Are there any plans to remaster NDCP2 after this?
I loved that mapset, and loved the textures used there. However, for some reason, it's filed in my mind as one of those Doom projects that "felt like it shouldn't exist", because it felt very surreal (which isn't to say it's bad). Many of the design choices didn't seem to make much sense (like the female marine hologram in random places, unless that was a mascot of some sort) or the (what I assume are) DeHackEd monsters which behaved kind of weird (that Kamikaze Caco that didn't fly but zipped pretty fast and blew up in your face, and that black-n-white Marine which was more or less an overglorified turret, 'cuz it never seemed to change direction when it started firing nor cared to stop). Again, I couldn't tell you if these were bad choices... but more or less weird.
If anything, if it were to happen, I'd be more curious to see what would change this time around.