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Nine Inch Heels

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Everything posted by Nine Inch Heels

  1. the map doesn't need to be cheesed... if you need to "cheese" it, then you're just not good enough to beat the map fair and square, and that's about all that needs to be said as far as difficulty is considered... by modern standards the map is relatively easy... as for beating the map... -pick up all the weapons and the MS -BFG the mancs in the adjacent room -take out rocket launcher to oust the "basement mancs" downstairs -go back up, grabbing more ammo along the way and make your way in the general direction of the ledge with the arachnotrons -use BFG -BFG some more -learn when and where arch viles appear -BFG those as well -BFG just a little more -grab the rest of the keys by way of using the BFG some more -clear last room with... you guessed it... the BFG... -open doors -exit map
  2. No, it doesn't... How Durst handles himself with regards to his own performance in the studio or on stage has no bearing on how Durst handles himself in the face of band members that he may disagree with... Sounds like conflation to me, if I'm being perfectly honest... And while we're talking about perfectionism, have a look at this gem: Durst may be lots of things.... but a perfectionist he is not... And no, this is not some equipment failure either, it's "supposed perfectionist not being any good at what he does"... As for Borland re-joining the band, I suppose that's somewhat open to interpretation, but as far as I'm concerned, we can safely assume that he didn't re-join out of sheer love and respect for Fred Durst in particular... At least I'd be very surprised if that, of all things, was the reason he came back several times over...
  3. The reason you get the commercial pop type of music in most places is because it's actually good for business to have something "non-offensive" (to most people) playing in the background that's not only relatively easy to ignore if it's not your cup of tea, but helps to overshadow the ambient noise that's characteristic for supermarkets somewhat... For example the large scale appliances they're running to prevent dairy products from getting "sour" or exploding... There's quite a bit of psychology involved with how some of the most successful franchises out there choose what kind of music they play when over the course of a given day of the week... It should probably also go without saying that "celebrating your shared music culture" is not a place supermarkets and grocery stores are there for in the first place... If you feel the need to do that, then I'd suggest you put your money where your mouth is, and create an opportunity to do that, rather than waiting for the convenience store next door to do the job for you... With somebody like Durst at the helm you'll be hard pressed to defend that hill, because chances are (and I'm confident there should be videos available) that Durst has been commandeering how LB was supposed to sound, leaving little in the way of legroom for other band members... Which, again, reminds me of the conflicts Durst had with Borland which culminated in a period of time when communication between the two would happen exclusively via their respective lawyers... The rule of thumb is that a large ego does not mingle well with "collaborative efforts" in an environment that is all about creativity, which music just so happens to be... As for the "keen sense" of what sort of people they wanted to make music for, that really wasn't difficult to nail down, because teens of any given generation are easily impressed and swayed by something that appears to cater to whatever the fuck was cool at the time and LB just so happened to connect a couple dots... Bands and artists that can pull this off can be created in a petri dish, and unless the resulting band is capable of changing and adapting over the course of time they have a built-in shelf life, and the shelf life of Limp Bizkit ended somewhere around 2,000 AD, from which point onward they were coasting on momentum before slipping ever deeper into the bottomless pit of irrelevance... Play "take a look around" from Limp Bizkit in a club nowadays, if you want to find out what it looks like when a drunk somebody around the age 40 feels young again, while the rest of the audience just doesn't get it, because the "zeitgeist" Limp Bizkit was depending on is dead...
  4. If your school has a psychologist available, go there, tell them about your situation... See if you can find a solution that works for you... If anxiety in general is a problem both in school and throughout the rest of the day, also go seek help, because chances are it won't go away if you apply "sheer force of will"... You have something cooking, and you need to get it looked into ASAP, because the longer you wait, the harder the problem will be to deal with... As for these 4 kids... I don't know if they're the kinds of assholes you make them out to be, I don't know if what you said was or wasn't racist, so I'm not going to comment on that when I've got only your version of the story...
  5. It's not *supposed* to justify anything, it's supposed to *explain* how a game like that fosters a particular *culture*... it doesn't make review bombing any better or worse, but it explains why people are volatile to such a high degree... The truth is that those poor fucks whose only way to vent their frustration is to review bomb *something* are, indeed, extremely poor fucks for one reason or another... And while the outwardly appearance is that of a disgruntled teen at the height of their puberty, the fact remains that you wouldn't want to be one of them... I'd even go so far as to argue that many of them don't even want to be who they are... Yes, they're acting like assholes, but that shouldn't fool you into thinking that all of them are just entitled little brats shouting "gimme, or else!"... That's the point...
  6. I'd suggest you read what maribo wrote a few more times, because it points out how easy it is to get drawn into an "exploitative loop" quite quickly... And it turns out that lots of games, many of which are mobile games, are literally built on the concept of getting people hooked and then milking them for money afterwards... and this isn't news in any way shape or form either, by the way...
  7. That there is the kind of thought process that makes me think of stockholm syndrome immediately... "Hey, the people who took us hostage..? They gave us instant ramen and stagnant coffee when they could have let us starve to death... They can't be that bad, ey..?" I mean, you're literally pointing at the very problem players have, and yet somehow you still manage to sneak a deflection in there sort of under the breath... The reason you get a nice big package when you start out is to get you hooked on all the premium stuff that you would need to grind for unless you're willing to lay down the money... That's the whole trick nearly all of those games pull to make players feel the difference between the monotony of having to grind on and on versus the miracles one could achieve just by opening up one's wallet... And then you have yet another "event" that was supposed to yield some manner of reward, people play more, because they want that reward, and it turns out it wasn't worth the effort, because if the rewards are too good, then the company loses out on that sweet sweet MTX cash... As for the review bombing... Yeah, it sucks but I couldn't possibly give less of a damn about it, because the bottom line is review sections can be cleaned up in severe cases, so for the most part this is people being angry at angry people...
  8. Fred Durst is basically a piece of shit for the most part is what it boils down to... He's on record for calling slipknot fans "fat and ugly kids", there was also this whole drama between him and Wes Borland (who was the "lead guitarist" for LB's first 3 albums before ego on Durst's behalf made working together basically impossible)... Fred Durst is also a somewhat incompetent musician, if his guitar-skills are anything to go by, and as a singer he is extremely limited, too... All things considered, there were better "crossover bands" than Limp Bizkit (Pleymo, who I believe were from switzerland would be one example with their "medicine cake" album, which happens to be about as diverse as LB's entire discography), it just so happened that Limp Bizkit made the big time somewhere back in the 90s due to ties to Korn, which were later also severed for a variety of reasons... LB is also extremely "static" in terms of output... "Experimental" stuff they released basically fell flat on the nose for anybody who wasn't a die-hard-fan, and "Cold Cobra" wasn't anywhere near the return to former "glory" that Durst et al may have anticipated... In short, if you've listened to their first 3 albums, make that 4 if you need reassurance, you've heard every Limp Bizkit song ever.... and more than once or twice... For some reason, a comparison to AC/DC comes to mind, or perhaps airbourne... pair that with Fred's highly inflated ego that's rooted on days gone by, and it's not at all hard to see why they get so much hate... And... as for hate boners... many people who actually liked Limp Bizkit in the past are rubbing shoulders with the supposed haters nowadays... so writing it off as a trendy "hatorade" aimed at a band that has consistently failed to make itself relevant again in the bigger scheme of things.... that ain't it, chief... there's nothing to be hating on, because there isn't much in the way of success or media presence left, if there even is any left at all...
  9. do the following things in order: 1. Look at how others name their demos, txt files, and .zips by downloading any demo from a thread that is about PWADS 2. Copy the formatting for your demo.lmp and the txt 3. Edit the txt such that it contains all the relevant information 4. Put both the demo.lmp and the .txt in the very same .zip 5. Use the search function to see if there is a thread for the PWAD you were recording a demo for 6a. If an appropriate thread is found, upload the .zip in that thread - don't create a new one! 6b. If no thread is found, upload the .zip in "miscellaneous demos" - don't create a new one! 7. Wait for the demo to be uploaded to the DSDArchive 8. ??? 9. Profit
  10. Why do you need someone else to tell you how you should do this thing you do for recreational purposes that won't mean any harm to anybody else, ever, no matter how you do it..? Play what you think you think is fun, and decide for yourself if it's worth revisiting...
  11. no... I'm actually saying, in the very quote just a few lines below in your very own post, that it can't be done... because the goal of the OP, as I understand it according to the map he wanted to surpass as well as other bits and pieces strewn throughout the first page, is to build more than just a few large rooms to create an oversized horde-mode where shit would just keep spawning back in ad-nauseam... the fact that I am convinced that even an oversized horde-mode can't be done either, at least not if you want anything with a slight hint of variety that doesn't take place in bare bones rectangles and isn't disorganized monster soup, is a merely an aside, because krull kept shoehorning his idea of "well akshually, technically, you could do so and so and not end up with anything close to what you've asked for" into this discussion, because for some unknown reason, he assumed the OP didn't know what they wanted... it's a case of "let's discuss an idea you didn't have instead of what you were actually looking for to begin with"... which is precisely the reason why a large part of this thread is krull and myself going back and forth, over how shit can't be done in order to get a "not-half-bad-map", even when cutting corners... on that note, if you want something to smirk about, look at how I was accused of moving goalposts, while krull just placed their very own wherever the hell they so desired... but I digress... I wasn't gonna comment on this, but I suppose I should, just to clarify a few things.... what is or isn't a "quality map" with regards to the kind of stuff I've been making will vary greatly depending on who you ask... and "quality maps" I've made, that I think are decent, if not good, are not all that common, because I never made many maps in the first place, and a good portion of those few maps I made are intentionally hostile (which many players happen to hate), and sometimes also pretty low-effort, and would only ever appeal to players who are into rather niche gameplay... so I'm not some "mapping behemoth" with fuck knows how many high quality releases under her belt by any stretch of the imagination... if anything, what I have going for myself is that I'm interested in somewhat technical aspects of maps in general, that being "how can something be made to work", even with supposedly limited formats like boom, or even vanilla... I'm not here to argue from a standpoint of "look how many great maps I've made, so how could I possibly be wrong?"... I'm arguing from a "this is the type of stuff you need to keep in mind if you want what you put together to even be playable in any port that exists" kind of position, from where I put the things that a map with a certain functionality and of a certain size requires, into perspective, so that the OP understands why the goal to make a playable and diverse map of that size cannot be accomplished... and I really mean "cannot be accomplished", unless the bar lowers in terms of total monster count and supposed play-time...
  12. This is nonsense... Even though okuplok is widely regarded as a cheater for several good reasons, the fact that his map has at least some resemblance of "doability" shows that the fights he created have been playtested during development, whether or not he was the only one testing these fights is not relevant to the discussion... He must have played his map at some point, but we've never seen him deliver a demo that beats the whole thing in a single go... and with these allegations of cheating going around and about his demos for other maps, chances are almost nobody would have taken an oku-Max-run of his seriously... the OP also already stated they were looking towards creating something that would take weeks to finish, which, yes, will be a niche in its own right, but with the goal of over a million monsters, or millions of monsters, or anything lofty like that, days or even weeks are at least a somewhat reasonable estimate... Miasma's UVmax time is somewhere around 30-ish minutes for somewhere around 1.3k monsters, if I got the numbers right... Multiply that by something like 800 - 1,000 and it starts to make some sense, although Miasma is far from a "pure slaughtermap"... this right here, paired with what's in the OP and some posts of yours following the responses of others tells me pretty much all I need to know in order to be able to say that you have in mind just can't be done... there are too many technical hurdles to make a map that large feasible, if the idea is to also have somewhat diverse fights that aren't always going to be a rehash of something that's in the map already... krull's idea to make like just a few rooms and transforming them over time to keep things fresh is yet another one of those "looks good on paper" types of ideas that aren't going to be realistically doable (and also not what you seem to be looking for) for something that huge, because just the amount of linedefs required to transform rooms, let alone entire areas, in meaningful ways, regardless of scale, means you will have exhausted the number of linedefs you have to work with long before the map has reached a state that could accommodate 1M monsters over the course of a day-long grind while looping through the "same" few rooms... it just takes too many sectors and lines within the playable area paired with their respective control sectors, conveyors and trigger lines... and that's not even considering the "off-map-setups" you would need if you used some custom spawners, because chances are you won't just want "monster soup", but something that is actually organized in some way, even if only vaguely... building such a map in a format that is compatible with the ports slaughtermaps of huge proportions are usually designed to run on would also open up the floodgates to all sorts of debugging issues when it comes to conveyor scripts... conveyor scripts are way more powerful and reliable than some people give them credit for, but they're not suitable for a task like this, because it's way harder to find the problem in a "multi-layered" conveyor script that malfunctions, than it would be to look over dozens of lines of ACS... but since GZDoom is not a port you'd want to target with a map as gigantic as this, ACS is off-limits... and I'm not at all confident that "eternity engine" could be used as a middle ground port between GZDoom and DSDA-Doom for a project like this... if you've followed the release of skillsaw's heartland, you might have come across a couple folks who have had problems with framerate drops when playing it on slightly older systems, what the cause of these may have been, I don't know, but what I do know is that heartland isn't anywhere near the amount of monsters that you are looking to employ, so EE is not a horse I'd bet on, either... TL;DR... something will come around to bite you in the ass when you try to build something that large... be it the overhead of too many active things, the "weight" of lines and sectors "behind the scenes" to make everything work and allow for a somewhat diverse experience, or other, more "arcane technicalities" like bounding box issues that will keep bugging you until kingdom come... If you want to start somewhere, I'd suggest going for 250,000 monsters, maybe even 300,000, and see what you can make happen with these numbers... it's probably not going to be a map that will take weeks to finish, but it's going to be a map with different areas and it might just be possible to actually put it together, if you're clever about the way you use the limited resources you have to build something like that... if you still have some legroom after 300,000 monsters, then adding another batch of 10,000 to 20,000 to see if it still runs at all won't be much of a problem, and if it turns out that the latest batch you've put down causes problems, then it's easy enough to remove, and you'll still have made "something", even if it's smaller than what you wanted, because it just might be "something" that you think is still worth playing...
  13. Don't really have a favourite band, but here's one I happen to like a lot:
  14. you aren't going to make a map happen that will have 100 fights in different areas up to a tally of 1M in DSDA-Doom, because limits, and you'll run into problems in GZDoom if some of those monsters are gonna be "spammy" with projectiles... do you even have the slightest idea what's gonna be going on when you have somewhere around 2,000 seeking revenant missiles going after the player..? and you're also not going to end up with much of a map if all you ever do is to deliver 10k at any one time either, because where's the big fight that concludes the map...? have you ever even placed 10k things just to see how much real estate that requires in the builder, and how large that required "surface area" is compared that how big a map can be..? because it's the only port that allows for enough lines no matter the circumstance, which is one of DSDA-Doom's problems when it comes to extremely large maps.. the point is that no port we currently have can do the job... so... first things first... "his problem" is the topic of this here thread... which is to say can something that puts okuplok to shame be made..? and the answer is plain and simple "no" for reasons given... what is it you're suggesting here...? have the player loop back through the same, large 3-4 areas that can host major fights like 25 times each in a genre where layout and geometry dictates how things will play out most of the time..? just look at the size of mutare and see how many things you could place in that map, and you'll quickly notice how not even that is going to work unless you want some glorified "invasion/horde" knockoff, which would then be missing the point of what the OP was originally asking for... if I wanted to make some map, that somehow could generate a million of something, I'd just use an IOS style monster spawner setup, put the whole thing on a long ass timer to make sure the monster count gets sufficiently inflated, and then I'd call it a day... boom, mission accomplished, 1M monsters map done.. was it what the OP was asking for, though..? hell no, it fucking wasn't...
  15. And here's where I'm gonna put my foot down and tell you how no goalpoast has been moved ever, and why you'd do yourself and everybody else a favour if you used your brain to look at more than what you think the most obvious problem is: A map with 1M or monsters, no matter how they're being "spawned", will have lots of active things at once, so thing-count did matter, does still matter, and will always matter... ...and the reason thing count matters is because stuff needs to be calculated (meaning GZDoom bad when tens of thousands of things active at once, no matter how spawned) ...and fighting needs to take place somewhere (meaning DSDA-Doom bad, because of static linedef limit, nodebuilder-related issues, exceeding the 30k-ish x 30k-ish limits of what's gonna be possible to handle without glitches ingame, maybe even bounding box issues and other, more exotic stuff)... OP wanted something that makes okuplok look small, and okuplok had not just some large ass open boxes like nuts does, it had setpieces, lots of different fights taking place in different areas.... again, and I hope this time it clicks, because it frustrates me when people just don't want to get it: -lots of things causes problems for GZDoom for most, if not all players, because overhead too large... meaning: map unplayable -lots of things also causes problems for DSDA-Doom, because no matter you get the monsters into the playable area, you need some playable area, you will need the voodoo conveyors to script everything, you won't want just some nuts upscale that won't run on any machine until 10 - 20 years from now, so you run into issues when you lay down the geometry, either because you run out of lines, or because you exceed what the port's boundaries for geometry on the X/Y-axis are, etc... meaning: map unplayable ...and both the problems happen because... guess what...? here it comes... they happen because thing count too fucking huge to make a map like that feasible... monsters require geometry and CPU time like plants need water and sunlight, more monsters means more, and progressively larger geometry will be required and more raw CPU power will be necessary... the port that can accommodate a map like that does not exist right now... it's that damn simple...
  16. playing Doom constitutes a mere fraction of the time I spend playing video games... and I don't even spend a lot of time playing video games, for that matter... so, the answer is "no"...
  17. yes, and I'll repeat what I said previously: you're not seeing things for what the fuck they are.... you can't split a map with >1M monsters into segments of like 10 - 20k each in DSDA-Doom, because while the port is limit removing, it still has static limits of its own... you'll literally run out of lines before you've accommodated even a fraction of that one million or more.... it's really that damn simple, and I don't get what's so hard to grasp about this... unless you want a "nuts upscale" this is the problem you'll run into, and no amount of MBF trickery is going to change anything about it... conversely, GZDoom is going to be flipping the bird in the direction of most, if not all players, because managing that many things at once, with that overhead, in an extremely large map, is going to get bottlenecked the moment that mob makes contact with the gamesim and how it only supports single core... ironically, GZDoom would allow for enough lines to facilitate a map of the appropriate size, and scripting could maybe help make something work without choking the port to death on map start, but unleash 10 - 20 % of the map's "population" (no matter how you do that from a methodical POV), and you're in dire straits faster than you can press alt + F4 you'd need GZDoom's "unlimited" linedefs, paired with DSDA-Doom's overhead efficiency to even get anywhere near a map sizeable and varied enough so you don't end up with giant and rather empty rectangles and triangles... it's not about "not having everything pre-placed"... it's about either port being unable to accommodate some aspect(s) of such a behemoth map no matter which way you look...
  18. In principle, you guys aren't seeing things for what the fuck they are... You can't run obscene numbers in GZDoom without causing severe issues for most if not all players out there, because the overhead is too fucking huge... You also can't make maps with millions of things in for example boom/MBF21 formats, because while you get the smaller overhead, you then run into problems with regards to geometry you can put down... meaning: mapsize limitations make endeavours like millions of monsters impossible, unless you wanna run around in the same 3 - 4 rooms for several hours, because that's the height of what you're gonna get out these ports if you wanna accommodate anything larger than 100,000 monsters at a time... and don't get me started on static limits such as how many linedefs are possible to use... you have to run those "machines" somehow, and you still want playable areas... it's just not realistic... especially not if you want anything in such a behemoth map to have even the slightest hint of quality to it...
  19. if boom: action 153 "change texture and effect" -- will also work if the textures used are exactly the same set up a voodoo closet with the desired texture and effect, scroll that sucker over the action 153 line... and good things will happen...
  20. Creationism as per the bible claims that god created earth and all within 6 six days, supposedly somewhere between 4,000 and 10,000 years ago... Meanwhile, scientists all over the world found evidence that earth itself is way older than that... and by way older I mean something around 4.5 billion (with a "B") years... and this isn't some claim somebody just wrote in a book, it's something that has been calculated, independently, by different scientists... Moreover, it's a claim that held up to scrutiny... People like Ken Ham and Kent Hovind will have you believe that earth can't be that old, because if it were that old, there would have to be historical records of some sort somewhere, and since they think none were found, they end up with something like 4,000 to 10,000 years... The problem here is that oldest figurative painting made by cavemen is already 30,000 years old, so at least 3 times as old as earth itself according to young earth creationists... Creationists will also have you believe that something as complicated as our eco-system must have been made by some hyper-intelligent, all-powerful being, because, in their mind, organisms these days are so complicated that they can't exist coincidentally... This is called the "watchmaker analogy", and it has been proven false several times over... The only reason creationists "get away" with their insane claims is they keep raising more creationists, which they indoctrinate at a young into thinking exactly the same way they do without asking any questions, saying the exact same stuff you've said already... "God's ways are mysterious"... "God does stuff for a reason"... "God kills people to test their faith"... if god is all-knowing and all-powerful he wouldn't need to test anybody, he'd know anyway, and most importantly he'd know without hurting or killing anybody... Creationists are lying to you, they pull the wool over your eyes and make up their own "sciences"... That being "historical science" and "observable science", but there are no such things... There is "just science", where things are being looked at without foregone conclusions, where things will be put to the test, where things will either get confirmed or debunked over the course of years without having to be afraid of the outcome... Creationists think they can get away with 100 million dollar lies like this: they fucking lie... all of them...
  21. we have proof that creationism is a lie, so at the very least there's proof that christians, muslims and jews are wrong about who god is, what he did or didn't do, and therefore what his intentions may or may not be... I can't say if a higher being exists or not, but I damn sure can tell you for a fact that the bible didn't get it right even in the slightest... not to mention that everything you want to sell us here about how nice and caring your "god" is doesn't survive contact with reality... if god is omnipotent and benevolent, if he exists, mind, then he should be able to test somebody's faith without killing them or their loved ones... so therefore god is either not omnipotent, or he is not benevolent... or he might just be neither (because he does not exist)... either he is as benevolent as you people say he is, and he loves all people, or he doesn't give a shit and lets those who he supposedly cares so much about die , because he just didn't feel like lifting a finger... it can't be both at the same time, and as long as people die for no fucking reason at all while you claim there is an omnipotent being out there that could make everything better without even breaking a sweat you are making yourself look stupid... whether or not you can tell the difference between "good christians" and "bad christians" is of no consequence... blind faith is always bad, unconditionally...
  22. you know... there is some small part of me that hangs on to a tenuously thin straw as I'm hoping you're just trolling instead of actually believing the nonsense you're saying here... not only do you not know how a supposed god is going to act, you don't even know whether or not "god" actually exists - that's why it's called "believing" instead of "knowing"... you have no proof for god's existence, nobody has, and you better believe that the first person to find proof of god's existence is going to see their face broadcast on every news channel ever... next up: we know how our bodies react to a disease, and the main reaction for just about any and all diseases out there is the build antibodies to fight off the disease, if possible... if they teach you anything other than that in church, go get a better teacher, who knows wtf they're talking about...moving on... you can keep saying stuff happens for a reason, but unless you can tell me exactly why god does nothing to stop a tsunami or a hurricane that will thousands of innocents and their children, it's all just empty nothings.... and nothing is more dangerous and stupid than blind faith... so your god is saying that you ought to love him even though he does disgusting shit "for some arcane reason"..? if that doesn't sound utterly fucking delusional, then I don't know what does... if you were married, and your wife does some shit that hurts you, and she keeps doing it, you'd probably get divorced rather than keeping her, but sure... it's easy to preach faith in "something" and pat yourself on the back when you're living the illusion that there's no choice for you to make... there's a difference between being religious, and being a mindless zealot who believes everything somebody who claims to be represent "god's will" tells them... you are the latter...
  23. ah yes, the classic... "god's ways are mysterious"... christianity's most boring and hollow defence when they're running out of arguments.... how do thousands of people who die during a tsunami on the other side of this planet test your faith, exactly..? hint: they don't... I'll give you some actual advice: if you ever want to be taken seriously anywhere, you'd better not talk "faith in god" with anybody who is capable of even the most rudimentary logic....
  24. quick reminder that "god" as christianity understands the concept is a spiteful cunt and a sadist... that is if he even exists... if you think that somebody who just lets people die as a result of natural disasters, even though he surely could do something about it by virtue of being all-powerful, is in any way shape of form benevolent, then you're also putting milk and cookies out for santa clause... and for those of you around here who say their life fucking sucks, and they'd kill themselves if only they were brave enough: consider fixing what can be fixed, for example go see a therapist... everything about this is wrong, because those 3 aren't the only monotheistic religions that exist today...
  25. The answer is still "no"... Your monsters will leave corpses, you also need the ammo, health and armour to kill everything... Chances are you won't wanna make players fight 100,000 monsters in one and the same room, let alone 1M, so you'll need lots of geometry.... You're gonna have fights with tens of thousands of things active at the same time.... meaning: the game needs to calculate where shit moves, where it aims, if it infights, etc... And don't even think about numbers like that in ports like GZDoom, because the larger overhead it has for "thing management" is going to put your ideas to a screeching halt before you even know what happened.... if it were that easy to "just make a 1M monster map", just for the sake of shitting biggest turd ever known in order to be able to make some arbitrary claim to fame, then somebody would've done it already, and the fact that it didn't happen should be nothing short of eye-opening...
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