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Everything posted by NeedHealth

  1. Sorry, I did not have time to be active in this project.
  2. Avast immediately told me when I clicked on this post that your latest link contained Url:Blacklist, just so you know. Also, the screenshots you posted still dosn't work.
  3. Seems like I forgot to return the favour. Don't worry, I am only a couple of years late or so! My usual fashion, cheers!.

  4. I was thinking of the opposite use of the switches actually but basically that, yes.
  5. A classic is to have a room with a circular layout where you need to raise a floor to cross the path you crossed down below in the other direction.
  6. Looks better than the deathmatch area I did for my map 20, don't forget to select the appropriate flag.
  7. ... so i did a test and the sector that failed on me is 673: -e1 i made a mistake, i'll be right back. -e2 the sectors 669-673 works for me when I load my map02 from STANDRD4.wad so I don't know what is going on... honestly. The only solution I can think of is splitting all the monster sectors from each other.
  8. They ain't in the latest version I uploaded here @Walter confetti. e1- i took a look, it seem to be an issue of that the teleport destinations are one 1 inch wrong.
  9. @Walter confetti Sorry for my tardiness, here is the final version of my two maps for Deadly Standards 4. Map02 is still in the Map01 slot. I fixed various small issues, the biggest one being that I removed some demons from the pit fight in Blackwater Park, to make it slightly easier and, dotted a bunch of small pillars around the area to make kiting less feasble. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8hqr0somhj9hngc/nh_deadly_standards_4.7z?dl=0
  10. I'll upload the final fixes of my maps tommorrow afternoon standard gmt + /- a couple hours here and there.
  11. I have some ideas for the last area i need to build in my map20, but I need to let them perkolate in my brain for a few days.
  12. This might be one of the weirdest issues I've posted about here (on doomworld) but I am starting to suspect it is ultimate doom builder itself that is adding and removing the erronous lost soul to my e4m6 map because now it is gone from the latest version I posted here and according to the file info the map hasnt been saved over since the last time I edited it. I didnt catch it on a recording but I saved a new version to edit and the lost soul was gone from this version and I couldn't find the lost soul. I opened the version I posted here and the lost soul was there, however I believed at the time I had been looking at the wrong spot so I opened the new version I made, again, and the lost soul was gone. It was also gone now from the version I posted here. The catch is that in the oldest version I did add a lost soul at the wrong postion however it then suddenly was coming and going in the new versions I have made since. e1- I did catch the issue on a clip. The erronous lost soul exists in its wrong position in the zipped version I posted here but not now when I open the same map from the folder it was saved in to start with. e2- I went into slade and the monster was in the things lump, so Ive removed it from there. I suspect udb was confused.
  13. @Obsidian remembered to post my bugfixed update. :-P Name: Could be Worch Midi: Mountain by fookerton Tested: Dsda-doom Difficulty Levels: Yes New Textures: No. Based On: Some map from Troopers Playground, some bits of eternal 1997 and some maps by moeller. Blurb: I remember one of the first pwads that really vibed with me among the others was the works by mattias worch. Here is a map that mixes some of his designs with the inspirations I got from other similar maps, this map also contains a monster closet that varies its location depending on the skill selected, something which I have never seen before in a map. I didnt have the time to properly finish the map the way I wanted, so it ends rather abruptly. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6al63kdutqrgpx4/mayhem2022_needhealth.7z?dl=0
  14. @forgettable pyromaniac It is four hours to midnight here, is it okay if I go over the deadline by an hour or two ? I need to make dinner. :-P As a proof, what I have left is the area between the two halfs and becuse the map is linear monsters will be easy too add. I also have couple old half finished small maps lying around one which I was thinking of converting to a multiplayer arena for deathmatch.
  15. holy hell did it turn out large on dw. the preview would not load so I have no clue if this will work when i press the sumit reply button.
  16. I checked, you are playing the older version, I provided a link to my updated version map06 after it wasnt included in the latest final. @cannonball I remember you play testing my map02 and you did provide feed back so thank you again! I meant other people that havn't participated in this thread. e1 - map06 not map02 e2 - i've talked to skepecist and for some reason the erronous lost soul has a different thing id on my side. I'll get around to sort the issue out.
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