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About Robo_Cola

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  1. (Using Windows 10) Ok I just got the ASAN build to crash on Map 01 ...Buuuuut like an idiot, I forgot to use the batch file, so my efforts were wasted as I don't see a log file anywhere on my computer. Regardless, it does seem to still be crashing. Interestingly, I initially started up E1M1 but got an error saying my VirtualMIDISynth#1 default device out wasn't working. Sometimes my Focusrite driver doesn't always pick up on startup without reconnecting the hardware once. So I played through E1M1 no crash, went to the desktop and reconnected my Focusrite so it was now working, and played through Map 01 and got the crash to desktop from the exit switch. I may have also SR50'd towards the exit switch.

    1. Austrian Oak

      Austrian Oak

      Jamie, please! 

  3. Totally forgot about this, and I must say this was a pleasant surprise today. Wasn't sure what I was expecting, but I'd love to see more.
  4. Personally I like the port but a lot of it is nostalgia for me. When that particular port came out, my previous computer had died on me --ironically, a BSOD while playing Doom-- and I had no way of playing Doom and a lot of other games for quite some time. Needing my Doom fix, I saw that Limited Edition Doom 3 at my GameStop for a good price and put many hours into it for a few years. At the time, I didn't really notice any of the glitches other members here pointed out, and thought the additional secret levels were actually pretty cool (I don't claim to have good taste). My biggest complaint about it is that the cheat codes are very easy to activate accidentally in-game. If you ever see the game at a low price, I recommend it for the sole purpose of split screen with friends and the neat G4 extras.
  5. Love the new update! I noticed the "A secret is revealed!" message has been shifted slightly upwards (Woof!'s fault not yours). Tbh, it's been slightly distracting. Is there any easy way to center it where it was? Or better yet, shift it to the top left like the regular messages.
  6. I've found that Doom II grew on me as a whole over the years once I got more and more familiar with the map layouts. Not sure if that's the norm though
  7. For me personally it was MAP05: Elixir from CC2... The sheer lack of ammo and sent me into an actual rage where I smashed one of my keyboard keys off. To this day I still get angry thinking about it.
  8. My opinion kinda echoes Jello in that I really like the first two (particularly COD 2) followed very closely by World at War. I'm more of a single player type guy, so that's why I rate those particular games highly. I also replayed them for the first time in several years, so my opinion is fresh on them. Really I've only played a handful of games in the series, and stopped playing around Modern Warfare 3 (the original). I have pretty fond memories of Modern Warfare 2 in particular because I played it online with friends, but Modern Warfare 3 is right about when I lost interest in the series and decided to sell off my 360 around 2012-2013*. I also replayed the original Modern Warfare recently after last playing it through a Blockbuster rental shortly after it came out. The early missions have stood the test of time, but the latter half dragged more than I remembered it doing. I only played a bit of Black Ops 1 so I can't give a strong opinion on it, but I remember being impressed by it at the time. My (limited) rankings: COD 2 > WAW > COD 1 > MW2 > MW > MW3 *Fun fact: selling my 360 was the transitional period where I returned to PC and started playing Doom again because my computer didn't have the hardware for modern games. Ironically, I may have COD to thank for leading me (back) to these forums.
  9. Y'know I want to answer this question as diligently as I can, but the problem is I would be starting off with 100+ names with descriptions and that still would just be cracking the surface. You're probably better off just searching through the Cacowards and reading the pinned threads in the Classic Doom threads. Putting in key words into the search like: "history", "MIDI", "mappers", "development", "source ports", "resources", "40 oz", etc.; can also broaden your horizons quickly and give you a feel for what these groups/users are like.
  10. ^For me it was pic related, The first time I encountered it was the GBA port of all places, long after I initially played it on the PC. I think it happened after hitting a barrel at the end of E1M1 and immediately grabbing a medkit. Shocked me so bad I immediately turned the game off and thought it was haunted LOL.
  11. FWIW I've been getting the exact same crash upon exiting a level. For whatever reason, usually around map 04 in whatever WAD I'm playing consecutively (though not always).
  12. Awesome! They look really realistic yet adhere to Doom's (Boom's) aesthetic very well. What program are you using to make the models?
  13. Very generous of you to post em' for convenience, but I think you got a bit of screen melt on the bottom of Episode 3's.
  14. How do you enable these options? Didn't see it in the menu(s)
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