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About A2Rob

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  1. Glad you enjoyed it. I'll take this opportunity to shill my website, which hosts most of my finished projects! (More to come soon)
  2. Glad you enjoyed it! Technically speaking, we're now in Macheteguy-verse.
  3. The little lava pit at the end is inescapable. On top of that, the blue sphere secret feels redundant. Otherwise, this is very nice, short, punchy map.
  4. RC2 now available. Includes some minor fixes to visuals and monster placements. I'd like to thank everyone who provided feedback and demos. Coop has been implemented. I combed through every map to ensure they were coop friendly, but I won't really know for sure until a few people do a coop session and get soft-locked. Idgames release at some point.
  5. Happy belated 21st birthday to Scythe! New beta is available. Episode one and two submissions have been fulfilled! @Anarkzie Your map doesn't have a midi, might want to include one with a future update. @tsocheff @spineapple tea @Bobby :D @EPICALLL @NiGHTS108 I'll keep the deadline indefinite once again, since there aren't too many submissions left to fulfill at this point. @spineapple tea I haven't heard from you in a while now. Let me know if you're still around and intend to submit something. Otherwise I'll be handing your slot over to someone else. If anyone's interested in playtesting once all maps have been submitted, let me know. I'll put a roster in the OP to keep track.
  6. Had a lot of fun looking at the scenery in this one, especially the array itself. Love how Scythe X it is. The array fight itself could probably use a few extra cells. Seems kind of harsh to funnel barons and revs into such a narrow arena without enough plasma ammo to cut through everything (using the rocket launcher seems suicidal imo). The fight after the array seems like it could be easily cheesed by just running off the edge to the right. Might want to block it off with a fence. Found a broken sky on tag 47, that's an easy fix. Good map overall, the ending segment was really cool. @Heretic926 I forgot to mention, you should probably give the player a chaingun at the start, that way during the rocket fight you won't end up auto-switching mid fight from walking over a dead chaingunner.
  7. I'd advise you to not just copy paste whole layouts from projects that aren't yours. Unless you plan on heavily editing said layout in one way or another, even then I'm pretty sure that's highly frowned upon. edit: I forgot go2it is a thing, so as long as it's just that you're fine.
  8. My thoughts are summed up pretty well by Jacek. Only thing I'd suggest is add a soulsphere to the plasma gun fight.
  9. Haven't had time to watch these yet, but thanks a lot for posting 'em. Glad you enjoyed the project.
  10. Cool map. I feel like there's just barely enough ammo to get by in this level, maybe having a tiny bit more sprinkled in certain sections could help (especially in the pain elemental room and the area leading to the secret exit where the archie jumps you). If you're not going to supply the player with a green armor, at least place some armor and health bonuses here and there. Linedef 2678, 2733, 2562, 50, and 2517 should be set as impassible.
  11. Nice little tribute to "Run From It". I didn't really have any difficulty beating it after a few attempts, which is good, because I find the original to be pretty annoying. Good job! Don't sweat it, I'll still be accepting submissions after the deadline. Better late than never :v
  12. -- ---- -- I knew firing that nutjob was a bad omen. It started with the security systems going haywire, then the explosions outside, and finally there were those damned shrieks down the hallway. At some point one has to wonder whether the job's worth it or not. I made that decision a few hours ago. -- ---- -- <<<RC1 AVAILABLE HERE>>> <<<RC2 AVAILABLE HERE>>> <<<idgames release>>> Escape From Sunveil Starport is an MBF21 compatible mini-wad spanning 9 or so maps, initially created during NaNoWadMo2023. This project serves as a prequel to my NaNoWadMo 2022 contribution, Machete. Initially, my plan was to ape off level concepts from Knee-Deep in the Dead. I also wanted an excuse to use a bunch of my favorite Deadwing midis :) MBF21 is the compatibility this time around. Every level has been tested in DSDA-Doom and Nugget Doom. As usual, a dehacked patch has been included for minor thing edits, as well as one new(?) enemy and an upgraded starting pistol. All levels were designed for pistol starts. Difficulties have been implemented. I'll probably add in coop later at some point. Shout-outs to @Deadwing, @finnks13, and @scwiba for helping out with playtesting. --Enjoy your visit to Sunveil Starport!--
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