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About Chickensoup101

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    If you see me posting anime, loser me
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  1. Ok.... I really enjoyed playing Doom using  only the keyboard.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chickensoup101


      Huh, i didn't know i spam something. Might careful next time.

    3. 42PercentHealth


      This status update is Doom-related. I don't think it should count as spam.

    4. Marlamir


      Just my opinion guys :-)

  2. It's a different experience playing Doom only using the Keyboard.

  3. Doom problems..... I wish i has fabulous long hair as John Romero, though...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Ventris

      Captain Ventris

      Not gonna lie, he's my hair goal.

    3. Captain Ventris

      Captain Ventris

      Not gonna lie, he's my hair goal.

    4. Merry Widow

      Merry Widow

      While I'm not Romero, at least I have hair down to my ass.But good luck growing yours! :-)

  4. My today's unfinished or preview drawing! Kasumi Kenshiro from the Fist Of The Blue Sky! There are four more portrait artworks that i will post at the creative works section, when i've done all of them .... One of them is Doom Slayer unmask~ :3



    1. Memfis
    2. rodster


      Omae wa mou.... :D nice drawing!

  5. E4M1 is still the most menacing and difficult map to get through!

    1. Nevander


      I always just go slow and watch all the corners. The shotgunners are the problem in that map if they surprise or surround you.

  6. Testing out Chocolate Doom version 3 beta, everything's is fine and well, Fps seems to be improved. Except for Strife... Whenever you talked to an NPC, the main character instantly looked at the left, as if he was like... "It's not like i'm gonna take that 50 gold offer to kill and silenced Beldin or something .. B-BAKA!!!" But Strife runs well in version 3 beta, it's just the way you press the "use" button to talk to the NPC, your character instantly look to the left.

  7. A preview sketch i draw of Doom Slayer unmask... Not done yet~ ( = w = )



  8. Will Crispy Doom be available for Hexen, Heretic and Strife?


  9. Me : Oh boy, i'm gonna do something productive and finish my Touhou and Heretic fanfic, today!

    Doom : Psst, how about you play Doom first?

    Me : OK! I only do 2 maps!

    - Hours later, I've beaten 2 episodes of Doom - 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chickensoup101


      Also, Hell naw these fanfics are not porn, lol! I'm not one of those fanfic writers who writes about their fetishes 'n shit.

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      "these fanfics are not porn" yeah right

    4. Zakken


      Doom's been my #1 cause of productivity issues for the past 8 years now c':

  10. Doom problems... Using a rocket launcher, killed yourself because you accidentally shot a wall in very close range!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. leodoom85


      Try shooting a rocket to a nearby lost soul while charging and come here...blame Doom...

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      The RL sucks anyway, why even use it?

    4. Chickensoup101


      For crowd control...  If i have a safe spot not to blow myself up.

  11. Was in the local Internet cafe chilling watching folks playing Dota, Overwatch and stuff, then suddenly this random kid is saying every first person shooter is a carbon copy of Crossfire.... CROSS FUCKING FIRE!!?!? REALLY!?!?! 

    If you don't know what's Crossfire is, it's a first person shooter from korea... I live in a goddamn Philippines, i see kids playing this shit talking trash and screaming.

    It's like saying Doom is a ripoff of that game i mentioned.

    1. TootsyBowl


      Can't blame 'im. He's probably never played anything else.

  12. It's been 7 years! And you still didn't beat Doom 1 and 2 in Nightmare mode.

    1. MrGlide
    2. how to delete account

      how to delete account

      Hah man, its been 14 years and i still didn't beat doom/doom2 on nightmare

  13. Hmmmm... How can i play Deathkings of the Dark Citadel in Chocolate Hexen? 

    1. xdarkmasterx


      extract chocolate hexen into deathkings directory and make .bat file there and edit it so it runs such commandline:


      "chocolate-hexen -iwad *your hexen directory*/hexen.wad -file hexdd.wad"


      good luck ;D

    2. Chickensoup101


      Alright, imma try!

  14. For those who lives in Florida, all i can say is.... Please, be safe!

  15. Hours of playing the chocolate version of Doom, Hexen, Heretic and Strife. Sacrificing my pinky finger to press shift all the time so i can run fast cause there is no speed button in the mouse control config. In Zdoom i always put the speed/run button on the Right click mouse and also, i really enjoy the chocolate version more than Zdoom~ :D

    1. MasterRhan


      Can't you just use auto-run?

    2. Chickensoup101


      At first! Now i'm getting used using Shift, now.

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