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About coolaid

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  1. the reason i ask for the opinion of doomworld members is because i care about what others here think and hold all of your opinion in higher esteem than my own. that is the gesture of good will which have been lost on those who'd ridiculed me for being an adolescent school kid who should be in bed,, or called me an unhealthy weirdo. i feel like I'm being cornered by dreamcast talk members here, but I know what I have to do, even if he is a child, I just don't have it in me to forgive him.
  2. as of writing I never exposed his lies to his friends on reddit yet, meanwhile he asked his girlfriend to get other people to attack me online .....and that makes me the unhealthy weirdo? in my first post, I said that it had always occurred to me that dreamcast-talk members hang out here. that's all.
  3. it happened yesterday. shouldnt he be the unhealthy one for asking his girlfriend yesterday to name me as a target for attack, and then lash out at me for exposing his lies? and here's the thing, dasho, I never told you that this happened a long time ago....could it be...... hmmmm
  4. yeah I was a school kid back in 1993, see here its 2:45pm here, I'm on tea break. reddit banned and delete her account overnight because she listed me as a target and asked others to attack me. can I share a link to her banned account here?
  5. heres what happened. a younger gamer inferred to me that he's had the X game console since it first came out and till it was discontinued. later he had accidentally revealed elsewhere that he's never had the X game console until 10 years after its hardware discontinuation. before this revalation, he had portraying himself as an old timer of the X game console and repeatily ridiculed me for being a newbie to the X console scene, but when I revealed my old account in the X console community as being much longer than his, he gets butt hurt and reverse accused me of shaming him for being a newbie, which he hypocritically claim don't matter, and lashes out at me for exposing his lie about owning the x console back then, when he never did. he also said I have no friends, and have no social life, and that i was mentally ill after his illegitimate claims were scrutinized by me, such as when I called him out when he said that wikipedia was around back in the year 2000. the moderators there allowed him to attack me like that as the kiddo bragged about having donated some money to them. some of the mods there I think are also members here on doomworld, who no doubt would chime in after this. ps: I used to hang out on planet-doom forums after I bought doom3 back then, so I always thought some members here migrated from planet-doom, or elsewhere such as the other forum where all this happened. dtill the mods there had locked all my post to prevent me from saying anything back to him. still outside of their rotten community, that kiddo is also on reddit. his cheap girlfriend just posted my reddit name to reddit and marked me as a TARGET, which funnily led to that floozy's account being banned after I reported them for terrorism yesterday. lol. well i think he's gone far enough. if I exposed him for lying about being a X console owner even though he never had one back then, I wouldn't be such a bad person now would i? because now he ask why I'm mad at him, and that "we can coexist u know" before hurling another insult of me being nonexistent when he logs off.... lol sure it's my choice to hold a long grudge, that's my lifestyle, but I never lied about my gaming history or attacked him or his friends, or called him mentally ill with no friends and no life. so ive already mostly decided to do it, but if you were in my shoes, would you say I was cruel to exposed him to his reddit friends for lying? ( which is what he fears most)
  6. old VHS recording of my favorite childhood anime "goldfish warning", which first aired in british colony of hong kong back in 1993.
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