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Li'l devil

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About Li'l devil

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    Place more barons
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  1. Oh I actually thought mine was one of the weaker ones. It actually was put together in a very short amount of time: about 10 days in total. I'm very aware that the map is poorly detailed, but detailing was just never something I was good at. In hindsight, after watching Vile's stream, I should've also probably put more health in some areas.
  2. That's a given in a community project where slots are reserved. Every mapper has a different idea of difficulty. This could've only worked if the project lead stated from the very beginning that maps could be rejected for quality reasons. Otherwise it'd be rude to just throw out some people's work at the end of the development.
  3. Imagine being scared of ROOMS! Come on, grow up!!!!!! Anyway I do like large empty spaces, it's one of the reasons I like Armadosia. I usually don't find this stuff scary, but there was one large room that creeped me out. It's the hidden deathmatch arena with cybers in MM2 map 21. However I think I was more caught off guard by accidentally finding it, because I thought I already knew the map well.
  4. Everything is fine as long as you don't play the Bad Fucking Garbage Edition, but personally I'd play vanilla with dhewm source port, because it supports modern resolutions.
  5. Everyone likes revenants until they fail to get to cover from a homing missile and get that sweet sweet 80 damage. Everyone likes arch-viles until one blast them through a tiny gap between bars/pillar/walls also for a guaranteed 80 damage.
  6. It's based on retail game? Not interested! Give me HL2 beta version, with dark green sky and grim atmosphere akin to Gotham, then I'll be interested!! Hehe.
  7. There is a credits map where all mappers are listed. But yeah, would've been nice. Edit: for now, I think you can look up the names in the project's development thread.
  8. Remove lighting from GZDoom maps altogether and force mappers to rely only on dynamic lights like in Doom 3!!
  9. Yeah, this door on map 3 was meant to be openable from both sides. I'm pretty sure I made everything openable, so I think this was "overwritten" by the preceeding map piece when the pieces were connected.
  10. There were many maps that made me quit megawads and many maps that made me change the way I play Doom, but there were no maps that left permanent changes to the way I play it. So far I kept changing my playstyle constantly. I kept jumping between all skill levels, kept changing my mind on saving, on what port features I should enable or not, etc. And every time I thought that I was permanently settled, it turned out I wasn't.
  11. This is unrelated to the runs, but there's a technical problem I have with this wad. I decided to play it casually on Chocolate Doom on HMP and for some reason about 1 minute into the wad I keep getting a crash with W_CacheLumpNum error. I searched, and the cause seems to be some lumps being out of order, but this is bizarre, because as a 1996 vanilla wad is should work with Chocolate Doom perfectly.
  12. No, you didn't softlock. One of those platforms can be triggered to lower if pressed from the correct side, and once you get on top of it, there's a walk trigger line that builds the rest of the staircase. Yeah, this is really obscure and I found about it by just pressing on everything randomly.
  13. No. If I make a vanilla map, then I want everyone to play it on Chocolate Doom or the original .exe, and not any other way. >:(
  14. HNTR: place barons HMP: place more barons UV: place even more barons, only give the player the shotgun and the chaingun
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