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Nine Inch Heels

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Everything posted by Nine Inch Heels

  1. Sorry for your loss, but don't beat yourself up over it... It doesn't bring her back, and it serves no purpose otherwise... Now for a minor tangent: I agree with everything else you've said, but this is most likely incorrect... The likelihood of attempted suicide increases as the rate of failure decreases, ease of execution increases and the prospect of an agonizing death decreases... In other words, the easier, faster, and more foolproof an attempt is, the less "pain" it takes for somebody to make the leap from thinking about it to doing it... This is why guns do not belong in the hands of civilians, no matter what US citizens may think... Ask anybody what they're more afraid of, being strangled to death, or being shot in the head. See the problem..? Anyway, don't let this tangent fool you into thinking that introducing somebody to firearms makes you the one who's responsible for their suicide, because anybody else could have done that instead of you, or she would have gone out of her way and look for a shooting range entirely on her own...
  2. I get the hate for blizzard, and it's well-deserved, but let's stick to the facts here... Claiming that blizzard always milked their games to the highest extent possible is easily proven false when you look at how long they've been actively supporting Starcraft, Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 pro bono well before the MTX debacle started with both WoW and hearthstone... Back then, prior to the "WoW days", the only way for them to make more money off a product they had already made was to create and sell "oldschool expansion packs" on store shelves, which were always decent value for money. Shit turned sour when Blizzard got gobbled up by activision, and started milking existing IPs like hearthstone and WoW for even more money... In the early Hearthstone days, the first expansion was Goblins vs Gnomes, if memory serves... The game was out for about a year by then, if not longer, leaving closed and public beta aside... Once they realized that their first hearthstone expansion was a commercial success, they upped the pace, and started banging out expansions left and right to make a game that was always pay to win (raw deck strength), and partially pay2play (arena runs) even more profitable, but it didn't start like this right out the gate, they took their time with this... All things considered, the problems really started ramping up when activision got involved... That doesn't mean blizzard wouldn't have caved in to investor's pressure on its own eventually, but that "fusion" was a catalyst that accelerated the inevitable by a lot... As for the lawsuits... I, too, hope that blizzard is getting their spines plucked, but experience tells me that matter will probably be settled quietly and outside of a court room, because one thing the gaming industry does not want is a precedent where they're being held accountable for the shit that goes down behind their doors... I suppose we shall wait and see....
  3. I have mixed feelings about being tagged on this forum, or any forum, for that matter... It's not like I have DoomWorld open in my browser all the time, so any hassle caused by notifications are kept in check naturally, but I still feel like there's a slight obligation to respond if somebody goes out their way to tag me in some post for some reason... All things considered, I find it tolerable, albeit maybe a bit overused in some cases... One example I would consider a "misuse" is when people tag me in a post that requires no reply from me in any way shape or form... For example: "I agree with @dmslr on this"... It's completely unnecessary, so I'd rather people use it if, and only if, there is something in there that would justify a reply by the tagged person to begin with... Now... if we were talking about @s on discord... I'd be singing a whole different song... I hate that shit on discord where random dipshits use the quote function and forget to turn the "ping" off, and I've hated it ever since discord introduced that feature, because... since discord is discord, it's a children's toy platform, where seemingly none of the devs give any thought to how much it would piss people off over time, especially... because discord is discord... when the default is to ping instead of not to ping... So, when I have discord open, and it just so happens that there are several servers I moderate, a ping is something that usually falls in the "I should look at this as soon as I can" category, and you better believe me that I would love to use the ribcage of whoever couldn't help themselves and pinged me without my consent, and for no reason whatsoever, as a trampoline for a couple minutes... Sorry... I digressed a lil here...
  4. it's obviously a devious attempt by the UAC... Think about it... That armour is such a bullet and attention magnet, that the demons, who came from hell, a place known largely to be red and black, had a much easier time getting rid of the UAC personnel... It was a conspiracy right from the very start... The goal was never to just invent teleportation, or exploit a different dimension for resources, the goal always was the "Great Culling" of the human species... And making the supposedly strongest fighting force in the known universe less difficult to deal with really ties in, after all... I'd like to think that green and blue are to demons what people believe a red towel is to a bull with massive horns and short temper... The UAC set us all up... Game over man... Game over...
  5. quick reminder that PrB+ and DSDA-Doom have a built in feature that is called "smooth turning in demos" or such, which makes just about any turn, be it mouse or keyboard, look a lot more fluid, if enabled...
  6. you heard it folks... let's loosen up a lil and open the floodgates to all that alt-right and Qanon shit while 13yo kiddos spam joke threads which the vast majority of the forum members doesn't take any interest in.... sounds like an amazing idea, except, if you want a place like doomer boards, head on over to doomer boards... bon voyage...
  7. Just give it a shot, eggs with caviar aren't bad at all, even if you stick to a small tin that goes for somewhere between 15$ and 40$ (which apparently only rich assholes can afford LMAO)... just don't have too much of it at once when you first try it, so you can get accustomed to the taste slowly, that's my only recommendation...
  8. I've had the questionable privilege of getting around to eating a dessert with some gold leafs on it, and in terms of taste, as pointed out already, you'll not going to get much of anything... That being said, what you will get is what I would call a (potentially) weird mouthfeel, because, at least in my imagination, I may have had some gold stuck to my teeth and whatnot... Whether or not that is an experience that is worth the investment (though, just to note, I've been invited to it, didn't buy it myself), is a different question entirely. And for me personally, it's not worth the money in any way shape or form... Also, because some people may wonder: You're not going to lay golden eggs all of a sudden. Curiosity compelled me to check, because our digestive system can't really do much to gold, and wouldn't you know it? Shit looked the same as ever, but I'm not sure it'll be the same with as much gold as is on that burger... Now, for some of the other comments here, I get that wealth flexes are pretty annoying, but at the same time, not everybody who ingests a burger worth several thousands of dollars is going to flex it until kingdom come... Someone I happen to know wanted to gamble 10,000$ away in Las Vegas some day (more or less), not to flex how they lost all that money at the poker table, but because they wanted to just have that experience for themselves... What some people want, and in some respect I belong into that category, but for very different reasons, is a sense of getting their hands on something exclusive, or just creating the strange "I've spent 7k on a burger that day" kind of memory for themselves, and chances are that those kinds of people won't brag about having "burned" that much money on practically nothing tangible in the end... Moving on to caviar, and that people only eat it because it's expensive, not because it tastes good, you realize people have different tastes, right..? Tell you what, I get that there is a lot of reason to despise people who happen to be able to afford stuff like that burger on a somewhat regular basis, and if I saw Bezos order one of those, along with some expensive bottle of champagne, I'd be pretty pissed off too, because we know how he earns his money... But, as for many others who might be interested in trying that abomination just once: You don't know shit about these people, much less how they earn their money, how they live, or how fairly they treat their employees if they even happen to have any, so cut it the with the "fat-wallet-shaming" until you know where that money comes from...
  9. E1 is so "good" because it's the first thing most people ever saw when they booted up the game for the very first time, and, as far as I'm aware, it is also the one and only episode to have been released as shareware... You had to pay for the rest of the product... That being said... In terms of theme it is the most "consistent" episode, but it is also pretty much the least varied of them all... Anyway, my point is that yes, E1 was "good", because it was meant to be the thing that got people to buy into the final product, but a lot of the "E1 = best episode" kind of talk might very well be due to the fact that it's people's first impression of the game, and it was the most widely available, too... For those reasons, I've always taken discussions about E1's supposedly high quality with a grain of salt...
  10. You can add a delay to the setup if you use the shoot trigger to release a voodoo doll on a scrolling floor... Might require some tinkering to get the timing just right, but it might be worth your while, if you want it to look more "plausible"
  11. Can't say I'm surprised, there was already a fixing scandal way back when with "savior" and a couple other guys... Strarcraft is a national sport in korea, and where there's money to be made on a large scale, corruption invariably follows...
  12. Now that's just ridiculous, where do you think would I have those numbers from, and why didn't you even bother doing the easy thing, which is to fire up google, and putting "pfizer vaccine efficacy" into the search bar instead of doing trials with imaginary numbers which are lacking context..? Did you really think questioning a vaccine's efficacy without ever having looked at the actual numbers wasn't going to raise eyebrows when you calculate a +90% efficacy vaccine down to 32%..? What did you think was gonna happen, really..?
  13. Nothing you said here so far makes any sense whatsoever, you say you are no expert, but somehow you think that getting to look at government sources would give you any clarity about anything, even though you already fail at the most basic levels of logic... Many vaccines require more than a single shot for their full efficacy, that's nothing new, so of course the numbers after the second shot are what matters... and when the CDC eyeballs the efficacy of pfizer's covid-19 vaccine, it's as close to a government source as you could possibly hope to get... According to the CDC, pfizer's second shot, which everybody who gets pfizer's stuff is meant to have anyway it's at around 95% efficacy, that is pretty damn close to a 3-shot tetanus vaccination that makes you virtually immune... It is ridiculous to come around with some mental gymnastics numbers such as 57% or 32%, which only ever apply to people who would fail/refuse to get the second shot in a timely manner... If you get 2 pfizer shots within the time frame that is medically ideal, you can expect no less than something above 90% efficacy, unless the vaccine has been compromised during transportation, for example due to "thermovolatility"... I'm sure we can keep going back and forth here until kingdom come, but one thing I wanna know is where your "I'm no expert, but I guess 32% - 57% efficacy is what happens, even though all known statistics say otherwise" comes from... A lot of this smells like anti-vaxx BS to me, if I'm being perfectly honest...
  14. Efficacy of pfizer's covid-19 vaccine after the second shot is estimated to be well over 90%, that's not just good, it is an excellent efficacy, since not even some vaccines we've seen in use for well over decade manage to accomplish that... Anybody who tells you it is any less than good doesn't know what they're talking about...
  15. It's the case mortality rate in quite a few countries.... obviously the virus doesn't just wipe 2-3% of the world's population, but even when I look at deaths per X population (regardless of infected or not, just "raw population") that's still worse than "1 in however many million"...
  16. It's not just being bad at maths, it's also being bad at "doing the responsible thing in a society where somebody's tomfoolery can cost somebody else their health or even their life"... I am supportive of people who went to their doc, got themselves checked, and came back with a bill of health which states that taking the vaccine is too much of a risk to be worth it... Not only did they do what they could, it's even more of a reason for everybody else to get a shot, so that the people who are at risk from just the vaccination alone are at risk just a bit less... Nobody would ever ask anybody to put their lives at risk, but if the choices you're given are: "being mildly inconvenienced for a few days in exchange for being less likely to contract and spread the virus" or "taking the easy way out while putting other people in harm's way even to the point where their lives may be at risk just because they're near you" What even is there to actually think about..? If you're scared of needles take your mommy along, so you have a shoulder to cry on...
  17. Fully vaxxed for a pretty long time by now, turns out working for the right kinds of people means you'll be taken care of quite well when it comes to things like this... As for some of the stuff I've been reading here: Unless you have a very damn good reason not to get vaccinated (that being conflicts with other medicines you may need to take, or any other medical complications that may make a vaccination too dangerous), you should drag your ass to the doc and get your shots like the rest of the sane population... "Hmm, well, I just don't know how I feel about the shots just yet" isn't an argument, you'll never know how you feel about it, because you're not an expert on the subject, which is why you should listen to people who know their shit, and the common consensus is: get vaxxed ASAP, if you can... Vaccines have always been one of the safest and least "cash grabby" pharmaceutical products, and the fact that pfizer/BioNtech managed to rush out a vaccine just like moderna and J&J doesn't mean there is a lack of quality or safety... They didn't throw all known standards out the window to make a covid-19 vaccine happen... And I also have to scoff at this idea that the vaccine is not worth taking because somebody has heard of one person who died... If you get to choose between a chance to die that is 1 out of several million versus something between 2 and 3 percent, it would be pretty absurd to go with worse odds when you're given the option, and that's not even accounting for people you may spread the disease to, should you not be vaccinated...
  18. At any rate, I don't think I'd want to strong arm modders into that much investigation either, especially now that we have DSDA-Doom out, maps being made for Eternity, and the new MBF and such... There's just too much to account for... I reckon at the best of times modders might know what may or may not work when it comes to IWADs, but take a dive into the realm of MBF, like for example valiant, which has a non-MBF iteration just so people can play the maps with mods, and it's just hopeless... I think the best angle to take here is to promote the general sense that loading potentially "invasive" mods includes a certain "risk"... Adding to this and my previous point... I've seen this thread in particular linked zealously as though it was some kind of bible, and while I get the idea that it's more or less what this here thread is there for, I'd refrain from making it any more extensive than it absolutely needs to be, because at some point when it's linked to a new mapper on the block, it could become a huge and intimidating wall of text that may overburden mappers who aren't familiar with all these terms yet.. In the vast majority of cases, it'll be good enough for mappers to state which port they tested in, what format the maps are made with, how many maps there are, which IWAD is required, and whether or not jumping/crouching is "allowed"... add a couple screenshots and that's all that ever needs to happen in like >90% of all scenarios... and for that little bit of required/convenient information, the OP looks a lot too "bulky" already, I'd argue....
  19. To the best of my knowledge, steam only needs to run in the background when you actually want access to any game in your steam library. If you don't intend to play anything while you work on your audio stuff, you can just close the platform like any other application, and your laptop should be able to put all its resources towards your DAW... One thing to consider is that steam may like to launch when your laptop starts up, but that can be toggled in the settings, and should not be an issue whatsoever...
  20. Adding to what rd pointed out: I think it's nice on paper to be more supportive towards mods, but when you look at the history of how the burden to accommodate for this huge diversity in use cases has always been placed squarely on the mapper's shoulders until people finally started pushing back against it, I'd rather not open up that can of worms again... I don't think anybody will complain about some additional info, if the mapper happens to be aware of a mod that does work, but most of the time it's straight up impossible to account for all the variance there is, doubly so when players happen to run some pretty extensive "load lists" sometimes...
  21. I happened to play what seems to be the updated version, but unfortunately failed to record... I ended up dying at the last fight because I fell down and there was no way to get back up that I could see... I ended up just cheating my way to the last fight real quick, because I wasn't interested in playing the entire map again at the time, and then I found out that at least one of the platforms can be lowered, not that it makes much of a difference necessarily, because if the cacos end up hogging it, it's all for nought... So I'll put the last fight in the "you better know what's coming" category, while the rest of the map seems doable without too much in the way of problems, I'd think... In hindsight I liked the blue area the most, even though I think having the cybs face the player right away isn't really required to make the area work... The only reason I survived until the last fight was that the pinkie + nobles ambush in the blue area could be trivialized by just running out of that "pseudo-lock-in" before the monsters block any chance at egress... It's not a tide the plasma rifle can stem, and I haven't tried it with rockets but without cheesing the whole fight, so I can't say how feasible it is to play it the intended way - that said, quite a bunch of fights can be cheesed by just running back to where you came from, and weathering the storm from there... In that sense, the map plays pretty "fair" even the first time around, but it does not bode all that well for the overall difficulty of the map, because knowledge of the fights allows for so much cheese (which also happens to be pretty fast overall), that a lot of stuff just falls apart at the seams from a conceptual POV... Another such example would be the 2 cybs guarding the blue key: If you know that shootswitch raises the bridge for them, you just don't shoot it until the cybers are dead, and you get a pretty good platform with 200 cells to work from for free - which also means the cybs will never push the player back into the corridors, where fighting them is more interesting. For that reason I would probably relegate that shootswitch trigger to a walkover trigger, because this one does not only come at the expense of difficulty, but also at the expense of fun... The red area I happened to like a bit less, mostly because it feels relatively slow by comparison, and the absence of armour (except for the secret one) encourages a more cautious and sluggish playstyle. I'd also not want to play this area first, because the blue area starts off with all the good weapons, while the red area withholds the SSG for some time. It's not the worst thing ever, but going into the red area "geared up" makes it work better for me personally... Overall it's a neat map, perhaps with a little too much cheese for its own good, but a fun map nonetheless, and I appreciate the follow up "light show"...
  22. caco_trigger_skip.7z there we go, key grabbed from "the wrong" side, caco spawn trigger skipped entirely...
  23. The red key for the BFG is pretty well hidden, and not really easily accessible, I've noticed... the angled walls make it a pretty iffy jump, and the key itself also isn't easy to spot in the first place... with the BFG, the second half of the map is essentially trivial, however, so it might be worth the sweat, especially if your sourceport of choice is a bit more forgiving when it comes to brushing along angled walls... EDIT: I think it may be possible to grab it from the other side, but the point with the walls, and the corresponding elastic collisions still stands... EDIT2: hang on... it is possible to grab the key from either side, which means the trigger for the cacos can be skipped, so that needs a backup
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