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About rehelekretep

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  1. map05 fda this is a lot of running around a slightly dull techbase without much action. i found the layout quite confusing; why are the keys all over the place far away from where they are meant to be used? im not the most observant but i got no sense of place here. the blue room/corridor teleporter thing is nice. map06 fda what an absolute contrast with 05; i had no idea what was going on, almost constant action in this one, with a subversion of expectation from the start. you dont need to know whats going on as you stumble from pathway to pathway, you cant really get lost. finished with a lovely vision of the exit of the base. excellent mapping! map07 fda i was really looking forwards to that lush jungle looking place after 06's exit; instead we get some weird prison with a spiderdemon. quite fun, apart from epilepsy-cavern with the viles. that amount of PEs is quite scary, i guess more so than with the vanilla lost souls limit. luckily i had just enough ammo to deal with them all. map08 fda a contrast to map05; a biolab, with the keys unlocking various deeper parts of the lab - makes sense. the combat ramps up a bit here, with mancs, barons, hell knights etc. in more cramped conditions. not bad. map09 fda enjoyable run through a sort of hub map thingy. distinct lack of any sort of heavy weaponry made this a bit of a slog. i wonder if i missed a secret or something obvious? map10 fda an exercise in running away. there didnt seem to be any weaponry that would make fighting the various medium sized beasts worth my time. i feel like this map shouldve led on directly from 05, the woods seem to be hinted at there. whew - caught up.
  2. i have felt bereft, BEREFT i tell you, without the DWMC. thank you @dobu gabu maru! first demo attempts linked below: pistol starts, uv, cl-1, saving when i feel like it map01 far too much pistol-ing for my liking. i enjoyed the shooty switch secrets map02 i like the central conceit; go to each teleporter and return with key, but the scale doesnt feel right; why have they set up all this (admittedly very nice looking core) to go to these piddly places? lacking! map03 an example where extreme linearity doesnt harm gameplay i think. very happy to see a waterfall secret after the first waterfall in the map betrayed me :D map04 excellent frantic start and then sort of peters out... the secrets are quite entertainingly accidental. my kind of secret to be honest!
  3. map01 a mildy arresting 01 - about halfway through realised i had a reality run on my hands. couldnt find how to drop the shotgun shell secret though :( map02 a bit more challenging. unfortunately one of those maps where if you choose the wrong route at the start, you end up with fewer weapons and more of a grind; found the ssg after 60% or so of the monsters were dead. bit irritating but i enjoy punching demons so wasnt all bad. doh - thought this was the mapset for May!
  4. fdas for 10x10, cl9 really fun mapset, although i am not skilled enough for some of the situations in map10, and a few others so they ended up feeling a little like trial and error 10x10-fda-rehelekretep.zip
  5. i thought id played stardate before, but apparently not! really liked most of the maps, magnus is excellent - i heavily suggest watching up to the cyber/rev/imp/spectre dark maze as theres a ridiculous bit of lucky gameplay that i cannot believe actually happened. i strongly disliked 05 as it just felt awkward and unpleasant but not in a good way. m31 just absolutely bored me to death so i didnt bother completing it. i prefer later Ribbiks versus this Ribbiks - the secrets became less "find a tiny indented switch on the automap" and the 'gotcha' traps became less foreknowledge heavy. funny thing is this earlier Ribbiks is still LIGHTYEARS ahead of most doom mapping stardate20x6-fda-rehelekretep.zip
  6. @TimeOfDeath666 @Ribbiks @Deadwing @skillsaw @dannebubinga if i remember any others ill add them lol didnt realise i had posted this before
  7. i dont like doom1 wads! i think cafebrk was my favourite dbimpact-fda-rehelekretep.zip fava-fda-rehelekretep.zip cafebrk1-fda-rehelekretep.zip
  8. realised i didnt actually finish this! 1024clau-fda-rehelekretep.zip
  9. fdas for all maps h_phobia-fda-rehelekretep.zip
  10. i enjoyed eviternity 1 without thinking it was particularly special so im interested to see if this betters or improves on the original in that regard! added complication is having to download and setup dsda-doom to play it! if i can get that all working how i like i may join in :)
  11. in dsda-doom can i save, exit doom, then restart my demo batch file and it pick up where i last saved? (this was possible in cl9 and -1 i think, in prboom+)
  12. map29 fda start of map has great atmosphere; end of map is a blast. rest feels like filler map30 fda its an IoS map ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i actually really enjoyed this whole wad. its the 90s but better! rehelekretep-fdas-01-05-roc25_rc1.zip rehelekretep-fdas-06-32-roc25_rc1-5.zip
  13. “When a man is tired of Doom, he is tired of life” - so said Samuel Johnson to his friend and biographer James Boswell in 1777.
  14. thank you for your kind and thoughtful words @Steve D, im glad the demos are useful!
  15. map24 fda undercooked, and that fire-blue room is just annoying. annoying is the key word for this map. its also quite dull - 3 rooms mostly flat, with a lava path between them. map25 fda pretty cool ending - almost got caught in a caco-sandwich. couldnt for the life of me work out the one switch in the faces room. could hear something lowering but couldnt work out the next step map26 fda full marks for trying to be inventive/minus marks for the slightly too narrow bridges. its also repetitive. map27 fda SteveD you evil bastard; when those viles spawned in the final room i damn near shat myself. then i did a little cha-cha slide with a rev who didnt want to let me go and almost died. great map!
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