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About Spectere

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    Green Marine

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  1. Someday you should make a video with a facecam where the facecam is just a translucent silhouette. Maybe on April 1st.

    1. Spectere


      That is entirely too tempting. :D


      Actually, if I pick up a cheap green screen I think I could convincingly emulate the specter fuzz effect with Premiere. Hmmmm…

    2. Scypek2


      I'm pretty sure a lot of software nowadays can remove your background using AI regardless of what you're sitting in front of. At least, I know Zoom does it and it works well. Not as well as an actual green screen, but a spectre with occasionally fuzzy edges shouldn't be a problem...

    3. Spectere


      True, but now I kinda want to go all the way and actually make myself appear translucent. :)

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