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About BigDickBzzrak

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  1. Life's still good, started uni and all, how about you all?

    Kinda lonely tho since I don't have that many friends here yet, but hopefully it'll be alright

    1. reflex17


      doing OK, been getting back into Doom mapping again lately, which is always good.


      what are you taking? good luck with your studies.

    2. BigDickBzzrak


      @reflex17 hey that's nice, I hope you'll pump out something badass. Matter of fact I'm certain you will


      I'm taking Ecology and Environmental protection, thanks I'll need it a lot. :]

    3. reflex17


      That's a good subject to study, the world needs it, from what I can tell. I still remember when recycling became a big thing in the early 90's and I'm pretty sure as a species we haven't done the best job since then. 


      Anyways thanks for the kind words, take care and all the best.



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