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Everything posted by NeedHealth

  1. @EPICALLL Still working on my map when given free time.
  2. 725612234_Lvq5ggA_d1.png.7f88e67c20e9924acc72b0eb1e4bbc86.png

    More or less the current situation right now.

    @Garland I'll get back to you eventually regarding the exit of my vanity map.

  3. Did some kind of first area past the crash site.
  4. Just sent an updated version of my map off to my playtester.
  5. Is this the place to bug report or just ask for general help? I'm having an issue with Eternity-x64-4.03.00-pre-1227-gd699a7d92: When I replay a demo, *doom 2 monsters are invisble but the player is able to interact with them and produce blood splat. I have selected the doom2.wad as an iwad. *if the player dies the demo desyncs.
  6. @magicsofa This design is what happens when you do a map in batches, not as a collective whole and then assemble them. The general design will probably stay, I settled early on a semi linear map as the last map with few secrets as I wanted the player to focus on just getting through. I think I forgot to add a secret in the version i posted here because I flipp-flopped between the starting sector and the end dito. Also, in the last fight if you play on uv you fight against three cyberdemons (and 1 hell knight) after killing the spiderdemon. I hope you didnt mean you found that too easy! :-P I could always teleport a few more in... . I'll fix the erroneous textures and and think about the other issues you mentioned. Thanks for playing my map!
  7. @thelamp Hi, would you be up for this? https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2674970
  8. @dsda-dev Okay, now I think I stumbled up on error. In dsda-doom-0.26.2 when using the -warp parameter or really any parameter it seems, i get an "x does not accept string arguments". I have an older version of dsda present and i tested by copying the same parameters i used there and it generated the same error in dsda-doom-0.26.2.
  9. @magicsofa Map: E4M8 Author: NeedHealth Name: Hope's Utter Absence Midi: Padlock by Zan-Zan-Zawa-Veia Playtime: About 15 minutes. Tested in: Chockorenderlimits and dsda. Difficulties: Yes, all supported (itytd/h,ntr: 170 | hmp: 190 | uv: 200). Multiplayer: Yes supported with extra monsters and ammunition but untested. Deathmatch: Yes, supported in separate area but untested. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0suv5quhpcrsnqe533v8o/nh_d95nd_V1.7z?rlkey=uhxklfnzkdyrrcvym2evdim94&dl=0 Please record a demo of some kind if you play this map! (dropbox did something with their links, they used to be shorter - if it dosn't work please tell me)
  10. @magicsofa My map is "done"". I'm giving it the customary one day before I upload it, to look it over one last time with fresh eyes.
  11. The final area is 99% done. I will now work on difficulty settings and eventually some sort of multiplayer. posting images in this thread keeps me motivated.
  12. I tried to work with the source material in e4m8 to create a final area for the s-m but I couldnt make it work. So it will be completely new. Also, here is the final teleporter.
  13. @AtticTelephone If you remember, could you @ me when this megawad is compiled? there is a part in my map that might fail if nodes are rebuild or the map is saved one more time.
  14. I think it helps to think in contrasts and aspects. From the chosen point of view you would probably need 50/50 to look "good" but what this is comes with experience I would say.
  15. Getting somewhere with the top part. Starting rework on the bottom part Soontm.
  16. Hi, was the session recorded? did you people find any serious bugs or similar?
  17. I never got around to add anything multiplayer to my map.
  18. Early screenshot, subject to change. Can you spot the similarities?
  19. @magicsofa -e1: As it stands now, this is the exit i built. If it is possible I would like the final text screen to reflect this in that doom guy only found an other portal to hell after killing the spider demon.
  20. @AtticTelephone Sorry for the triple post. My map is done, unless there is a bug. Thanks to all the playtesters! MAP TITLE: Sleep Dirt MAP NUMBER: placed in MAP14 MIDI: Cascade.mid by AD_79 DESCRIPTION: A medium sized map with some difficult encounters and exploration. Both deathmatch, multiiplayer wiith extra enemies and ammo is supported but untested.
  21. @thelamp Thank you for your playthrough! I saw a few things I need to fix and the teleporters at the end are supposed to lower.
  22. @thelamp Hi, Map Title: Sleep Dirt Author: NeedHealth Source Port tested in dsda doom Map Number MAP14 <- Difficulty Medium. How many maps is it 1 map Map Format and what source ports it won't work on. wad file *.wad and it won't work in vanilla / chocolate doom IWAD or other required files Doom2.wad -e1: old link.
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