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About 42PercentHealth

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  1. Eviternity 2: Doing the secret level we missed and then continuing where we left off: https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  2. Back into Eviternity 2, after a long break: https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  3. Playing Cosmogenesis blind (it's slaughterey) https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  4. Still playing Hocus Pocus Doom: https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  5. Continuing through Hocus Pocus Doom: https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  6. Playing Hocus Pocus Doom: https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  7. Final Chapter of Heretic (2nd attempt, hopefully my internet cooperates this time!) https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  8. Continuing Heretic, starting into DLC levels: https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  9. Playing Heretic: https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  10. Doom Eternal DLC, blind! https://www.twitch.tv/42percenthealth
  11. Hey, haven't checked in here in almost 2 weeks. How is everyone?


    I am married now! :-)










    1. Doomkid


      I'm really happy for you, 42. Wishing you the best!

    2. GarrettChan


      Congrats. Wish you luck on everything :D

  12. Guys.






    I'm going to be married in less than a week! :-D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. GarrettChan


      Please post a status update when that happens. I really don't want to miss it.

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      Well that's another epic gamer gone >:(

      Jk, good luck! 

    4. Misty


      A bit too late, but congratulations ;) 

  13. Hey y'all! I've proposed to my girlfriend, and now she's my fiancee! :-D I'm just excited, wanted to let anyone know who might care.

    1. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      Well I do care indeed. Good news, congratulations.


      ...And buy a knife with 2 handles for when you need to cut the cake ;-)

    2. Doomkid


      I’m so happy for you, 42!

    3. GarrettChan


      Congrats. Will there be a dedicated stream to talk about this? XD

  14. I hate you saying Map32 of SlaughterMAX is a joke because I actually took some time to think of strategies and improve my UV Max run... Obviously I'm joking about hating because I shouldn't. At least you should say hi at my video to make that up. :D


    Yeah, I pretty much agree with you about the design of that map. It seems people may generally think what a slaughtermap looks like if they don't play it. Also, the map only looks ridiculous and is not hard at all.

  15. image.png.b143e36640d97ca49425cf326a042fbe.png


    Yup, this is what happens when you don't check in for a week...


    Sorry for being a stranger, everybody. Fact is, at the tender young age of 27 I've finally met a special someone and started dating, so I've not been on the internet or gaming much lately. I'll try to do a better job of checking this forum and streaming somewhat regularly again, but if anyone wants to get a hold of me, Discord is probably the best bet.


    Just thought I'd update you all, in case anyone was wondering if I died. I didn't.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vanessa


      Awesome dude! I'm glad you found someone special! DooM is fun but getting laid having someone there for you, someone special that you love, it's better than DooM.

      (especially when DooM becomes real and you have to be the marine yikes)

    3. GarrettChan


      Wish you best luck with your special someone :D

    4. Nine Inch Heels
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