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About youraverageamir

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  1. does anyone else get this error when trying to attach files? some files i try to upload get the error no matter what, others upload just fine. its annoying as hell.

    1. Misty


      Me too.Maybe your internet speed is way too slow. Use external file share pages,like imgur for screenshots and for wads dropbox. 

  2. jewewewdsadwa.png.a51862270ba2a2df4dca460b1024e46d.png


    screenshot from a level im working on

    1. Fonze


      Pretty colors; architecture looks like it could use more loving though :)

    It's competently made, and it's not too bad for a first attempt, but it's ultimately quite bland. The only interesting part of the level is the various teleporters (although it's initially confusing to figure out that the way you walk into the teleporters affects where you end up). Other than that, it's just your bog-standard level. Not bad, but not good either.
    It's clear that a lot of effort went into this, and I guess you could say this level is objectively good, but I didn't enjoy playing it. The level is labyrinthine, and even when I knew where I was going it was monotonous to play.
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