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About bioshockfan90

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  1. As an alternative to status updates, nothing's stopping you from carving your own Doom niche elsewhere on the internet. I run a Tumblr blog that has a decent following, I've posted about it before, and before that I used Backloggd (Letterboxd for video games) to review WADs. Obviously not everyone's going to want to review wads and Doomworld already has the interface, but in this case 99% of the issue is the "idiot of the week" threads with the usual suspects chiming in and the thread getting locked. It is what it is, it was a different gang of whodunnits back circa 2016-2017 and I in fact made one of those threads while Post Hell was still around. Xaser hit the nail on the head, it's just a young person thing. I was 15 when I joined Doomworld, the closest thing to forums I had figured out was lurking SomethingAwful when I was a kid to find Let's Plays so I didn't get forum etiquette, that's why I try to be at least somewhat nice to these new people and not outright clown them. It's an uptick, sure, but like Kinsie said it probably runs like clockwork and in any case there's 1 thread a week. This isn't anything new really. So whatever, yeah, I'm technically a zoomer, what difference does it make, we're all gonna get old and die so. Plenty of time to decide if a forum dedicated to an old FPS is worth your time. Mods do a good enough job, this is just the internet. Think about how bad it gets on Twitter or Reddit without any admin intervention. Food for thought.
  2. Yeah, I could not finish this one. Seemingly random monster placement, random cyberdemon and random archviles that don't pose a threat, I didn't figure out the big secret but I did find the hint area that was marked off, then got bored and just cheated before exiting because nothing was exciting me. I like the idea of this gimmick, but the combat was just too random and repetitive and I don't think too many people want to play the exact same map like 4 times with only the most marginal switchups in thing placement. Going Down (the WAD) does something similar to this, in fact it has really strong theming of going... well, down a building, and each floor is unique. Maybe if it got more corrupted by Hell and the actual sectors and linedefs, hell even the texturing was different it'd be a lot more interesting, but I was just not really enjoying it. Regardless, it was Doom:tm: and I'm not complaining about Doom maps, it's something to pass the time so it is what it is. Just wish the execution was there. Thumbs up for finishing projects, anyway.
  3. HNTR 10:08 100K 95I 100S [IDDT used for plasma gun secret at end] Bugs/random stuff: Teleport lines visible on automap Zombiemen not crossing into opening, monster-block line (intentional?) Weird texture effect on very bottom of linedef between two blue torches Misaligned texture in this switch room Total Screen I've been playing a lot of the 1994 Cacoward winners so this was really fun. Good stuff friend!
  4. I'm neurodivergent, I don't really talk about it much on here but it was a reason why I was absent from the forums for a few years. Just starting to get my life back in order attending community college this fall. Honestly CC is a really great resource, if you're low enough income you can have your entire tuition paid with grants, tons of resources to help you out and depending on the school just make sure to pick a field you resonate with and you know you can get comfortably into. If you are genuinely at the point where you believe you physically cannot work, that is just depression my friend. To that end I'd suggest (if you live in the states) getting on Medicaid or a state program and seeing a psychiatrist, getting on SSRIs or whatever it takes - yoga, meditation, breathwork - learn along the way and you'll eventually get there. I liken mental struggle to being in a field of tall grass and whereas NTs are tall enough to see above the grass and see the sunlight and horizon, us NDs are down in the thick of it and the only way we can get out and not just see endless thickets is by growing via practice. If you read all of that and you're still doomposting, I don't know what to tell you other than this is life, welcome to it. It's cruel as shit but you have to carve your own path. If I could make it out the trenches pretty much anyone could, and I know I'll get my ass knocked down at least a couple more times yet here but I'll keep getting up. EDIT: if you can't work due to a literal debilitating condition then I'd understand - wanted to clarify
  5. Upon thinking about it more, are you sure any custom resources (music, textures) are in "vanilla"-friendly formats? That could explain the port incompatibilities.
  6. I'm a bit confused. If this is truly 'limit-removing' then why did you only test it with ZDoom-based ports? Are you sure the maps were made in your editor under the "Doom" format and not Boom or something? I'm personally going to wait until more reports come in but based on @Theespressoman's comment about DSDA-doom not working and Crispy not working in the .txt file, I'm not sure you can call that "limit-removing" at that point if it can only run in ZDoom-based ports. Otherwise, once I get confirmation what format this actually is, I will play it as the screenshots look rather good.
  7. Will this work in DSDA-doom? A complevel would be nice to have as well as what ports you tested this in. Otherwise, looks great. I don't really recall this concept showing up in a WAD before. EDIT: Okay, looking at the trailer this is probably UDMF. My bad.
  8. Cool, I thought their music was pretty good but when it comes to breakcore/jungle I tend to stick to the classics. Metalheadz anyone? Glad to see a return, I saw their spotify page bio was replaced with some really bigoted stuff and it was hard to see. A hacker from the looks of it.
  9. HNTR 6:35.51 99K, 70I, 33S Pretty fun, nice and breezy. HNTR (if there is difficulty balance, not sure) felt nice, but I feel like the opening room was supposed to have some monsters in it while the bars lowered to get you into the map proper. Other than that, cool map. Just super streamlined and I like the backtracking after the BK. :)
  10. Oh heheh, I wouldn't take it as gospel. I'm not the be-all-end-all resource on what makes a WAD good - I cover what I feel like covering. You got this in the bag, no problem. Was really moreso a way of saying "I'm anticipating E2" than anything else. Thanks for giving it a read! :)
  11. Played and reviewed. Sorry I missed so much like the NG+ that I'm just now hearing about or a lot of the secret progression, but nonetheless this was an absolutely fantastic mapset. I'm agog by how much there is to love about this. It's hard to really put into words how this hits for me, but it just does. I dunno, I wish I could access the Codex but I'm on linux (probably runnable via Wine but just another missed opportunity on my end). I mean, the thread presentation, the maps, the design, the secret weapon and monster, the FANTASTIC final 2 maps, the mechanism in the final map and everything on the technical side of things - just bonkers. You've cemented yourself as a mapping champion with this one, Arsinikk. Hell Revealations was great and you just proved your own with this one. Deserves all its flowers and more. Do NOT skip.
  12. This was fun to blast through before an appointment in half an hour. Most were hits, some middling maps here and there and truth be told I find the gimmick kinda hard to wrap my head around, but there was some really fun stuff here. I think my favorites were the combat puzzle BFG map (I wanna say 02 or 03?) and the final 2 official maps. 07 in particular is great, probably my absolute favorite. Enforcing plasma was a cool choice, and the YK archie ambush is very mean but very fun as it encourages you to slowly move away as chaos ensues. Pretty darn fun, folks! Thanks for the afternoon carnage.
  13. Zone 300 MAP31. It's as ambitious as you could get for 300 linedefs, and the map itself is one of the weaker ones in the set. But it does fit your description.
  14. Ignoring non-mods trying to be mods and weird shit afoot in this thread, welcome OP! I've never played Freedoom before but I want to cross it off my list at this point. I can't imagine playing Doom for the first time and having that be my experience, is it really worth the cost of Free to miss out on some of the most iconic levels, graphics, and music of such a revered game? I dunno, as long as you're having fun. Try to get the actual IWADs off GOG or Steam at some point, custom levels and mods play way nicer with that than Freedoom. I have a RPI 3B+, it's good for media servers but mine's dismantled at the moment. Just don't see an use. Are you playing Doom on the Pi for a hobby project or because you have no other computers available to run it on? Not saying your Pi can't handle the power (Doom can run on just about anything) but it is an interesting choice for playing the game. Either way, have fun! I guess I'm just posting here because it's early in the morning in the USA and I'm doing my morning Doomworld check. Have fun internet person! ^^
  15. I'll wait for the RC1 to play this, I've been leaning towards shorter map projects nowadays (currently playing Zone 400 as my main WAD) so this is definitely on my radar. Can't wait to see what has been cooked!
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