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About UberGewei

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  1. Thank you, I'll get this to John. I am not quite sure how we ended up missing this. I think the only REAL way how to fix this, is to crop the SKY6 image to 256x240 in the potential 1.1 version of SIGIL II (or, indeed.. hope ports address this issue). There's already a _ZD version in 1.0 that addresses this issue for ports based on older ZDoom releases. But since the concerning MAPINFO is shared between GZDoom & Boom-based ports, Boom ports load the non power-of-two version also (whereas for GZDoom this is not an issue).
  2. @Doomkid Check this out, this is awesome. @Arsinikk I did some of those textures years ago, that's embarrassing haha. Great job making them seamless! *downloads pack*
  3. This wad is just brilliant!! I was so excited to read that there's a new update out <3. Me and a couple of others have been working on getting it compatible with ZDaemon. We're playing it tonight, so if you're interested in seeing the wad in a multiplayer setting; come join!
  4. Hey Emzee, long time no see! These look great! Will see if they are compatible with ZD so we can run them for ZDS.
  5. Found something in MAP10, player starts 2, 3, 4 seem to be outside of the map?
  6. So proud of y'all and the end result! You did a great job at managing this project DK!
  7. Yes correct, a few minor ones that are left; could perhaps fine tune it a bit more but I can't be bothered really, was quite the task already to make that area vanilla compatible haha (and there's not that much left of it either). Thanks for checking! @Peccatum Mihzamiz Thank you for the playthrough, noted down the feedback and applied it to the new revision! https://www.dropbox.com/s/qi8zuajxkb1tugf/mohawk2_map07a5.zip?dl=1
  8. I've vanillified and tweaked my map today. Have given it a quick run through in Chocolate Doom and nothing amiss has jumped out. Also added a few items & monsters here and there but nothing final. I'm a bit disappointed with how some areas turned out, but it is what it is. Let me know how you find this latest revision. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ke4t90d0jkvdl05/mohawk2_map07a4.zip?dl=1
  9. @Moustachio Thank you for taking your time to write up this detailed report, greatly appreciated. I definitely agree with you about the difficulty level. I found it too easy myself, but it's always a question of what other people think. I'll make improvements based upon your feedback (and DK's), it would be great if you could play it again afterwards. @Doomkid To be honest, I had completely missed that bit about the vanilla requirement. Don't ask me how haha.. but I did. All the pretty pictures in this thread must have caused too much distraction *hicc* (: But jokes aside - If I had known that I would have made the map with vanilla in mind, sorry. This is quite ironic as it was one of the things I tried safeguarding during the development of SIGIL. D'oh. Might take a couple of days but I'll get it Vanilla compatible! & @Moustachio thank you again!
  10. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j2zgy5hnx7bbofj/mohawk2_map07a2.zip?dl=1 Here's a first version of my entry. I personally feel like it's too easy and there's a bit too much ammo/items around. But please let me know your thoughts :P Edit: second version, few minor improvements & more monsters added.
  11. All your results look stunning! Not on Doomworld that often, almost missed the chance to make a level for this!
  12. Another very quick release... ZDaemon 1.10.19 is now available; ZDaemon Launcher users will be able to update by going to Help -> Check for Updates. The Linux and BSD ZServ binaries are available via the Downloads page. This version contains a critical fix; for the full run-down you'll want to check out the changelog. Please note: 1.10.19 servers will require all players to update to the latest version. The fixes: Transfer Sky Texture To Tagged Sector (272) now properly draws the sky. An erroneous SpawnID has now been removed for PlasmaBall1 and PlasmaBall2.
  13. I double that! *whips out his switch*
  14. After a relatively short period ZDaemon 1.10.17 is now available; ZDaemon Launcher users will be able to update by going to Help -> Check for Updates. The Linux and BSD ZServ binaries are available via the Downloads page. This version contains several nice additions, improvements and fixes; there's also one particular reversion from 1.10.16; For the full run-down you'll want to check out the changelog. Please note: Similar to the last release, 1.10.17 servers will require all players to update to the latest version **; more information below. Some highlights: Extended node support; ZDBSP Compressed and Uncompressed ** Markers for demo playback added. (See changelog entry 3 under the 1.10.17 release for more information) "Demo Settings" area under "Customize Controls" has been added for all demo related key bindings. The WIP_NOAUTOFIRE fix from the previous release has been reversed. ** (See changelog entry 5 under the 1.10.17 release for more information) Characters of classic fonts increased, so e.g. all Cyrillic letters can be used now. Stalagmite thing (5050) has been formally added. *** Starting from this release, our DeHackEd Extensions page has been updated to include our own specific DeHackEd Supplement text documents. Some screenshots of Extended Nodes-type maps running on ZDaemon:
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