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Everything posted by NeedHealth

  1. @Doomkid my map should be exitable at least. please record an lmp. I need to finish work on the last area, so it is currently very bare. nh_rowdyrudy2.7z
  2. Demo of a midi i am making for a project https://www.filemail.com/d/cpkheytgfpkwnkj
  3. e2 - wait, i missed the part where it said gzdoom. carry on.
  4. Not much to show currently. I'm playtesting and working on the last area.
  5. Randomly found a three minute midi in my "done" - folder that i had so forgotten about that I thought it was an other midi I made. Despite being in the "done"-folder it is not done because a year ago I guess i categorized midis after length. https://easyupload.io/j1dfth (demo) The other links dosn't work anymore so I removed them. I get to reupload those midis at some point.
  6. In february I had dream where I was making a doom map and when i was done I realized no sector could be over 250 in height and i had to scour the map and make corrections, finding errors everywhere. It was stressful.
  7. trying to figure out how i want to design the start area. deadly standards 4, my e4m2 map.
  8. Added the secret exit and was thinking for a while that I should hide it but I decided against that. On the left is the normal exit. e1 - like in the fact that there is a secret exit on this map and not that you can waltz right into it. :-P
  9. @Obsidian Ive completely forgot about this project ! How much do I have left ? :-P
  10. My deadly standards 4, e4m2 map. Like 3/4 of the layout done.
  11. @SilverMiner i understand, ive fixed the error and @Walter confetti i added three ammo clips before the end that appears only on "easy". stand3-homfix-Juli-NH.7z
  12. seems like udbx doing what it does best, arbitrarily joing or separating sectors as it likes. -e1 for me this error does not appear. what complevel where you playing at? -e2
  13. There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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