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About onetruepurple

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    this post is where walt became heisenberg

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  1. I'm always happy to see a Dean of Doom video and this time was no different. I really hope to see MtPain writing the Cacowards one day*, he has good taste, and a spectacular way to express his opinions. * - starting this year, please and thanks.
  2. There's a gremlin in my wifi? That explains a lot.
  3. There are no Ranger corpses in Quake outside of deathmatch.
  4. This is very probably true, but do you maybe have a source? On a tangential note, the episode Heaven Sent, set squarely in a medieval castle* uses some sfx that were also in Quake.
  5. The question here would probably be, how much of this "reading into authorial intent" debacle was informed by the intentional obtuseness found in D2ISO?
  6. The KEX remaster features remastered sounds. Most other source ports will play the original sounds unless you really go out of your way to have the remastered sounds included. I'm speaking from 20 years of bias but I always found the original sounds to be just fine at 11kHz, and upping the frequency jerks me right out of my comfort zone. As for the OP - Quake has the grenade bounce sound and the Super Nailgun firing sound, so Quake wins.
  7. I know that feeling alright. Quake mapping can be absolute magic when all the stars align - regardless of whether you're putting together a Dark Souls vista of a windswept cliffside palace, or a rotting, half-sunk wooden shack - and you've articulated the "why" of it perfectly. I was actually a little giddy reading your post. For such early times (I know this post comes months after) you seem to be doing everything right, and I hope to see more stuff from you.
  8. A lesser known member of the same family as decino and Fabino.
  9. Romero does tend to prefer licensing existing content rather than commissioning brand new stuff in general.
  10. Quake E4M4 is as scary to me at 29 as it was at 9.
  11. You can, however, extract the entity lump from a compiled bsp, which would include all the light entities, and copy those over to the map sources. (Not saying that somebody needs to walk the extra mile to fix the lighting issues in the reissued maps, just pointing that out.)
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