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About ramon.dexter

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  1. You can have as many conversation portraits as you want. But this applies only to a custom mod. If you want to modify vanilla strife, you're out of luck. Basically, the portrait is defined per dialogue page. So each page could have it's own image.
  2. I already answered that, technically. In udmf it's done using line action 9-Line Horizon. If you target hexen format, you can try making sloped ceiling with sky texture on. It will make a horizon effect. For vanilla? I dont know, I dont mod vanilla.
  3. 'Opening' a window with a hammer also works, but nobody does it.
  4. Like I said :D Flipping one-sided lindefs is one of the general do-nots that I learned over the years...
  5. In udmf its line special 9, line horizon. For vanilla? Good luck with some weird hack.
  6. I think the original question was to change game palette from a script, not how to make a light switch...
  7. And are you asking for something, or are you just informing us? You know, the way you written your post just dont show what exactly are you looking for...
  8. Config for doom1 and doom2 are the same, therefore there is no "doom1".
  9. Dont do i via textures...if you're targetting gzdoom, it knows at least 3 video formats... https://zdoom.org/wiki/Video_format
  10. Okay, and why do you want to remove the polyobjects?
  11. Okay, got it. You want a sprite that faces always one way, so it doesnt billboard. The flag I sent does exactly this, as it makes the sprite into a wallsprite. A wallsprite is a sprite that could be put on a wall, so it always faces one way. In the previous post you said that 'the picture moves away' - again, repeat that in polish. Because the way the sprite is defined, it cannot move in any way. Also, replace the state into what I adviced you. Having single frame state with loop doesnt make any sense. It just takes up computing power, because the actor always loops. And sorry for not replying in polish...I can read and understand it, but I dont speak it or write it...
  12. Okay, I can see you're polish. Please, describe your problem in polish. I'm czech myself, so I think there would be much less noise by translation polish> english and english>czech. I literally don't understand your last post, as it doesnt describe whats happening on the screenshot. Aaand, one thing to note: spawn state in your actor does not make any sense. You have only one frame of animation, repeated triple times, looped. Just, why? Wouldnt it be better to write it like POHP A -1?
  13. Maybe you should slow down and start to be conscious about what you actually do...
  14. Delete udb, install it again...also looks for any occurences in AppData. Dont ask where to find those, as the search function in windows already work...
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