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Everything posted by Nine Inch Heels
The answer is "no"... just placing 1 million of anything is going to be a problem already, not to mention that you'll probably also want the map to be playable, rather than something people would use as a "nuts substitute" 10 - 20 years from now... Yes, we have source ports, yes they are "limit removing", no you're not gonna build a map which will end up being anywhere near 1M things that's still gonna be playable... Also, make a normal-size map first, slaughter or whatever, then see if you can manage something bigger....
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2 options: Either, the player just does trial and error until something clicks for some arcane reason... Or, the player thinks critically about what they're supposed to be doing after having seen all the pieces to the "puzzle"... It can't be both at the same time... Saving prior to a fight and experimenting a bit before coming up with a plan is not what I have issues with, in fact, that's the kind of stuff I recommend to people... It's "not being able to find a solution that works, and somehow hoping the stars align when the game has been saved and loaded often enough" or stuff like that... That's just self-inflicted pain and misery... And even though some people like to make pretty hard maps, I don't think they enjoy seeing people suffer and blunder their way through like that, because it doesn't make anybody happy, really...
For me it wouldn't even be a question of legitimacy, but practicality... I've seen a stream once, where somebody saved themselves into a proverbial corner, and had to punch their way out of a horde of like 30 or revenants... There were also cases where it was crystal clear that the streamer didn't know how to solve a problem, so a fight that could have taken like a few minutes dragged on and on... I suppose I get the idea that it still "feels better" when it's not as extreme, but I'm kinda baffled that people have time for that sort of thing, even under pretty extreme circumstances, because sometimes it's actually 10 minutes (or more) versus 2, or some similar ratio.... and it's the same outcome to boot, in which case, why not just IDDQD..? I'm always under the impression people think using cheats is somehow "dirty"... That's why you see these mental gymnastics on page 1 here, along the lines of "cheats are in the game intentionally, therefore using them is not cheating"... As if the word cheat code fell out of the sky or whatever... Like, if somebody wants to cheat, just own it and move on with life instead of going through some sort of "grind" that proves nothing to anyone...
You realize there's a difference between something that might happen accidentally, and something people use as their "go-to method" for beating content that's well beyond their understanding..? Ah yes, of course.... the ever so oppressive elitist gatekeepers... Sure, let's just point fingers at people... Meanwhile, why don't you try and explain to me how getting stuck in a hard fight and somehow forcing an outcome over the course of like 10 minutes is better than punching in IDDQD once and getting it over with in just 2 minutes..? When that's done, we can discuss elitist gatekeepers, and how nobody in this thread is actually acting like one...
And this is pretty much how I think the save feature is used best, because rather than saving and loading to force an outcome of some sort, you can take a couple steps back, and think of something better, that will deliver more promising results... And that's not "savescumming"... Savescumming is not developing any understanding of what needs to be done differently in order to produce a favourable outcome, but forcing it somehow in a mix of "save/load + trial/error fashion", and creating a lot of frustration for oneself (and the viewers in the process) <- this is the wrong way to use saves, IMO... It's not cheating in the same way as using any sort of cheat code would be, but it's an annoying process some people have engaged in, in order to get a result they were not meant to achieve with the approach they have chosen to take...
I think one thing people need to learn to tell apart is saving for the sake of not losing too much of their progress (or saves for the purpose of learning and practising), and using saves as a means by which to simulate something like a "human brute force method"... And while I'm not sure I'd call the latter cheating, I would definitely consider it to be something akin to misuse of a feature... I've seen people "save scum" their way into and out of corners multiple times on streams, and nobody who has ever been in that situation has enjoyed themselves, never mind that it doesn't make for a good viewing experience. When anything like that happens, I'd rather people used an actual cheat code if loading an earlier save is not an option instead having them go through a "save/load orgy" that lasts several minutes... I don't know what it is that entices people to "brute force" with saves, but I've always been under the impression that there is some ego involved when it happens... Because save/load orgies are somehow less "ignoble" than admitting to oneself that a fight is beyond one's reach...
It's actually quite simple: No revenants, viles, mancs, trons, PEs HKs... and no SSG... So yeah, it's fine for what it is, but also very limited compared to doom II...
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And how exactly does "hurting anybody" enter into this..? If you enter a cheat code, such as IDDQD, then you cheated... That's why it's called cheat code... This right here is nonsense... If the intention was for players to cheat, then why go through the whole effort of placing weapons, ammo, health, armour...? Doom's cheat codes are primarily debug tools, left in the game because why not..? Your whole case about intentions is moot, because cheats are not active by default... So the experience they wanted you have in the first place is that you might die if you suck too much, and you might run outta certain types of ammo because there's only so much to go around... Look at the manual and see what it says about what happens when you die... Not only is the intention for things to be able to kill you, because why else put it in a manual, but it also punishes you by putting you back at the start with only the pistol... Why go through that effort when they could have just as easily started players with the full arsenal..? Saying "devs left cheat codes in the game, therefore it's not cheating when I use cheat codes" doesn't make any sense whatsoever... You realize that, yeah..? Play how you want, all day every day... But don't claim that punching in IDDQD isn't cheating, because it clearly is...
The Activision Blizzard Situation ¿Any Thoughts?
Nine Inch Heels replied to Kurogachii's topic in Everything Else
You will be surprised to learn that cartoon villains are more reasonable than blizzard is these days... I present to you, exhibit A: -
I've finished Doom 2 on Nightmare for the first time
Nine Inch Heels replied to Blackroat's topic in Doom General
anyway.... I just checked, even though it's not my business and it turns out that we have a ban-evader here... YT account of vids of the old account is the same as in the OP: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2164262 -
I've finished Doom 2 on Nightmare for the first time
Nine Inch Heels replied to Blackroat's topic in Doom General
I just don't get how a thread somebody opened to talk about his recent achievement turned into a shit show within a matter of minutes... I could have understood this if one of the first courses of action would have been to shit on a mapset for reasons such as a bruised ego, but this is just beyond me... Why would anybody need to provide a demo to prove legitimacy of a non-competitive achievement that doesn't actually affect anyone..? And why would anybody ask for such a verification when it seems so highly implausible that anyone would go out of their way to edit a video in order to make believe, let alone several videos..? Anyway... congratulations on your achievement... and welcome to "the community"... -
The spider man table is pretty fun, because it's generous with regards to score and has lots of (pseudo) multiballs you can go ham with, so I can see the appeal... I liked the venom table not only due to art style and theme, but also due to the table "OST"... Other than that, the world war hulk table seems pretty decent, but I've never spent much time with that one, and I also like the fear itself table with its magnet gimmick... It's been so long that I don't even remember all the tables I bought back in the PBFX2 era, which was when I still played it actively, but my understanding is that PBFX3 is basically just a technical upgrade, rather than a gameplay related one, so I think tables bought and scores achieved in PBFX2 should carry over...
Funny you should mention... I used to be the world record holder on the venom table for a good long while, but didn't really bother defending that position for a couple reasons not quite related to pinball, but related to community affairs a couple years back when the studio made adjustments to some of the physics in the game and implicitly branded some of their top players and contributors cheaters kind of under the breath... That aside, the tables they make are pretty decent overall, and I think anybody who is into pinball should give some of them a look... Funnily enough, I'm not actually the pinball nerd in this household, my wife owns a Williams "No Fear" table that we have our living room, so anything I know about pinball is basically just knowledge imparted on me in a somewhat "passive" way, or due to association, if you will. History lessons nobody asked for aside, one thing I've always wanted to actually to see come to fruition was the "bang back" movie, because it turns out pinball has... quite the interesting history, so interesting in fact, that some lobbies in the US wanted to get pinball treated as gambling so it could be banned across basically all the states, one such lobby was the movie industry, who happened to see a serious competitor in pinball machines of that era. Well, "bang back" hasn't seen the light of day, but there's a trailer. DailyMotion will have to do, I'm afraid: If you want some pinball history:
You confuse his status update with the forum thread endless opened prior... those two are vastly different instances of something getting locked and hidden... and it was only the status update that he wanted to have closed, because it ended up being a dumpster fire...
All else aside, I think that was a spectacularly bad judgement call... Imagine being told that moderation feels over zealous, and the next course of action is to nuke the thread instead of locking it temporarily with an added comment that the mod-team wants to take some time to go over the points that have been brought up before it gets reopened for public discourse... If they had done at least that, they could've still gotten their chips in prior to a shitstorm, and all that without confirming what the very post they nuked brought up as one of the main talking points...
That's just something nobody can do anything about, unless they're a moderator here as well as some other site... As for stewboy's argument that faking somebody else would be too much effort... making a shitpost every other day on twitter while talking about doom here and there is very little effort compared to how long some people have been holding grudges already... It's probably not going to happen often, but as long as it's a possibility that seems to fly under the radar I'd rather bring it up now...
If we were to assume that effort involved is no problem whatsoever, then you could extend "codeword" to entire sentences, if that's what it takes, so the reliability of the codeword itself is not the issue as far as I'm concerned...
The only way it would work is to reach out the person here on these forums, give them a codeword, have them link their account on some other site, and then have them make a post that contains said codeword... That would be the only way that I could see this actually work, because there's no chance in hell some off-site harasser would give themselves away voluntarily... (of course there is probably still legroom to play the system, but it's certainly better than letting people impersonate anybody they want to "ruin" them over here) Here's the problem with this though: If this is supposed to be the way to avoid false flags, then the moderation of this very site needs to extend their reach to other sites accordingly, meaning this solution would require additional work...
Well, apparently it wasn't all that easy, since I've not seen anybody else talk about this over the course of nearly 8 pages (never mind evidently I happened to miss it somehow)... What do I propose instead..? Well if nobody can know for sure if they're swinging the hammer in the right person's direction, then the results should never be permanent to begin with... Alternatively, people need to be given a chance to verify that whichever account is spewing bullshit is not them, but somebody else, for example by way of some agreed upon codeword only the person in question and the moderators would know at that point in time... So there might be workable solutions to the problem, but it bothers me that nobody seems to have given any thought to how false flags can be avoided...
So why should anybody support a rule that can be turned against anyone at will and with permanent consequences, for that matter..? You realize that, all politics and whatnot aside, this is basically just putting different people at risk of "hate campaigns" instead of actually solving anything, right..? EDIT: To be fair, there's lots of stuff going around and about that is just not possible to "solve", however, unless you happen to be fortunate enough to have somebody who matters on speed-dial, some internet troll may just target you for the lulz... Alternatively you may have had beef with somebody, and they decide to play a friendly round of "among us" at your expense...
And what exactly is preventing anybody from creating an account on some other site that goes under the very same name as another forum member in an attempt to get the actual DW forum member banned due to supposed off-site misconduct...?
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Thinking on it some more... I suppose the challenge in constructing a copy and paste prefab people can adjust to any combination they would want, would then be to build it such that making said adjustments can be made without breaking anything within the setup in the process... So, this should be an interesting problem to solve...
I think, and again this is mostly on a hunch, that your combination lock has way more components to it than it actually needs to... When you build something as complex, then I would argue the best course of action before trying to actually make anything work is to take some time to consider which functions you would actually need at a bare minimum, and stick to that bare minimum about as closely as you possibly can... The problem with that is, of course, that sometimes while building you may realize you need some additional function you might not have anticipated... But sure, let's do some "guesswork": Let's say you wanted a 4 digit combination lock, you'll want one conveyor with 4 barriers right next to each other in it, with a finish line each that can only be reached if you enter the correct combination. Rather than simulating the correct number with 4 additional rather lengthy conveyors that would then open the barriers, you could perhaps instead employ control sectors with very specific floor and ceiling heights to simulate roughly how keys work in real life and make the corresponding checks with a very short, and therefore much more responsive looping conveyor... But as I said, I didn't really think much about this yet, I'll try and come up with something tomorrow after work, and if I can manage to simplify this enough, and maybe also get some of the other stuff to work in GZDoom for example, then it might be a good idea to publish the polished results in the editing tutorials section with a more comprehensive explanation of all the moving parts, so that other people can actually understand how everything works, instead of getting confused by the sheer number of components, if you know what I mean...