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  1. Well hello doom World I know its a little late for this but here goes. I am MZLXS (no shit?) and I am making this fine and classy blog to get to know the people here and for you to get to know me better. I have been watching this site for awile (found it when I was keeping tabs on millennium doom which broke my heart when it was cancelled) I was a hardcore DOS doomer since about 6 years old. Now 26 I am still dooming.
    Feel free to speak your mind here. Oh and all hail Linguica, Lutz ,Graf Zahl, Bloodshedder codeimp (the doom builder builder)and others that I am too dumb to remember...

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    2. Acid


      Hi, welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay here.

    3. Tritnew


      Welcome to Doomworld, are you ready to step up, become everything you hoped you'd ever dream? Join in today and become an shitposter!

      Hail the darklord Linguica!

      All kidding aside, welcome to the forums.

    4. MZLXS


      Thank ye kindly all. This site does a great service to all. And after all these years its good to see it alive and kicking. Raise your brews to 16 more!

    Its the spirit that counts- MZLXS
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