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    Map is fun to play, but ugly. Poor choose of textures. Escaping from prison on the beginning is really clever. Biggest flaw is absence of ssg in singleplayer.
  1. Meril

    Sgt. Magnus

    Very good, classic map. A bit too easy for today standards, but open design and few intresting tricks make fun enough.
  2. Meril


    It's the biggest and (shittiest) library I ever seen! And most noticable part is HOM maze. I recommend it for all masochist like me :) Also watch out for big concentration of hitscanners. Not difficult, but annoying.
  3. Meril

    Hans Island

    Annoying new sounds, bland maze with mostly one texture (only few rooms are kinda ok), unmarked doors and much to much ammo and bonuses. Even for its time this wad is below average.
  4. Meril

    The Castle : Map 28

    txt file says that map is unfinished. Have some nice touches, but overall mediocre. Short and easy, with a little switch hunting.
    Oldschool (Maybe because it's from 1995). Not bad for it's age, but nothing special.
    Very good level. E4 style, rather short (If you don't straferun and miss important trigger line like me). I'm not sure, but I don't think this is how pentagram looks like :D
    It's an old wad from 1995. It starts with map only made to get some armour and shotgun, but for no reason becouse of ssg on start of next map. First impression is really cool (except visual glitches on GZDoom). But after few minutes everything changes. This map is extremly confusing, a lot of switch hunting, backtracking, weird puzzles. My favourite are barrels on telepads... Telefraging them hurts. At least one secret is only obtainable in coop (I played on single). Despite of being visually not bad (for 95), this map is a crap.
    Maps are short and easy, but enjoyable. BTW you're not really underwater, it's just a trick with ceiling textures.
    It's large 1995 map. Starting area is looking nice, but later author lost creativity and made mazy corridors. Very challenging because of overuse of chaingunners. It's extremely annoying. Lots of traps, Some clever, some not fair.
  5. Meril


    For 95' map is really ok. A bit "blocky" design, but not bad. Map is rather big, it takes me 40min but i get lost in one place. Some good traps, IMO kinda challanging at the begining, before you get ssg. Overall good classic wad.
  6. Meril


    Map looks kind of ok, but gameplay is bad. All keys are hidden, worst is yellow keycard (spoiler) on the only lowerable pillar completely unmarked (end of spoiler).
  7. Meril

    The Castle

    New sounds are TERRIBLE! Map is unintresting and feels random.
  8. Meril


    Very bad map set. Ugly, monotonous, repetitive, missaligned textures. Unfair traps and damaging floors without radsuits are common. Map 02 is pointless, because exit is just behind start point. Map03 is nukage maze. very annoying.
  9. Meril

    Crawling Chaos

    For 1995 standards really ok. Map is kinda big, nice detailed. And of course mazes. but not too complicated nor too long. it Was worth time spended.
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