Lot - @Scionox MAP08 Beyond the Event Horizon - @LateNightPerson MAP09 Circles part 1 - Death Bear MAP10 Circles part 2 - Death Bear MAP11 Circles part 3 - Death Bear MAP12 Launch Base - Muumi MAP13 Gas Station - @LGmaire MAP14 Swamp Things - @Blexor MAP15 Home Invaders - @NecrumWarrior MAP16 Abducted - Scionox MAP17 The Phantasmic Operahouse - Late Night Person MAP18 96 Quite Bitter Beings @myolden MAP19 Arrival @Silhouette 03 MAP20 Bogus Backcountry - @Egregor MAP21 Scared in Small Town Square - Egregor MAP22 AREA 69 - Nevada Research Facility - Egregor MAP23 I Saw Drones - @SirPootis MAP24 The Exhibit - A Worrisome Warlock MAP25 Ol' Caves - @Chuckles_troll MAP26 Secrets Revealed - Scionox MAP27 Moo 2 It - @Peccatum Mihzamiz MAP28 Attack of the Giant Heads - NecrumWarrior MAP29 Extraterrestrial Harvest - BluePineapple72 Far off the coast of the Zorglonian megacluster is a starsystem of mappers on a collision course for Earth! We welcome mappers from the furthest edges of the gamma quadrant to the bending arms of the Alpha! Even if you're just getting your Identified Flying Object off the ground, The Pineapple Under the Sea exists to help ferment an infestation of mapper-itis! Got ideas or questions you wanna bounce around about this project? Want to learn how to invade a planet? Feel free to touch down and ask away! Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping on Doomwiki PUSS SERIES IV: PUSS XXX: Quick N’ Dirty PUSS SERIES III: PUSS SERIES II: PUSS SERIES I: ADDITIONAL EVENTS: @MemeMind's Musical Mapping @ViolentBeetle's Solar Struggle ViolentBeetle's Skulltiverse ViolentBeetle's Hellevator Hot Potato Line in the Sand
  2. Map Name: SLAYWATCH: I Want in on This Bit Too! Author: BluePineapple72 Music: Makin' Waves (Crash 3 Jet Ski) - Josh Mancell Built Time: 1 hour. Few minutes after to clean up some things Co-Op Starts: Yeah Difficulty Settings: No Gimmicks: Life's a Beach, Barrels of Love, Zorglo's Back!, Huzzah! Comments: Nother beach map. Made it at work. Screenies:
  3. Did want to post an update and be clear that I am actually intending on finishing this. I haven't had the chance really to sit down and work on this, mainly because I'm recovering from a stomach bug and have been focusing on other things. Fret not though, RC1 will be out shortly
  4. Map Name: Catch These Hands! Authors: Death Bear & BluePineapple72 Music: Pinstripe Boss Theme - Crash Bandicoot Build time: 30 minutes per mapper. BP72 spent an additional 11 minutes finishing it. Co-Op starts: [Y] Difficulty Settings: [N] Gimmicks: Cheese Me, Daddy! - Barrels - Quarreling Again - Violence Inherent in the System! Collab map made with @Death Bear
  5. Man, this is making me think back to the good ‘ole days back when Nostalgia 1 was released!
  6. This foe is beyond any of you Have to credit @muumi for the flame effect help on the death frames cause ain't no way in hail was I gonna draw all dat
  7. In beta currently. Working on some last things in preparation for RC1.
  8. That'd be an interesting name for the wad if I finish it
  9. Submissions are closed! Here is the final maplist: (for those counting at home, we had one mapper pull a map from the project) MAP01 - Metastasis II - BluePineapple72 MAP02 - Caceo and Caciet - Horus MAP03 - Omega Project 2019 - DynamiteKaitorn MAP04 - TeleError - Alaxzandarz MAP05 - testlarge1 - besus MAP06 - MyHouse.wad(NOTSCARY).wad - mousecreature MAP07 - Blood Floor, IDK - spineapple tea MAP08 - TWIN PARADOX 1st Try - Clippy MAP09 - Midnight Sun - Lina MAP10 - RevHoarder - raddicted MAP11 - Clover.wad - jo2ukegappy MAP12 - CyberstalkingV2 - Solmyr MAP13 - intercep3_rando5 - Moustachio MAP14 - funny slaugh map #3867 - randomsounds01 MAP15 - ↑ - akolai MAP16 - Infiltration.wad - Blexor MAP17 - The Docks - EANB MAP18 - Blood Bankruptcy - Large Cat MAP19 - forFun005 - Jark MAP20 - Half & Half - BeachThunder MAP21 - Map09 (EPIC GENERIC ARENA) - JJBOREN MAP22 - gibstart1.wads - 4f3s3x MAP23 - map.wad - El Inferno MAP24 - Temple of the Frog King - PinkFlamingo MAP25 - Topside Pornstar - Maribo MAP26 - Sleepwalking - Maribo MAP27 - Volcanic Bulls - Chuckles_troll MAP28 - Speedmap 30.08.2027 - Scypek MAP29 - Imp City - NoisyVelvet MAP30 - BitMap - Walter MAP31 - The Swamp below Legendary Space - NoisyVelvet MAP32 - secondspeedmap - NoisyVelvet MAP33 - Bear's Lament - Death Bear MAP34 - World Anomaly - knifeworld MAP35 - Machine Anomaly - knifeworld MAP36 - Down in the Hole - LoatharMDPhD MAP37 - Poligonal - LoatharMDPhD MAP38 - IDK, Hope you like punching archviles - NOOT MAP39 - The most lighting detail nootsynootsy has ever put in a map - NOOT MAP40 - Metal Base - Man With a Gun MAP41 - Iconoclash - BluePineapple72 MAP42 - Sropical Ttorm - NiGHTS108 MAP43 - Clogged - BeachThunder MAP44 - Castle in Petra - mousecreature MAP45 - Subway or Lounge? - Walter MAP46 - Momentum - DRON12261 MAP47 - Macelleria Naive (PILOT) - s4f3s3x MAP48 - Mellow - Sesamia MAP49 - Tribute To Slugfest 9 (slug9tr.wad) - RjY MAP50 - Waiting - Sesamia I'll have a compilation within the week. Gonna be busy these next few days but it shouldn't take too long for RC1 to be released. Main time chunk is gonna be in compiling resources and making sure there aren't any bad overlaps. Edit: I have the opportunity to do the funniest thing with this wad
  10. For those who wondered what the cyberdemon would shoot
  11. It wasn’t too big of an issue since I got to chest and hide most of it in shadow since he’s supposed to be a big smoke and fire monster. Some angles look better than others but where it counts it counts. Would’ve been quicker to not fix them but I think the final look is worth the effort
  12. This will likely be the last update post I'll be putting into this thread. The next you'll hear (in high probability) from this project will be on a new release thread. The majority of the enemies have been completed or are awaiting some final frames (the Cyber and the Hell Knight, now named the Tartarog and the Servant of Maleboge respectively, need attack frames for example). I'm still awaiting a Map25 replacement. Menu and intermission graphics have been completed. All that's left are some sound updates, some text screens and a few odds and ends. I'm confident this wad will be finished by December. Ideally, I'd like to release this in November, but there may be some straggling loose ends that prevent that of course. Regardless, to the mappers of the project reading this: I will be accepting final updates before RC1, and likewise after RC1 I'll accept some final final (minor) updates. This project is coming to a close, and rather fast. Here's a link for BETA 4.2
  13. I've completed the Tartarog's walking frames. Will likely need to touch them up when I get home as laptop's monitor doesn't show Doom's grays very well. Regardless a very exciting moment for me. Just have these and the death animation left. Shooting should be pretty easy since I only need to draw his custom limbs once; I can easily modify them for the lighting in the firing frames.
  14. It’s the 17th, so that means submissions will be open for another 2 days
  15. MAP NAME: Iconoclash AUTHOR: BluePineapple72 RESOURCES: Greenwar II FORMAT: Boom MUSIC: Versus - Fookerton COMMENTS: Originally intended as my Boss Battle Bonanza submission. I was going to be the one who finally made a good icon of sin map. I added a rocket launcher so you could kill the icon. I also filled the missing textures. SCREENSHOTS:
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