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Everything posted by NeedHealth

  1. @Walter confetti could i ask that you do video dump of the demo you made of my map? It desync after a minute and half or so on my end. this is my command line: prboom-plus-261um-w32 -iwad doom.wad -file stand4_nh_map02.wad ds4-gfx.wad -complevel 3 -playdemo sda-walt-ds4nh.lmp
  2. @azerty Thanks for the playthrough! :-) I've been doing doom maps since at least half a decade always for community projects so this map is my first "standalone map". I've been tinkering with doom maps, but never released anything, since at least 2012. Higher difficulties are indeed much more difficult in this map as you have to rely more and more on shotgunners for ammo! If it is okay, I will credit you as a playtester when the map is finally released and I don't know what happened to that blue key texture haha.... . You can find my doom wikipage here, https://doomwiki.org/wiki/NeedHealth
  3. @Walter confetti here is a link to my map02 wad that should work. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tbf4na8fk0sl0cg/stand4_nh_map02_without_boom.7z?dl=0
  4. @Walter confetti Title: Blackwater Park Description: Part office, part dig site. Probably not part OSHA. Iwad: DOOMU.wad Build time: About 1 and half year, with a long pause inbetween. New music (if any): 21 Dredge (Extended).MID by Mark Klem. Thanks to @SilverMiner for the suggestion. Tested with: prboom+ and dsda-doom. Playtime: about 25 minutes. All difficulties should be accounted for. No other starts than player 1 and the map isnt really optimized for multiplayer. Pleace record an *.lmp if you play this map! <- very important actually. -e1 i accidently added some boom actions. i'll return shortly with a fixed map. -e2 https://www.dropbox.com/s/tbf4na8fk0sl0cg/stand4_nh_map02_without_boom.7z?dl=0
  5. Sorry, does this work? https://easyupload.io/jgo7hd
  6. @azerty Hi, would you like to play a map i made. It is my first stand alone map. :-) Mapname: Hammer Falls Engine: dsda-doom or pboom+, dosnt matter. Textures used are the standard doom2 dito. Sky is custom but included. The only custom textures are the ones to prevent ingress into the stock levels. Difficulties: All should be accounted for. Complevel: 9 should work. I guess you make videos of all your playthroughs, otherwise I would like to se a lmp demo. Screenshot: https://file.io/8Hw8o9hgTbwb Ask if you a have any questions! -e1 haha i forgot meantion that play time is around 15 minutes, just so you know.
  7. A tip I can give to try to cut down on corridors that only serves as a transportation route. If you need a corridor there are many ways to spice it up, the cheating way being a view through a window to the outside world. You can have a view to an other area or an alternative way to enter said area.
  8. Does anybody know the internal name for the midi in map slot e4m1? Ive tried D_E4M1 to D_E4M9 and I saw cannonball was using the D_E2M5 slot for his map so I tried D_E2M1 to D_E2M9 skipping his slot D_E2M5. All of these just played the default midi track.
  9. So my map is basically done. All I need to do now is to find a midi that is atleast 8 minutes long, otherwise it will loop too many times.
  10. Because the rules for this mapset mandated that there be a bfg in map16, i would have put it in a secret that is visible to the player at some point. That is how I would solve this, tell the player that here is a new weapond - figure out how to access it.
  11. @s1zzlorr I remember a streamer having his vod muted a couple years back because a map in community chest whichever it was had a metallica midi playing.
  12. I want to learn how to do transparent doors. I never bothered with it in all my maps but maybe... maybe this year. Maybe not.
  13. @dac I updated my map, the new link is in the original post two steps above this one. Sorry for the double post.
  14. @Biodegradable Thanks for playing my map. I am a little miffed you didnt react to the door splitting in two, I was looking forward to that. :-p I will do an update to fix some discrepancies I noticed and, remove the blue armor... that you didnt find, and sprinkle armor bonuses instead.
  15. The start of my map 26, subject to change.
  16. @dac Map Name: Dismal Twilight Author: NeedHealth Theme: Marble with subtle uac base aesthetics Music: 02 Breathe My Child.mid by Immorpher Difficulty Settings: Yes, fully implemented but subject to change. Ports Tested: prboom-plus, dsda-doom Description: You have arrived in a marble compound, the sun is setting. The atmosphere is serene yet you can smell something in the air. Is it carrion? Notes: the difficulty settings makes the enemies vary between 24 and 30, I hope I understood the rules correctly. No multiplayer or additional player starts added, save for player 1. https://easyupload.io/2kv0mr -e2 version 2 e1 please record an .lmp if you play this map
  17. By arena do you mean like this: ... or something like this?
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