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Nine Inch Heels

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Everything posted by Nine Inch Heels

  1. It's that not that simple... These "purely cosmetic" DLCs that don't change gameplay at all are being purchased because they make a difference for those who buy them. If you think people only stump up the cash because they want to "support the AAA industry, and get a little something in return" you're completely ignoring how skins like that create a situation where there are those who have and those who don't (but might want to). Why do you think does "discord nitro" sell as well as it does? It changes nothing about the functionality of the service (if we ignore server boosts), but there are still people who buy it, just because they want more coloured pixels as part of their messages, because it looks cool when somebody else flashes their fancy custom emojis. Why do you think do people buy expensive brands of clothes, even though a great many of said brands don't keep the body warmer, or last any longer than something cheap..? Why do you have a fancy animated gif as a pfp in an environment where most users have just a static image..? And that's just the tip of the iceberg, because there are more than enough people who happen to have particular psychological predispositions which coax them into buying into these DLCs, which you make out to be so easily ignorable if only people could be arsed to just get over themselves. Also, DLCs like that are quite often nothing more than a first small step towards vastly more predatory monetization models - and we've seen how deep that rabbit hole goes if left unchecked... What makes you think it's going to stop there instead of taking on EA-ish levels of predatory monetization..? There's nobody here who could rule that out with certainty while at the same time not talking out of their ass from start to finish. Of course this is a reason to be concerned, because everybody who hasn't been living under a rock knows what shareholder pressure can do...
  2. This is just not true for how people speedrun classic doom, because if people want a pure movement skill test, they run without any monsters at all... As for UV-difficulty speedruns, runs are much less about "how fast can you kill monsters" and much more about "how good are you at killing only what's necessary, while you navigate the map with more obstacles in your way"... Also, if we ignore maps that have some exremely potent skips, speedruns of IWADs these days, and to some extent even UVmax runs, tend to be fairly high on the risk-scale, in particular when it comes to ILs, where most of the resetting happens within the first 20% of the run...
  3. There is probably also an argument to be made with regards to the resources you use... Some texture-packs like "RETRES", or however it was called, happen to contain textures that are just begging to constantly be "fine tuned" to hide the ever so obvious and unfortunate "texture seam" the pack suffers from in several cases... But, going under the assumption that your resource is not a problem, and you're not busy fiddling with rock-textures, which can be a real pain in the ass at times, you might get a lot of mileage out of splitting linedefs to make textures "fit better", rather than trying to find the 100% ideal alignment on an "un-split" linedef... Granted, it is an additional step you'll have to bake in, but if it ends up saving you a lot of time in the end, who cares how many steps were involved..?
  4. given the way the rng works for the BFG it's virtually impossible to get rolls so low that 2 properly placed bursts won't take down a cyb.. if anything, there may be blockmap shenanigans going on, and even that is something I have a few doubts about...
  5. The only thing rng dictates is when you get to move in on the cyberdemon... The risk of not getting a pain-state is negligible...
  6. It was a "workaround" so players would be able to get 100% everything, which would not have worked if there was no secret at all... Back in the olden days, no secrets meant the map-tally would always show 0% for 0 out of 0 found secrets. So, in order to not irritate players, dead simple placed the player start in a secret...
  7. Contrary to popular opinion thus far, there are objective qualities a map can have, most of which revolve around the "behind the scenes" stuff, for instance conveyor scripts for boom-format maps, teleport closets for any type of map, basically any element that makes your objet d'art "move" and "come alive"... For example, eviternity is, objectively, a popular WAD, because it aligns with the subjective preferences of a great many players, however, from a technical POV, it is objectively sub-par, which manifests itself for instance in the way "looping conveyor scripts" are set up in several maps, or how "failsafes" don't exist where they might be needed to make sure that "critical scripts" always work, regardless of how much the player abuses the map (knowingly or not)... When you look at things like gameplay, difficulty, pacing, visuals, texture composition, even choice of music, anything that "provokes", for lack of a better expression, an emotional response for some reason... That's where people can be wildly different, and there is not a lot of point in arguing back forth which concept you introduce to your map has "merit" or not, unless it's "extreme cases", but it can at least be reasoned and argued how well your map does at accomplishing what you wanted your map to do... So the answer is that some elements in a map can be looked at objectively, but most of those elements are not what most of the players actually happen to see, unless they investigate the map for example in a builder (or it softlocks), because the bottom line is that maps, regardless of genre or target audience, have moving parts that are supposed to be working. Maps are more than "oh look how pretty! much sectors, much wow" maps are also systems operated by the player as they play. It's the same with cars, you may or may not like how a ford mustang looks or handles, but you can objectively state wether or not the thing gets you from point A to point B...
  8. Yeah... I wouldn't mind a secondary fire for the CS, though I reckon such luxuries are reserved for WADs that exclude DSDA Doom and/or crispy, which is a bit a of damper.... But for casual funsies, sure, why not..?
  9. My gripe with the chainsaw isn't the damage output, even though it is lacking compared to that of a berserk, it's other grievances... For instance, I find it annoying how noise-inducing the weapon is, and I happen to find classic doom's stock SFX particularly egregious in that respect... Another issue for me is the need to stay close to enemies for extended periods of time, and it's not that I have an issue with getting a completely messed up sequence of failed pain-chance rolls, it's that everything else in the same area has a much easier time hitting me, which is why I prefer the burst of the berserk, because it does not necessarily incentivize holding the button as much... Then, the third problem, because I happen to prefer the berserk, is that the chainsaw basically gets in the way of switching to the fists, because it requires the double-tap just like when you want to use the normal shotgun for some reason... The bottom line for me is that none of the issues I have with CS are anything that can be dealt with by way of upping the damage or the stun chance, it might help a little bit in certain respects, but I'd prefer to replace that CS with something else entirely, perhaps even something that benefits from the berserk pickup as well, but not to the point of being as ridiculous as I've seen it in skilsaw's heartland, where there was a chance to 1-hit hell knights, because that's just "broken", IMO...
  10. That reminds me of my astonishment when I read this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/05/08/musk-grimes-baby-name/
  11. ...because the thread title says "best doom player 2021", which is clearly not the case for either... It's really unfortunate when things are that self-explanatory, right?
  12. Decino is not that great at doom, and beating Romero, who himself is far from being particularly good at doom compared to this community's best runners or deathmatchers, is not a feat that deserves an award... What..? Oh, you didn't want serious replies to this thread..? My bad...
  13. This sure is a pleasant surprise and a half... Thanks for making these maps!
  14. The argument that it's free is not something that will hold a lot of sway when a company feels like somebody distributed some of their assets for free and without their consent... I don't know what's in that audio-package, but at 1500 samples it seems rather comprehensive to me... I suppose we've been afforded a fair bit of leniency in the past from the side of id/bethesda when it came to stuff like using hexen/heretic assets in custom doom maps, but I'm not sure things will be the same when there are some assets from EA or nintendo in there, for example.. those companies happen to be quite the bitch when it comes to the legal protection of their assets... So, I hope this doesn't cause you any trouble... And sorry for starting the discussion like that, but seeing the sheer number of assets "ripped" I sort of expected that it might be iffy...
  15. I hate to play devil's advocate, but I'm asking myself how this pans out in terms of legality...
  16. yeah... I'm still extremely pissed off by doom and doom2, and plutonia, and tnt, and master levels, and eviternity, and valiant, and..... oh yeah... and "deus vult".... bruh... don't even get me started...
  17. The rule of thumb is to never use GZDoom for anything speedrunning unless the content you're looking to run necessitates usage of that port, which is due to differences I can't be arsed to get into because even the "strict" settings are not accurate enough to allow GZDoom demos to compete with demos recorded with DSDA doom and other ports that happen to be accurate... Also, speedruns without tangible data in the form of a playable demo-file will not be accepted, because YT videos do not count as a proof of legitimacy due to a lack of tangible and examinable data for the purpose of getting an entry on the DSDArchive, or SpeedRun.com... With that out the way, last I recorded anything with it, GZDoom responded to command line arguments like any other port, therefore, command line arguments like this should work: GZDoom.exe -iwad /path/to/doom.WAD -file yourcustom.WAD -skill 1/2/3/4 -warp XY -record my_demo
  18. You need to have several layers of spaced apart "loops" that teleport monsters back to the supposed start of the conveyor, otherwise this setup will never work reliably... You scroll monsters in ambush state, so until the monster has a line of sight on the player, it will stay put and block the teleport destination, so there's your first problem already... Second problem is what Aurelius pointed out, either you need to space the monsters apart in the conveyor, or you need to provide a backup plan, for example working a teleport loop into the conveyor... Alternatively, you could use something like action 247 and use an off-map crusher as a control sector.... The way this works is that when the ceiling lowers or raises, the floor in the conveyor will move backwards and forwards... All you need from there on out is appropriately spaced teleport lines, and the closet will always empty itself reliably if you build it properly... One hastily constructed example: autoloop.zip ...press the switch and see what happens... You can add more teleport lines, or split some to speed up the process, but this should get the idea across, even if the example is ramshackle.. A word of warning though... Don't use things like this for scrolling massive amounts of monsters... think like hundreds or thousands, it may cause the gamesim to stutter regardless of sourceport....
  19. EZ money... Granted, I'll miss some of the custom content this community produces, but 2M gives me the ability to solve a lot of problems for people I happen to be close to without even breaking a sweat.. I think people who would turn down such a deal are either millionaires already (highly unlikely), or they have no concept of how much you can do with 2M if you're at least somewhat clever about it... Of course it's easy to say "I'll keep doomin'" if all of this is hypothetical, but I'm fairly certain most people would take the money and invest it in themselves and their future when given this opportunity for real...
  20. I speak english, some french creole (not to be confused with actual french), I'm still pretty decent at german, I have a very spotty actual french under the belt (so bad that I have trouble understanding the spoken language), and I picked up some spanish bits and pieces as well... With all that being said, some languages can synergize very well with one you may have learned already, because they belong to an overarching family of languages (hence, there are similarities like you see for example in italian and spanish)... The big problem I've come across when I had to dig around in the turkish language, because I wanted to figure something out, is that it's entirely different in "nature" from any other language I was familiar with at that time, because it's an "agglutinative" language (like japanese), which means that meaning is added to words by way of adding syllables. If you want to learn such a language, it's arguably less about your cognitive ability to "rote" learn vocabulary, but perhaps more so a matter of having to overcome the hurdle that is coming to terms with the fact that japanese is, quite literally, built differently as a language. If that's a problem you happen to have with japanese, that would be an issue I could definitely sympathize with... Just to give you an idea how deep the rabbit hole goes with regards to turkish, the longest turkish word is around 70 characters in length, and equates to an entire sentence and a half. It may very well be less bad for japanese, I don't know enough about it to be able to judge that, but I can see where there may be hurdles that go well beyond the letters that I couldn't read for the life of me without spending some real time on it...
  21. Safest way to do it... usually... UV: nightmare:
  22. These are not all metal necessarily, but they're fun and at least adjacent...
  23. For those who want to try their hand at 2-shots as seen in pseudonaut's first video: 2s1k (boom format) pseudonaut's post: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2285784
  24. This is a rather common phenomenon and one of the main reasons why one piece of advice given out to new mappers is to never start with a megawad. The way you create maps changes drastically early on, and on top of that there are also some sensibilities with regards to gameplay that you might still develop as well. As such, if the goal is to develop a bit more quickly, you're better off releasing smaller packs of maps, or even just single maps. I'm not particularly great at ACS, but one thing I can tell from first hand experience both as player and as someone who occasionally creates maps is that ACS is not a baseline requirement for something "good". The vast majority of community output doesn't even use ACS scripts, because most maps are boom format, or lim-rem vanilla, and they're fine. ACS doesn't necessarily make your maps "better", and I would suggest you concentrate on creating something functional that plays well instead of getting lost in however much stuff you could script but absolutely don't need to. Feature creep is not an expression of quality, and that also holds true for ACS or ZScript. Use features where they really make a difference, don't use them "just because"... I would probably include them as "bonus levels", if you want them to be played... Most people use GZDoom as a catch-all port that runs just about everything, DSDA Doom (a PrBoom+ fork), crispy doom (limit removing vanilla port), and Eternity Engine are pretty much what's popular as well as actively supported for single player usage...
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