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About mewse

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  1. I really want to play this but I don't want to support Derek "Afterglow" Mac Donald
  2. mewse

    Palm Pre Runs PRBoom

    An enterprising Palm Pre hacker by the name of Sargun has gotten the PRBoom codebase to run successfully on the newly available device. There is a YouTube video embedded in his blog post showing the Pre running the port with Freedoom resources.
  3. In anticipation of the GPL release of Doom 3 code, hopefully soon, I sent a note to John Carmack asking if the Creative Labs patent would still be an issue: I believe you've said publicly that you are planning a GPL release of the Doom 3 source code, but I remember around the time the game was launched you had Creative holding a patent on the shadows algorithm, and you assuaged them by including support for EAX. Is that still causing problems? His response: When we release the code (no date set), anyone that uses it would potentially be infringing. There are workarounds at a modest performance cost. I think this means that id would have to use GPLv2 rather than v3, but I haven't really read deeply about the new patent clauses in GPLv3.
  4. mewse

    Doom On GameCube Linux

    This happened over a year ago, but I just found it, and I don't think we've reported it: Doom on the GameCube, brought to us by the developers of GameCube Linux.
  5. mewse

    Doom Chronicles Screenshots

    Doom Chronicles, a mod for Doom 3, has put up a whack of new screenshots. Also, they are looking for help, so follow the link for details if you are interested.
  6. mewse

    Doom Movie Score Available

    The Doom movie's soundtrack album is available, it lists Nine Inch Nails as a performer, which I was not aware of. Here it is on Amazon.
  7. mewse

    iDoom 1.1 Released

    iDoom, the Doom port to iPodlinux, has been updated to version 1.1. Here are the new features: # Support for nano # Configurable controls I knew these iPods had to be useful for something.. thanks cov
  8. i am going to be a fishing guide at a camp in northern ontario. i am, i am.

    i will miss everybody. ta-ta for now!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jonathan


      mewse thread

    3. pritch


      there was this one guy said to have caught the old general, went by the name of moohsie... he was the greatest fishin' expert ontario ever saw, he was fullscore 2 inches high with locks of brass...

    4. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      I enjoy fishing. :D

      Though I haven't fished in some time. Them loons always try to take my fish.

  9. The Afterglow, one of Doomworld's oldest and least respected hosted sites, has been updated with news of the "may happen in our lifetime" release of Crucified Dreams, or "Crudreams" for the l33t among us. I suppose to next topic of discussion is the much maligned (wait, I mean forgotten) Crucified Dreams. Yes, it is still being worked on. It was started in 1998 but think of it this way: when I picked up the project from Covaro in March 2000, most of the maps in the project either sucked (Hi Pixel!) or were Gothic DM2 rejects. Way to pass the buck, AG! Just kidding, I love you. Just not in that way.
  10. mewse

    Super Sonic Doom Progress

    The Ultimate Doomer's Page Of Doom has been updated with news that the release of Super Sonic Doom will occur on Christmas Eve of this year. In other news, my meteoric rise in the ZDaemon community continues Congrats.
  11. mewse

    Foreverhood Screenshots

    The Foreverhood site has been updated with some screenshots from this upcoming surrealist wad for ZDoom. There will be a demo release in May or hopefully late April. After almost a month of style work, I can safely say that the badlands has re-defined my expectations of what can be done within a doom environment. Seems interesting.
  12. mewse

    TNT4 Screenshots

    Tormentor667 has posted some info and screenshots related to Torment & Torture 4, which might be released in February.
  13. mewse

    LibDoomWad Reaches 0.5

    John Gaughan has released a new version of LibDoomWad, a bunch of C++ code that can reduce the insanity of dealing with the WAD file format. He mentions that the code might need some touch-ups in the endian department, so if anyone's interested, they could look into that.
  14. mewse

    3D Game Studio Doomage

    An.. interesting.. Doom clone can be found at this page.
  15. mewse

    Emergency Doom

    BuzzBomber wrote to tell us that he has encoded the classic Doom appearance from the second season of ER.
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