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Nine Inch Heels

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Everything posted by Nine Inch Heels

  1. I think I will look into a couple of these in the next few days, because this is usually in the ballpark of what I am interested in... I've taken a gander at map01 in the builder already, and on first glance it does look more complicated than it might need to be in order to facilitate the desired effect. I'm not quite sure how I would go about building a 0000-9999 lock yet, but I am confident that the setup you use can be trimmed and tuned to be more "intuitive" for people who would want a prefab they could then use in their maps in the future. Also it might be possible to come up with a system that will also work in GZDoom for most, if not all, these samples you've provided, but obviously I can't guarantee that at this point in time.
  2. And this is where you get to point the readers to where anybody said that Romero should build a 32 map megawad comprised of only magnum opus style maps... The problem you'll have: Nobody expects that, and keeping maps distinct is actually easier if you keep them somewhat short... I understand that there might be a compulsion to step up and argue in Romero's favour, even if done that haphazardly, but let me just tell you that it's not looking particularly pretty if it's such a poorly constructed straw man...
  3. This feels very arbitrary... Romero had lots of options, and he went for something that ended up being rather uninspired... Making the argument that Romero had nothing tangible to work with - even if limited to exclusively stock assets - is choosing an indefensible hill to die on, that's what this boils down to in the end... Anything that was gonna be a little something more than a straight forward shoot out could have been interesting, but all we got was a straight forward shoot out with very little in the way of finesse or spectacle, or tactical nuance... After the let down that was vanilla E3M8, and the slightly better but still not great E4M8, it would have been nice if he actually put down a little something more, but in the end we got something way less than E4M8, and that just doesn't augur well as far as I'm concerned... I mean, your argument basically unravels itself when you say ...This is precisely the reason why the last map was so "meh"... It almost looks like Romero had the same idea as you have, and thought to himself "I can't possibly think of something to make this anything more than the sum of its parts, so I'll just simplify", and my point is that there was no reason to approach the last map like that, because he had tons of motherfucking options as it were... These notions that nothing interesting can be done because players killed all these monsters dozens of times are pointless, but you're quintessentially saying "why make anything new without all new resources"... Meanwhile, my point is Romero didn't need new resources, he just didn't have ideas for that map...
  4. After having built a E3M8 replacement for UDINO that does not require any new monsters, runs entirely on vanilla linedef actions, and offers 2 ways to actually beat the map I find this a somewhat bad argument... If we leave discussions about quality or personal preferences out of the equation, there were lots of ways to come up with something that was more interesting than what sigil presented us with...
  5. if we leave the obvious out of the way, which would be the anti-climactic boss fight, one of my main gripes were that secrets were often too impactful, and not finding them was being "punished" too harshly, often resulting in rather chewy gameplay... To me, there are goldilocks zones for what secrets can do to elevate a map, and sigil didn't really hit those... I am fine with mandatory secrets, and I'm also fine with secrets that have a decent impact as long as the content in question doesn't feel "unpleasant" if those secrets aren't found... sigil does neither particularly well in my book... I maintain that sigil would have suffered less from these problems if it wasn't limited to doomI constraints, but I can see why using doomII as the baseline was not up for debate... Still would've loved to have an SSG in many, many cases, but it is what it is... Another issue is that almost everything was dependent on somewhat cramped environments, and as much as I appreciate being "strict" when it comes to usage of geometry, it did turn out rather same-ish to me in the grand scheme of things... Small corridors, small walkways, etc... Yet another issue I've had with sigil is the difference between playing "blind" and knowing what's ahead, where just knowing what's ahead trivializes a lot of the content.. I suppose it's an issue in roughly the same ballpark as the secrets are in sigil, but it's still a separate point from my point of view, because it directly affects the "replayability" of these maps to a point where playing them once or twice is fine, but anything more than that starts to feel rather "dull" quickly... Think like jumpscares in a horror movie, where seeing them once or twice still provokes some manner of reaction, but anything past that loses its edge... Not to take away from some of sigil's stronger points, like that one crusher section, or the "iconography" romero established with the "eye-switches" and the exits, or an overall slightly grim feel... It's not all bad, but it's not all good either, so that then raises the question if one single person can bang out 32 distinct maps in their spare time, and still retain some sense of diversity across all of them... And as much as those who deify romero may want to disagree with me, I'm not convinced he's going to deliver... When you consider how things like speed of doom or ancient aliens came to be, it is pretty self-evident how having multiple people behind a 32 map megawad is a clear advantage in many ways...
  6. Not sure how to feel about his goal of going for 32 maps... Seems rather ambitious to me, and when push comes to shove I'd prefer quality over quantity... Sigil wasn't bad, but IMO it was a mixed bag in several respects...
  7. As somebody who has made both ult-doom and doom2 maps, I can assure you there is no benefit to an episodic structure as far as the process of creating maps in the editor is considered... There is even a case to be made that ult-doom's intermission screens are an obstacle for more ambitious vanilla projects, because aside of the usual mapping and dehacked efforts, there is the added difficulty of making the intermission screen fit with the project in question, which - if entertained - involves even more custom assets and probably also additional messing around with code on some level, though I can't say much about the feasibility of the latter.... I would suggest practising a little more instead of making revenants useless with regards to the weakness in OG doom's roster they are supposed to address. They fit a very specific niche that would otherwise be left open and result in a less complex and less diverse core game... The problem here is that doom source ports - no matter which one - have one thing in common: None of them has multi-core support, and chances are we won't see that change in the near future... It's for that reason that average rigs, even somewhat recently purchased ones, are likely to start choking on the overhead of GZDoom's inner workings, for example... Unfortunately, matters such as this one aren't discussed a great deal in more visible places - instead, this kind of knowledge is something you would only come by "naturally", if you were hanging out in certain discord servers or if you picked it up during a tangent in some loosely related discussions... If you wanted a somewhat budget option to solve your problem, you would want to go for a rig that has an above average "per-core-clock-rate" to support the most ambitious GZDoom projects out there properly... Last time I gave somebody the recommendation to check out some community highlights for stuff to play, I had to deal with the frustration that something wouldn't work smoothly on a 1,800$ desktop PC that was able to run stuff like Doom'16, Valorant and whatever else that compares on high detail settings overall... If we removed the people who are running a >10 year old potato on life-support - as well as those who happen to be particularly well-informed/equipped out of the equation - we would be left with a considerable number of people (I would argue a vast majority) who have no idea why a game that is over 2 decades old won't run properly on their machines. Keeping that lack of understanding in mind, I can wrap my ahead around the confusion and/or frustration, even though I have no horse in that race - neither as mapper nor as a particularly interested "consumer"... Far be it from me to coax people into mapping some certain way as far as hardware limitations are considered, but if I had an affinity for "overdetailing" the shit out of everything I would probably still be asking myself how much accessibility I would be willing to sacrifice for small gains - both visually and gameplay-wise - because you just happen to get diminishing returns on every additional split to a linedef or sector at a cost that increases in a linear or even exponential manner... You could make the argument that extremely difficult maps suffer from a lack of accessibility as well, but I weigh these things differently, because detail settings are much more limited than the theoretical size of the umbrella you can create with difficulty settings, and no cheat code in the world will turn a mediocre rig into a modern gaming PC... In the end I'd probably stick to leaving people to their own devices, because that's basically what I want for myself. It is a hobby after all. In a professional setting some of that "excess" definitely wouldn't fly, because studios want their products to sell to a large enough audience in order to make their operations economically viable. But as a niche in this community it's probably fine, even if it the entry barrier for many people is a monetary one in the end...
  8. I'm probably not gonna bother... with any luck, this wad somehow finds its way to the doomwiki page about me (why do I even have one?), and people can grab from there via link or whatever... If I wanted to make a serious map that tests 2-shotting-skills under more interesting circumstances, I'd also put a little more work into it than just this simple copy-paste job....
  9. Nobody actually cares if people want or have to work for amazon, or rather, nobody should give a damn about it, because the problem with amazon is that it's powerful and big enough to create monopsonies on jobs people need virtually out of thin air... It does not matter how many people hate amazon, or actiblizz, or whatever else, because they're way past the point where losing a couple million customers will shut them down... Voting with your wallet won't hurt them, not only will it not actually hurt them, it does nothing to solve the problem at its core... You need to be thinking about how long it took for this lawsuit to get off the ground, and what's surfaced over the course of a couple years worth of investigation... You have to empower the workforce instead of waiting for the first shit stain on a supposedly clean vest and withholding your money years after the actual bullshit happened... People don't speak up, because their options are basic human dignity and basic human needs, such as not living on the streets or supporting their families... A couple million dollars change nothing about it... If you want for this shit to get better, you want for people to have legal protection and unions...
  10. I think there are lots of people here who would like for you to present the malicious code in question.... All that aside, if I don't want anything I create to be played with some mod, I have every right to do that, and I don't need to hold any grudges for that, either. I can simply decide that some of the most widely spread mods are incompatible with my design goals.... And you know what the real kicker is..? You don't have to play anything anybody has ever made and shared for free, so I suggest you get off your high horse before somebody dies of laughter...
  11. no... it really doesn't.... if it is useless in the long run, then it is also not very good short-term... you'll also not want situations where new users perceive the amount of likes somebody may or may not have as a means by which to attribute "competence" to anything anybody says... of the 4 people on that screenshot, rd is by far the most competent and well-rounded, yet DK has scored almost 3 times as many likes, and that should tell you pretty much exactly why your idea to parade likes around as though they were in any way substantial, be it as a certificate of quality, or a point of interest for new members, is a bad idea...
  12. Your custom title qualifies as a signature anyway... Maybe it's an early 2000s signature, but let's not split hairs... :P Other than that: No to signatures, and also no to the idea that likes mean much of anything... If you want to know who's more likely to give a somewhat qualified answer to anything, check when they registered... This is nonsense, because it doesn't tell anybody who you are, it just tells them that some post you made at some point during your stay here resonated with a relatively large crowd, so lots of likes on anything say less about you than it says about who read your post... Also, sometimes the most pointless shit posts and clickbaits happen to be met with quite a few likes despite the lack of any and all quality. So, even in terms of quality, likes are, by and large meaningless... If anything, I'd suggest you define who you are less by way of some arbitrary counter on some site somewhere on the internet, and look for other means by which to get a sense of identity that you can convey to others...
  13. You've already said that, and you're still missing the point of what I'm trying to tell you: If you quicksave, and die several times over, only to luck through a fight once, how can you tell that you have actually learned anything..? You don't know that if you just push past a fight once, and never get around to playing it again, but playing it often enough so that you're able to beat the fight consistently almost each and every time you play the whole map from start to finish is how you can tell you've actually mastered something... That's the difference between trying something until you succeed once, and practising something until you succeed nearly every time... None of the maps in TNT, Plutonia, Doom2, or plain Doom are so difficult that they can't be beaten reliably by of solid methods, and that includes pistol starts...
  14. If the past.. what..? 10 - 15 years should have taught anybody anything about gamers, it's that they're willing to "forgive" or even defend a lot of shit that happens to be incredibly heinous, exploitative, or downright dehumanizing... Unless this thing here really blows up hard activision blizzard's face, there's a pretty high chance they're going to get away with it in some capacity... Yeah, sure, right now WoW is bleeding subscribers, and it has been for quite a while, but let's not forget how many loafs blizzard has in the oven, not to mention how amicable they are when it comes to meeting china's requests for altering content that was in their games for several years, just to gain access to that market... The point is that this won't snuff them out, and they have more than enough money to run a PR-campaign which will convince the majority of their loyal fanbase that they've changed for the better, until the next big pile of shit gets unearthed... When was the last time anybody talked about the way they treated BlitzChung at that hearthstone tournament..? When was the last time anybody talked about when blizzard decided, more or less over a weekend, to axe E-Sports support for heroes of the storm and cancel all events, which in turn ruined the careers and livelihoods not only of some of their employees, but also that of a whole bunch of streamers..? When was the last time anybody talked about the monstrosity that was gonna be diablo immortal...? It's been awfully quiet in that regard ever since D2 remastered has been teased... I love having some faith in humanity, but if I were you, I'd be lot less "generous" with it...
  15. the stipulation was "getting through by way of luck".... that's different from "I should save here so I can work it out"... and seeing as the OP struggles with TNT's early maps on a pistol start, I am inclined to think that saves were used more as a means by which to "brute force" something, rather than dismantling it proper...
  16. If the goal is to get better, then the best way to go about it is to practice whatever tends to kill you until it doesn't any more, because it's the best way to actually learn. If you drop a save prior to a fight, or even mid-fight, and you happen to get through by way of luck, then you haven't learned anything necessarily. The prime directive needs to be for you to develop consistency at stuff you are not yet consistent at.
  17. All wishful thinking aside, the number one thing that I want from an apology is that the person who is supposed to apologize actually apologizes for the "right thing", and without beating around the bush. It's shit like this I'm talking about: Everything on your list right there is an immediate and inevitable consequence of knowing about and being forward with the very thing someone's supposed to apologize for...
  18. yeah... I bet the latency involved in the entire process will make games like street fighter and any other title that highly favours lower latencies a real banger.... not!
  19. you know, I'm a sucker for things like drum and bass and such... and even though this won't register as drum and bass for some people, if you could take any one of the BTSX tracks you think would work for this purpose, and turn it into something similar to the following, then I will love you long time...
  20. anything Mike Verdu has touched so far turned into a pile of shit within a matter of less than 2 years, and I don't expect any changes with regards to this in the foreseeable future... if "worked for EA and facebook" doesn't sound the alarm right away, then I don't know what will...
  21. you're assuming a little too much if you think I'd advocate for putting people through the wringer because they're not in perfect shape without even looking into the relevant background... obviously I wouldn't unleash the dogs on somebody who has a recorded history of, say, binge eating, or pika... likewise, any expectations I'd have towards people would need to be tempered with a very healthy dose of realism... That being said, I've been paying for people's dietary faults they made despite knowing better for years, and chances are I'll keep paying for it until the day I die, but that doesn't mean I'm particularly thrilled about it... and neither should you be...
  22. So, you mean that you, and only you, were going to be able to see how "bad" government intervention is..? Well, perhaps that should tell you a thing or two about yourself, but of course it's easier to trick yourself into thinking you're the smartest person in the room. It's not the first time you've done that, and so far your track record is nothing to brag about, so you might wanna try something different for a change.... And you know what..? I'm perfectly fine with that... The physical health people believe they have every right to ruin for themselves does not exist in a vacuum. Insurance fees are as high as they are, because people, on average, are as unhealthy as they are. And I have no problem with cracking down on people who make their lack of responsibility and discipline everybody else's problem. And I'd very much prefer if that was being done by way of incentives, rather than what the Bill Maher types think, which is that fat-shaming needs to make a comeback... Besides, after the lockdown that you claimed was going to be permanent (I'm still waiting for the day you lower your line of arguing to the "great reset", and it's not far away, I'm afraid), I'm sure it'll be a welcome change of pace for everybody to do something for themselves while they're also getting to socialize at least partially at the government's expense...
  23. okay... I get where you're coming from with this, but what's more over the top than a brain that weighs in 3 gross register tons, that walks around on a pimped up scaffold, and "wields" what's essentially just a bigger machinegun...? any monster added in doom2 is far less ridiculous compared to the SMM... So... I dunno..
  24. I think you have it backwards, because all the enemies added to doom2, if perhaps a bit over the top on first glance, address gaps in Doom's roster, and they're not too shabby at that either... Doom 1 roster consists entirely out of hitscanners, and straight-line, single-projectile shooters... There is literally nothing else, other than Demons and Spectres (which are technically hitscan enemies with a very short range, IIRC)... This means that you can circle strafe any monster in doom that isn't a hitscanner, and you're practically invulnerable... Doom 1 gameplay loop is simple enough: Pluck scanners from a corner, and "tap-dodge/circlestrafe" anything that is projectile based... You won't "tap-dodge" a homing revenant missile, though, and depending on distance, you might not even circle strafe a mancubus to death, because one of its 2 projectiles might get you... The added monsters in doom2 are much less a result of "can we do this - if so, let's do this for the sake of doing it", and much more a result of "we need this game to have these things to change how players need to play when these things are around"... Maybe not all new monsters are a result of that "mindset", at least not entirely, but most of the new stuff in doom2 hits very specific spots in the game for very specific reasons...
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