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Everything posted by ⇛Marnetmar⇛

  1. Plantar fasciitis has become my preferred go-to argument for why there is no god.

    1. BigDickBzzrak


      I literally typed a post about how can you be dumb enough to still argue whether there is a god, and then I found out that the smart Latin text is in fact a leg injury.


    2. Nems
  2. The clock has struck one hundred eighty three, perhaps they will finally awaken when it strikes one hundred eighty four.

    1. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      What the fuck did I mean by this


      2017 as a whole was a weird year for my post history 

  3. This is going to get worse before it gets better.

  4. I consistently find myself at a crossroads between looking for inspiration and holding out for a completely original idea that has never been done before.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jayextee


      > "completely original idea"

      > suggesting ideas that are just DOOM but modified

      You guys. :')

    3. Phade102


      @MysteriousHaruko I honestly had the same idea. It would be really fun, but would it start off hard and go back to really easy levels? or just themes, like goes from hell to techbase?

    4. Misty


      @Phade102 it's more about themes. I don't think that everyone wants start in hard level. 

  5. If you try to texture a complex map in visual mode using only a trackpad, you're gonna have a bad time.


    Now that's out of the way, come sit around the fire as Marn tells a crazy story from the Aztecs -- The Five Suns Myth.


    The Aztecs believed there were four worlds before the present one, each with its own sun. The earlier four were destroyed in catastrophes engineered by the gods. The first sun was the god Tezcatlipoca, who was fought with his brother Quetzalcoatl, and was knocked out of the sky with his club. After a period of darkness, Quetzalcoatl became the second sun. In his anger, Tezcatlipoca turned all people into monkeys, and Quetzalcoatl blew all the monkeys away before stepping down as the second sun.

    The god Tlaloc then became the third sun. Annoyed when Tezcatlipoca stole his wife Xochiquetzal, he sulked and refused to allow any rain to fall, creating a terrible drought. The people begged and begged for rain, and Tlaloc became so fed up with their begging that he sent down a rain of fire instead. This burned up the world, and the gods had to start all over again.

    The fourth sun was Tlaloc's new wife, Chalchiuhliticue. She started out well, but then Tezcatlipoca somehow upset her so much that she cried tears of blood for 52 years without stopping. This completely flooded the world, and the gods had to start again from scratch.

    The fifth sun, which was believed to be the present one, was the god Huitzilopochtli. His mother Coatlicue gave birth to him after accidentally being impregnated by...a bundle of feathers (another Aztec god was impregnated by a gourd in another myth too). Coatlicue's 400 sons were enraged that he had gotten pregnant yet again, so they decided to behead her. But she gave birth just in the nick of time to Huitzilopochtli, who was born fully armed and killed all 400 of his brothers. The end.

    1. Albertoni


      Weird, I use a trackpad when I'm on my laptop and have no problems with it.

    2. Nevander


      I hate trackpads in general.

  6. As far as I can tell, the original DoomEd has a fixed zoom level that you aren't able to change. In Doom Builder this would be at about 90%.


    I wonder if the reason IWAD maps tend to make such good use of space has to do with this limitation.

    1. Linguica
    2. Linguica


      Also you can SEE the zoom option in this screenshot DoomEd.png

    3. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      Huh, I'll eat my words in that case.

  7. Misaligned textures, but it's a start.



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      The less Quake-like, the better IMO



      fight me

    3. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      I quite respectfully disagree and invite you to debate civilly with me over some tea and a game of backgammon.

    4. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet


  8. Protip: Don't take melatonin to sleep unless you plan on having at least eight hours to sleep it off.

    1. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      Does this have a story to go with it?

    2. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      Not really, I've just been incredibly groggy all day. I think I've fallen into the trap of pretending that Doomworld is facebook and posting inane stuff that doesn't foster any interesting discussion. 


      /slaps self a few times

    3. KVELLER


      I don't take anything and I end up sleeping 12 hours.

  9. By the time I get going, I have to go to work. By the time I get home from work, I have to go to bed. By the time I get going, I have to go to work. By the time I get home from work, I have to go to bed. By the time I get going, I have to go to work. By the time I get home from work, I have to go to bed. By the time I get going, I have to go to work. By the time I get home from work, I have to go to bed. By the time I get going, I have to go to work. By the time I get home from work, I have to go to bed. By the time I get going, I have to go to work. By the time I get home from work, I have to go to bed. By the time I get going, I have to go to work. By the time I get home from work, I have to go to bed. By the time I get going, I have to go to work. By the time I get home from work, I have to go to bed.

    1. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      Seems reasonable. ;-)

    2. Deleted_Account


      All work and no play makes Marnetstapler something something.

    3. Nevander


      Off-topic but: Whoa where's that Doom 64 like brown wall texture from in your banner?

  10. Fun fact:


    The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was six miles wide, impacted the earth at 45,000 miles per hour, and released the equivalent of a trillion tons of TNT. 


    For weeks, the earth was surrounded with a cloud of red-hot rock, and debris was sent 200,000 kilometers into space -- that's halfway to the moon.

  11. The amount of planning, revision and missing information needed to fill in the gaps in order to make this something that's even possible is absolutely insane. I'm a madman for doing this, but dammit, it's going to happen. It's too good of an opportunity to pass up.

  12. Setting Turbo to 85 makes Doom surprisingly more tense while still being fast.

    1. Doomkid


      Doom2016 mode enabled

  13. Steam is moved to tomorrow due to how late it is. Apologies to anyone who wanted to watch it.

    1. MrGlide


      ok, I had the tab open but didn't hear or see anything. Lol was mapping and forgot I had the tab open XD.

    2. snapshot


      you mean stream ?

    3. Not Jabba

      Not Jabba

      It's a new form of DRM. Steam now only exists one day in the future, so you can only play your games with Valve's trademarked time machine technology.

  14. I have an uninformed theory about black holes that's probably wrong because I'm not a physicist and get all of my information from space documentaries. I call it the "infinite pockets" theory


    We know that the singularity at the center of a black holes probably doesn't exist in any meaningful way and only represents a hole in our understanding of physics.


    As you "approach" the center of the black hole, it makes logical sense to me that space time would simply keep curving and curving as you fall forever into dimensionless space, meaning there is no center to approach at all.





    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fonze


      @Eris Falling pfft whatever, that equation's simple!


      You just take the negative of your height squared, divide by 2 meters, multiply by the girth squared and the angle of the dangle (which is made up of length for the first variable and bend in degrees for the second), which is then divided by girth times a squared length. This is set equal to the complex number i multiplied by your height, which is multiplied by: girth times angle of the dangle (length, angle in degrees), set over girth times curvature.


      And from this definitive formula we can explain not only black holes, but also everything that goes insi-- okay I'll see myself out now.

    3. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      That second image isn't too far off, but the accepted scientific theory is actually more like: 



    4. Doomkid


      @Fonze I couldn't help but read your post in Randy Marsh's voice..



  15. I'm getting sick and tired of getting called into work every single day that I'm supposed to have off because we're understaffed to the point of having no backup employees and one missing person will result in the place burning down.

  16. (Not my video)


    1. Linguica


      Ripped from "the files"? What does that mean?

    2. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      I'd imagine some sort of resource extractor was used.

    3. MrGlide


      This is sooooo fucking sexy. I would like to hear further where this came from though.

  17. Would someone be willing to give a more in depth explanation of the tall building effect and where it does and doesn't work?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      Is there a limit to the difference of height between the lowered and raised sky ceilings before there's a cutoff? Suppose I have a 128-tall Mt Erebus-style setup with multiple buildings, and then I plop a 5280-tall tower with a raised sky ceiling surrounding it, or some other similar ridiculous setup in the middle.

    3. esselfortium


      If the player can see the space behind+above those shorter buildings, where the taller tower should be, then it will be cut off. If you can arrange be heights and layout to prevent that, then you can avoid the problem, but it will likely be difficult there. 

    4. MrGlide


      I'm digging the Girr fish.

  18. Studying the effects of lighting using Xaser's map as my guinea pig





  19. Anyone interested in a mapping stream Tuesday?

    1. Moustachio


      We need more mapping videos/streams in general, so I'd say go for it. It would certainly give me more motivation to finish what I'm working on.

    2. Phade102


      Yes, absolutely. 100% I dont know if I can watch it live, but Ill definitely watch it if you save a copy (I live in Australia, so Timezones.) I'd love to see more mapping streams.

  20. Something about this area seems off to me but I can't put my finger on what. The last two shots in particular are the most offensive, but I'm not sure how I should fix it.


    Any suggestions?


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. joepallai


      It's definitely the computer screen textures; perhaps a flat (detail-wise) texture in its place would work better as the architecture is really working as detail here.  Even consider recessing the computer walls further behind to allow movement behind the new pillars add (bottom-most shot).   A pipewall texture in the dominate color theme would work well really well here.

    3. Phade102


      @Marnetstapler Heres a tip I used in my newest map. if you aren't sure about how to make a ceiling more interesting, look at the floor instead. If you design the floor to make it something that draws peoples attention, the ceiling wont be as important =)

    4. Phade102


      Or, you could always do some support beams on the ceiling? break up the same texture?

  21. Rick, there’s more, or perhaps less, to this man than you think.


    When I was nearly finished writing my thesis on quantum entanglement, I was awoken one morning and manhandled away from my dorm by four security officers. They told me that I was being removed from campus and taken to a secure mental facility because I had informed several people on campus of intent to place a bomb in the mess hall during meal time, and they had all had called the police to inform them of this.


    Obviously, I never did any such thing. However, they refused to answer my questions about where they got this information. My attempts at flat-out denial were countered with aggressive, repeated assertions that I did, in fact, commit such a crime, and that everybody knew about it. Pointing out the sheer absurdity in these accusations was met with cutting beratement and threats of a kind that I would rather not repeat.


    My attempt at invoking Habeus Corpus is the last thing I remember before I woke up in a padded cell, with somebody else’s name on it, guarded at all times by one of the officers that had come to take me away. My attempts to explain to the prison staff what had happened were all met with myself being humored, or bluntly being explained to the sheer unlikelihood of my situation. Slowly, my steadfast denial began to give way to a doubting of my very perception of reality.


    Eventually I came to learn that one of my research partners had presented the thesis I had written under his name before the Quorum panel when it was still in its relative infancy, and received his doctorate degree for it. In addition to me being deemed a nutcase, I had far less in the way of charisma and interpersonal connections than my partner. Attempting to speak out would not do me any favors. I was only able to escape my situation when, three months later, my partner, the guards who had arrested me, and several other researchers, were themselves arrested for banking fraud and I was called to testify.

    University administration was never informed of any bomb plot on my behalf, and no witnesses to my alleged threats were ever found. The reparations I was given were more than enough to make my life comfortable, and every single one of the perpetrators now resides less-than-comfortably on [REDACTED].


    No, Rick, you are not going mad, and nor are you the only one. You are seeing things exactly as they are, and yes, there is a “why”. However, that “why” is not something that you are going to like, or necessarily be willing to believe due to its sheer absurdity. With that hint, I think you can figure it out.


    Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s anything that I can do to help. This man has got all of [REDACTED] and then some by the balls. All we can do is roll with the punches, because we are nothing but characters in a script and Franz Kafka is holding the pen.



    Antonio Scarcia, Ph.D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      OP, are you Antonio?

    3. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      Antonio is a very unfortunate researcher working for a certain unscrupulous aerospace company sometime in the 2100s.

    4. BigDickBzzrak


      I didn't know @Battle_Kirby could hack into accounts!



      j/k, cool story bro. :]


  22. Some thoughts on Marathon:


    -The floaty movement system is the most blatantly offensive aspect of the game. Unfortunately, it logically follows that the maps would've been designed around it, and trying to improve it will only break the game.


    -I think half of the complaints about Marathon's level design can be traced to people trying to play Marathon as if it's Doom and paying little attention to the terminals, because in all of the maps I've replayed so far (and Marathon's maps are pretty big), I found myself essentially following a straight line from objective to objective. That being said, Marathon's level design does have some pretty serious problems.


    -The most immediate problem that comes to mind is that there are virtually no recognizable landmarks in any of Marathon's maps whatsoever. In Doom, all areas of each map were very distinct from oneanother while still being part of a unified whole. In Marathon, all areas of every map had roughly the same color scheme and lighting levels with very little contrast.


    -Marathon's maps were mostly hallways with little in the way of height variation, which offered little to no opportunity to engage enemies in creative ways in addition to adding to the visual monotony.


    -The texturing scheme is downright horrific. Two completely different textures on the same wall with no transitions does not look good, especially when they aren't even aligned. This is a shame because quite a few of Marathon's textures are actually reaaaaaaaally nice.


    -The enemies were all very boring to fight and ranged from cannon fodder to doors with health. There's little in the way of creative enemy placement, and the enemies in many areas feel like they were simply plopped down haphazardly to give the players something to do.


    -I understand the mentality behind having save terminals scattered throughout the level rather than allowing the player to save wherever he likes, but I completely disagree with it.


    -Overall, the combat and level design feel like they were done with the sole purpose of connecting terminals together in order to advance the plot. That being said, Marathon's plot is fantastic and in my opinion is enough to carry the game by itself, which is no small feat.


    -In order to change settings, the player has to quit the game entirely. There is no excuse for this.


    -I have no problem with Marathon's health system, but I think it's worth pointing out that Doom's "health-and-armor-bonuses-as-coins" item placement added an extra fun factor that Marathon missed out on.


    Overall, I think Marathon is worth a play, but only for the plot and absolutely nothing else.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danfun64


      IDK why, but Marathon feels really weird. For whatever reason the FOV feels off, also maybe something about the movement.

    3. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      @Turbo Saber is that an actual Marathon screenshot?

    4. Turbo Saber

      Turbo Saber

      @Marnetstapler It's a Marathon Infinity screenshot. The mappack it's from is Infra Apogee, which has some maps that use only Marathon 1 textures. http://simplici7y.com/items/infra-apogee

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