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About everennui

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  1. Doomworld is fuckin' lame. Fuck you all later.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Misty


      Idk if I can ask, but that dude is banned or he just left as other people who get upset/angry over some stuff in this place?

    3. BigDickBzzrak
    4. Catpho


      The things that happen when i didnt check the blogs...

  2. Why do I get a point against me for having a video, from this community that smears me? Fuck you Mordeth!

    1. Memfis


      Hey hey hey, don't insult the admins, that can end badly.

    2. Benjogami


      I’m thinking you got the point for posting it here, not because it simply exists. ;)

    3. dew


      You should get another point for suggesting that doomguy2000 somehow represents this community.

  3. Bwahahahaha

    Too bad slavery is illegal, because owning people is kind of fun.

    1. Memfis


      Is this an eye test?

  4. I'm so glad that I got a mesh chair. Now the farts don't get trapped in the cushion.

  5. Someone is using my online nickname to make posts that would be offensive to someone who is a homophobic, kink-shaming, bigot. They keep projecting their personal fears on to me in attempt to stir up some sort of drama. If I had to guess, it'd be either by some conviluted extension of my ex-girfriend (which I doubt) or some Nazi from Facebook or Doomworld. Funny thing is they've used a topic that I've joked about in the past, so it feels a little stalkerish.

    I know my name's ennui, but geez louise. Someone's more bored than me, evidently. I couldln't imagine wasting the 30 seconds it takes to register a porn video and then searching these highly specific videos and making comments like these. Kudos. You were clearly burned on the asshole with cigars when you were a baby.

    1. BigDickBzzrak


      Don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's not your girlfriend or a Nazi from Facebook or DW. Just a troll.

      (Not me if that's what you thought.)

  6. If you like realistic-ish WW2 shooters, check out, "Day of Infamy"

    It happens to be on sale right now on Steam.

    1. UglyStru


      "but we hav call of dooty xDDDD"

    2. everennui


      variety is the spice of life, friend

      Three more days! I bought the digital deluxe version of WW2 like a slimey bastard, and am waiting ever so patiently.


  7. Has anyone here used a Udoo? I'm really impressed by what I've seen, but I've never used a Raspberry Pi or anything like that.

    1. Manuel-K


      At first I thought that you misspelled the drum (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udu), but then the second sentence does not make any sense. ;-)


      I've got an old Raspberry Pi hooked up to the TV. I'm thinking about upgrading to the newest version.


      I would be interested in opinions about similar computers.

    2. everennui


      The Udoo x86 looks really awesome. Looks like something that would compete with my old PC. I'm looking for something for my mom, for basic web browsing, Skype and solitaire.

    3. Manuel-K


      My mother uses a MSI Cubi. Obviously more expensive, but they have an SSD and are very quiet (most of the time).

  8. https://www.callofduty.com/wwii/beta

    Come get some.

    I didn't know Raven Software made this. Neato.

    1. snapshot


      Heh, they have been working on call of duties since 2010.

  9. If you do Ryzen, spend the extra on the Samsung B-Die (c14). Save yourself a headache. Oh My Fudgin' Gosh.

  10. Can someone please help me get Quakespasm working? I tried putting the pak0.pak and pak1.pak files into id1 folder and placing that inside of Quakespasm folder, but that didn't do anything.

    I get an error about QS, not being able to, "load gfx.wad". I found the error on google, followed the directions and it still wouldn't work.

    @YukiRaven? :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrGlide


      are you still having issues @everennui?

    3. everennui


      I heard the opposite. So, I lowercased them... then read that, that was for linux. I use Windows 10. The only thing I can think of is maybe it's because it's x86? Maybe? I haven't been able to mess around with it too much for the last couple of hours. I tried Dark Places, too, but I don't have any luck with that either. I'm trying to think of a way that I can install it in C:\program files\... (not C:\program files (x86)\...) without messing with my other applications. I don't feel like having a convoluted fake directory for it.

      I'll be able to check it out in about 15 minutes or so when I get back home.

    4. everennui


      I figured it out. I was supposed to put the contents of quakespasm into the Quake Steam folder.

  11. PC Update:

    I'm writing from my new PC. I have the newest BIOS/UEFI, Video drivers and Malwarebytes installed. CPU is OC'd to 3.825 running at 1.32v. Cinebench was 18.35

    Got Doom II: Heck on the Planet Earth ( @bonnie sorry, I had to steal it) running on this baby. (If anyone's curious, it runs pretty darn good.)

    Still need to get a monitor.

    1. jdagenet


      hell yeah, being able to run doom is now a benchmark? hell yeah time for my new power pc

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