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About DoomKrakken

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    Aspiring Game Designer

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  1. Alrighty. :) Wait a sec, there's a Vilecore 2, or there's a Vilecore 2 in the works?
  2. Just played through this map, it looks good. :D Just a bit of a bug... I saw this when I finally figured out how to exit this area: All in all, it was a decent map and I look forward to seeing more work from you. :D Thank you for a good time!
  3. Are there any plans to remaster NDCP2 after this? I loved that mapset, and loved the textures used there. However, for some reason, it's filed in my mind as one of those Doom projects that "felt like it shouldn't exist", because it felt very surreal (which isn't to say it's bad). Many of the design choices didn't seem to make much sense (like the female marine hologram in random places, unless that was a mascot of some sort) or the (what I assume are) DeHackEd monsters which behaved kind of weird (that Kamikaze Caco that didn't fly but zipped pretty fast and blew up in your face, and that black-n-white Marine which was more or less an overglorified turret, 'cuz it never seemed to change direction when it started firing nor cared to stop). Again, I couldn't tell you if these were bad choices... but more or less weird. If anything, if it were to happen, I'd be more curious to see what would change this time around.
  4. Absolutely. However, I'd be making a whole separate mod to apply the same EOA treatment to DOOM Eternal, instead of slapping such changes on top of EOA itself.
  5. EOA v1.9 is now here! Comes with some HUGE changes (coding-wise). Changelog:
  6. Hello guys, sorry for not reporting here for the longest time. Mod's not dead, but I got plenty of stuff happening behind the scenes. Updates are gonna take a while to handle even after I get them released because I need to restructure my file hosting infrastructure to better streamline download availability. Just letting you guys know there's more to come in the near future. I hope I can deploy it soon! Stay tuned, Slayers! :D
  7. Just discovered this thread through the 2020 Cacowards, congrats on the uber-notable mention! :D Quick question... if being able to execute (just about) any sort of code through these means can happen with DOS Doom... would it be possible to do this sort of thing for certain sourceport engines (like, say, Zandronum)? Would be cool to add ZScript/DECORATE parsers to other engines that have better networking capabilities...
  8. But it still includes utilizing models, (spoiler alert).
    This mod is freakin' hilarious in that in makes Doom so bland and boring. That's how it got a Cacoward... because it was a "Mockaward". The palette itself is quite pretty... I saw someone use the palette itself from here and it looks amazing on many maps...
  9. DoomKrakken


    I wish there were more maps like S9DM03 (Shogouki)... and for singleplayer, too!!!
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