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About bemused

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  1. Ummm.... good question. As far as im aware the edited SP maps are all in, with difficulty settings and basic coop stuff in place, so its just all the slow fiddly stuff like compiling and testing them, trying to go through 6 years worth of PMs on various platforms to create a credits list for textures, midis etc, and other such stuff remaining. New version posted within the next month or 2 hopefully? Maybe? :P
  2. We were actually compiling a credit list for the text file the other day and managed to identify all but one of the midis.. Anyone who knows what 08 is, or where its from... gets a prize consisting of absolutely nothing :) 1 "Something I Can Never Have" by Nine Inch Nails 2 "Outer Darkness" by Primeval 3 "Under a Crimson Moon" by The Green Herring 4 Outdoor Theme 2 from Dungeon Master 2 5 "Darkseige" by an unknown author 6 "Departure" from Duke Nukem 3D 7 "Taking the Death Toll" from Duke Nukem 3D 8 ? 9 Hydrodynamo Station theme from Metroid Prime 2 10 Sewers theme from Terminator: Future Shock 11 "Underground" by Ribbiks 12 "Demon Resurged" by Primeval 13 Hangar theme from PS1 Doom 14 "Rusty Nails" by Jimmy 15 Crateria - Raining (Remix) from Super Metroid, tracked by SilentZorah 16 "Dungeon Theme 9" from Dungeon Master 2 17 Privateer's Hold theme from The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 18 Target Closing theme from Metroid Fusion Title Target Closing theme from Metroid Fusion Int Iris's Theme from Lufia II Text The Library theme from Resident Evil 2
  3. "NOTICE: This thread has been dormant for more than three months. You should carefully consider if your reply is relevant enough to warrant bumping the thread." Well, shit...... apologies for the >3 months of total silence, I kinda lost the thread under a sea of notification spam and IRL stuff... Many thanks to all of you lovely people who took time out of your schedules to die repeatedly and drop feedback, its really appreciated :) Edits in some form will be coming at some point soon, basically once I find the motivation to do them lol. Regarding who made what.... All maps apart from 02 and 03 were made by me. 02 had been sitting on tourniquets HDD gathering dust for many years, and i was sent the base layout of the 2 main buildings in 03, so would class that as a collab map. This is how it looked the day i received it. 01 was originally destined for haste.wad, and all the secret maps are just a small selection of some of the random obnoxious stuff i have laying around clogging up my drive space :)
  4. sigh.... i knew this would come back to haunt me eventually... i have stalled out on mapping for the last few months due to fiddly editing and fine tuning stuff being super un-fun, but i guess i could throw down some more resources in the 04 secret to make it more lenient once i get a burst of enthusiasm. Will probably upload occula, harass benjo to put out RC1 for abandon and edit this all at the same time, so will update the thread when i finally pull my finger out and sort my shit... Soon™
  5. A small collection of challenging maps made by both myself and tourniquet, featuring red textures by franckFRAG. Maps vary in length and complexity, with some harder fights being optional. 3 secret maps full of BS and nonsense for those who like being abused by videogames. Revenants included at no extra cost. Difficulties fully implemented, please use them. UV is not intended for first playthroughs. Complevel 9, tested in Prboom+, other ports may struggle. Software rendering not recommended for map31 Full credits and thanks included in text file Known bugs/issues: inconsistent damaging floor flats. This will be sorted, I promise :P LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ns3fvc5k8q1lp1s/OcculaRC1.zip?dl=0 PICS:
  6. :WeirdChamp: 

    1. Scotty

















  7. Played this on HMP as the text file suggested.. cool little map filled with deadly little ambushes, most of which i found little cheesy strats for once i knew what to expect, but nothing noteworthy or egregious. Really liked the fight at the end and the way the "safe" areas open up to reveal more misery :D I did find myself with no ammo once, after killing all the revs there was a moment of regret where everything got rezzed after hitting the switch by the caged cyb. (i didnt get the secret) Not sure if adding some more (non secret) ammo would change how you intended it to be played here, as it was kinda cool being pressured to use ammo sparingly on the viles and leave the mass of revs roaming around as a persistent threat. Skipped the exit line without trying, probably worth slanting and doubling that so its not quite so easily skippable. Fun map though, i enjoyed it a lot :)
  8. Only just worked out how to enable these leet social media style status updates, so I'm gonna start writing out a constantly updated massive wall of crap about random wads i play in here, because why not (unless i get told off by a mod for constantly pinging their server to update my shit)

    One.wad - spent 15 minutes waiting for lifts, died to a slow crusher, marveled at the blocks of barons and the iwad copy pasting. Pretty impressive size for something made in 1997 though 

    Mapping contest maps.. Some really damn good maps in here. Personally i felt like scottys was the best by a pretty long way, but im biased. ADs map was more appealing to me than the winning entry, but its not about the winning, its the taking part that counts etc :D

    Sucker Punch 2 -  Great little set of quick fun maps, colour coded for difficulty. Personally found the green maps to be harder than the yellow/red ones due to abundance of hitscan and little health, but ymmv. One of the best things ive played all year. 

    Stimulants - Played on stream due to scotty requesting i do so.. All i can say is that i really really dislike shotgunners. 

    Tarnsmans Projectile Hell - played E1 of the first beta with a few people on stream, taking it in turns to work our way through episodes. Ran into pretty serious ammo issues in a few maps, probably due to not finding secrets. Lots of shotgun vs midtier gameplay, although that is to be expected from e1. Lots of hitscan placed on ledges made progress pretty slow going. Felt like the mod aspect couldve been taken further.. usually i dont care much for mods, but felt like i wanted more cool weapons to fuck about with. Will probably revisit this one when it hits idgames

    No Title - Very cool little galileo map, with a few spicy fights building up to a pretty rude rev swarm at the end... where you have to kill viles and let the revs live due to ammo constraints. 

    Yugiboy's Moon Series - Extremely cool skillsaw-style moon episode, a large step up in many ways from the usual standard of content posted on dw nowadays. Verging on full slaughter in places, lots of tight plasma based fights against pits of hitscan the player gets dropped into at point blank. Definitely cacoward-worthy if yugi pulls his finger out and compiles them all in time :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killer5


      wow. deleted my post.

    3. Rook


      Really glad you enjoyed Sucker Punch 2.

    4. Yugiboy85


      Lol, I pulled my finger btw. They are on idgames now :D 

  9. Did this a few days ago and was too demoralized to post it at the time. Cat 2 givemylifebackplease.zip
  10. Something fancy that serves no gameplay purpose whatsoever... And something..... less fancy with gameplay everyone will hate :)
  11. looks to me like the ceiling of your control sector is below floor height in the main room. Match the ceiling height of your control sector with the value of the ceiling in the main room, should sort it
  12. A "Good"™ map conforms to all the expectations of the average Doom General poster A good map has inescapable pits, slaughter gameplay, misaligned textures, ugly visuals, mandatory pickups, confusing progression, be reliant upon RNG, and have a really unpleasant, dissonant midi. Bonus points are awarded if it has stuff that you cant kill.
  13. Positivity? in Doom General? I thought this is where people came to discuss how much they dislike stuff :l Anywayyyyyy.... in no particular order: GGGMork for the adrenaline fuelled madness and generally chaotic gameplay Ribbiks for the curves and making relatively simple line patterns look good Time of Death for the ingenuity and crazy mapping hacks/tricks Tourniquet for the way maps feel to explore Insane Gazebo for sense of scale and tight texture theming
  14. currently having fun throwing myself off random bits of map while playing pacifist, heres a slow demo.. starlitepacifist.zip Just one small note, linedefs 545, 544, 6508 and 5625 raise 8 units above the adjacent central floor and therefore have a small HOM lip on them
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