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Master O

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Everything posted by Master O

  1. Idclip is also helpful if a level gets softlocked and you can't progress because some level trigger didn't work.
  2. That is funny. Linux Kernel 6.6.6 at the same time Doom has its 30th birthday. What are the odds, right?
  3. Gradius 3 is a greatly improved and balanced port of its infamous Arcade game namesake. The Arcade version is considered nearly impossible to beat. It makes Final Doom: Plutonia look easy in comparison. Darius Force is one of the few Darius games with a non-fish-themed boss fight in it.
  4. Especially given how unstable Glados is and you don't even get any cake!
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Have_No_Mouth%2C_and_I_Must_Scream_(video_game)
  6. https://dosbox-x.com/wiki/Guide%3APC‐98-emulation-in-DOSBox‐X can run PC-98 games, provided you have the relevant files for the games you want to play. I haven't played any PC-98 games, so I don't know anything beyond the above Dosbox-X link.
  7. After someone eventually creates the 2024 Cacowards nomination thread, Eviternity II will most likely be nominated within seconds.
  8. When's SIGIL III coming out? [/joking] Romero's gonna make a Doom 2 wad at some point as well, right?
  9. Thanks for implementing the IWAD selection menu. That's greatly appreciated.
  10. You want puzzles? Here's a WAD full of them: This has some of the most obnoxious puzzles ever seen in a Doom 2 custom wad.
  11. A Doom 2 wad with Jazz from Hell as an inspiration would be potentially hilarious.
  12. Zappa Bowie Emerson, Lake & Palmer King Crimson Any group with Robert Fripp in it Pink Floyd Led Zeppelin Queen Steely Dan The Police Genesis
  13. The U.S. Government, especially Congress and the Senate, have an obsession with moral panics. Some things never change. First it was movies, then comic books, then heavy metal music, then video games. Whenever Congress and the Senate want to distract from their own behavior and crimes, they hold Congressional hearings on non-sense topics like PMRC.
  14. And 30 years later, Humanity is still Dumb All Over.
  15. Or if using Dosbox with a physical floppy drive: mount a a:\ -t floppy a: install.bat
  16. https://www.gog.com/en/game/doom_ii DOOM2.WAD is in the doom2 folder of the GOG offline installer.
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