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Everything posted by sweety80

  1. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opentouchgaming.deltatouch It seems to be perfect for use on Delta Touch Android smartphones.
  2. GZDoom's setup options are too complicated. Since I want to play games simply and run Doom at low resolution, I chose the Crispy Doom Sourceport. I don't think I'll use GZDoom unless it's for a mod.
  3. The link I posted before is empty. A new preset has been created. This is a screenshot applied from Crispy Doom, not GZDoom. For Doom for Unity Engine, please visit the following link. https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/12504/
  4. Doom's unique dark atmosphere was maintained while a CRT filter and various other filters were applied. This is a screenshot using Reshade from GZDoom If you like it, take it. (Written in Reshade version 6.1.1) https://mega.nz/file/QEwgxK4Y#gClgsQom43jm_W2_3ptwnsGDYWFxDwunsBnSseqPxmQ For Doom for Unity Engine, please visit the following link. https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/12504/
  5. NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT ID The gun design and monster movement sprites are well done.
  6. In Reshade, I adjust it to suit my taste, but in my case, I configured a preset with shaders applied similar to the use of a near-CRT in a vanilla state. Take whatever you like. Reshade CRT Preset https://www.mediafire.com/view/w4chm6t0qbm4lvq/Base_Profile_Screenshot_2023.04.17_-_23.26.46.81.png/file https://www.mediafire.com/view/mxy1wjikw39jad4/Base_Profile_Screenshot_2023.04.17_-_23.03.08.89.png/file https://www.mediafire.com/view/3m3d4c59rcugirc/Base_Profile_Screenshot_2023.04.17_-_23.01.50.14.png/file https://www.mediafire.com/view/jwnpkdggoiac5ta/Base_Profile_Screenshot_2023.04.17_-_23.06.44.90.png/file
  7. It's a decent mod, similar to the XBRZ 2x effect. It's a bit different from the Neural Doom created by hifan. I hope it comes out in better quality if time permits.
  8. I uploaded the music I recorded with the SC-155 last time, but this time I upload the soundtrack that I recorded with the airfont_380. Recorded with Sonic Studio 3 game presets and Dolby Atmos effects applied. There is a break in the middle of the music, but I will upload a corrected version later when I have time. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ucnvvfd1fpee5yv/DOOM_airfont_380.zip/file Have fun playing!😄
  9. SC-155 module soundtrack OGG file with reverb and sound improvement effects compared to SC-55. The soundtrack for the Doom 1 and 2 rereleases was quiet and had no reverb applied. DOOM 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/7snmg3196p66mez/DOOM_1_SC-155.zip/file "\steamapps\common\Ultimate Doom\rerelease\DOOM_Data\StreamingAssets\Soundtrack" DOOM 2 https://www.mediafire.com/file/eoltifuaobmv0rn/DOOM_2_SC-155.zip/file "\steamapps\common\Doom 2\rerelease\DOOM II_Data\StreamingAssets\Soundtrack" Just back up and overwrite. Hope you enjoy the game.
  10. Thanks to you, I am having fun playing Doom 64 Reloaded. Thank you.
  11. I am gratefully using it to play the game. "Nevander" But it's too dark to play, so I'm using the shader tool as shown below. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=59289
  12. I mainly use this mod. Thank you for letting me download and use it for free.
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